Fucking rekt. Even if you're bothered by the CEO's aggressive personality, you should pay attention to this post...


Fucking rekt. Even if you're bothered by the CEO's aggressive personality, you should pay attention to this post. He's aware of the coordinated FUD campaigns on biz and other social media platforms, and just signaled that they're revealing some juicy info next week to slay the fudfags.

Time to load your bags or get left behind.

Attached: amblink.jpg (1000x1000, 79K)

chad ceo rad company. i went all in the other day when i saw amb fud intensifing on biz. best buy signal ever

>chad ceo
You spelled "manchild" wrong.

yeah that was not bad , but is it true vlad trifa is leaving? i read it here somewhere

Real photo

Attached: photo_2018-03-24_22-10-08.jpg (1251x449, 87K)

Hoping my 10k amblets will be enough

Heard that rumor too. Didn't seem to even mention that part.

You will be able to buy a happy meal, maybe.

Because it is beneath him.

It was so obviously fabricated.

Not saying I could pull that off but cmon man, both of those women are 6's kek

Can't wait until all fudders ( read : MOD holders ) hang themselves as early as next week. Those of you who held out and have more than 3 braincells to figure out this constant pajeet tier fudding will greatly be rewarded soon enough,

Believing something that has been mentioned only on Veeky Forums with 0 corroboration elsewhere.

>The absolute STATE of AMB fud.

wow i wonder what solid news gonna be released

It's bullshit. There were a ton of threads in the past couple days of fudsters trying to bring AMB down. Fake news such as vlad exit, other employees leaving, etc was being spammed everywhere. Some dudes even tried to LARP as AMB's community manager, lol.

I heard AMB just got approved for BMW's Startup Garage program.

I wasnt fudding just wanted a clarification , i feel stupid now lol
Why so much FUD for a low mc coin tho?

>hover hand
just sold 100k

Attached: betamax.jpg (152x140, 4K)

how heavy are those VEN bags?

this guy isn't a CEO, he's a tryhard
he's like some charicature of an alpha that beta losers would latch on to and admire

No he's not leaving, i was larping as aneesh for shits and gigs when i posted that. Im fully vested into amb but i cant resist fudding the shit out of it.

>this guy isn't a CEO, he's a tryhard
>he's like some charicature of an alpha that beta losers would latch on to and admire
They said these exact same things about Trump and guess who is POTUS now?
Listen, you plebbit faggot. Being an unapologetic badass if what works in the really real world.

i was one of the /pol/lacks responsible for trump's election faggot
this isn't a monumentous political event
it's a pharma/grocery supply chain business
there's no room for edgy faglords in this space

left looks like a tranny and right looks a prostitute

Why is this better than ven or origintrail?

how is that a hover hand idiot?