
Anyone else here not care about lambos, shitty watches or prostitutes?

What is your prime motivation to make it? I just want pic related at some point in the near future.

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eh, pic related, eg nice modest wife (virgin too) is desu not a realistic goal. hence people just sperg out of angish and post memes about lambo land. if you dont mind settling down for w/e random skank, its still a fair risk onto your offspring. its more realistic that the turbo autists here will one day drive lambos than to have pic related, a modest life style with a decent girl of character & beauty that will be loyal. yeah no shit it takes work on the mens part and money isnt everything, when it comes to women, but its just a general concept

Yo this is real fucking gay my dude

I have pic related. Wife, 3 kids, nice house. Just using what I cash out to make life easier. I only work 30h a week to spend more time with my family. And more time shitposting to be honest.

I don't want a family because that's for low-test cucks, but I do want financial independence to just not work and golf/ski year long.

out in the middle of nowhere, the best combination of all of pic related, and then a recording studio inside

and then I'll just write music until I'm dead

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never gonna make it

Good investment OP.

I am a millionaire and I live like a rat. I am intending to start an organization that'll help make the world a better place.

What a bunch of moralfags. I quit wagecucking to travel and fuck hookers.

I'm in it for something similar to pic related

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Honestly OP, I just want to play video games all day and not work. If I had 2mil+ I'd buy my parents a house. That's about it.

Also this. These things are expensive.

Pay off six fig student loans faster than 4 years. I make double my minimum payment on student loans and out extra money into crypto. If it all goes to zero then at least I put money towards my student loans.

i plan on a family one day too
i want the lambo too
prostitutes gets old

I just want to be NEET again

Same here. Nice to see i am not alone.

I like you and we're all gonna make it

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When I make it, I’m going to stop ordering from the subway sub of that day and just get what I want man.

The only reason to make a significant amount of money is so you don't have to be a wagecuck.

ironically pic related is the least modest thing
take genetic gifts from thousands of generations of success and build strong people who will make a successively better world each generation

my goal is to create a true dynasty, one capable of success when success is measured by any means eg wealth, prosperity, virtue, force etc.

Already have a loving gf and kiddo.
Would love to have a small house on some land and grow my own food etc.

I just want to my all my mothers bills and loans and move the fuck away from her toxic presence. I ll move to new zeland buy land and change my name. Please God let it happen

I just to pay all my moms**

>take genetic gifts from thousands of generations of success and build strong people who will make a successively better world each generation

Meanwhile the Chinese will genetically engineer super-babies superior to your 'strong people' in every way and you'll realize how silly and narcissistic the idea of having kids to pass on your genes is.

This shit right here. A Medieval Madness pinball machine. This is what matters. All I want is a stress-free life where I don't have to worry about money and come home to this pinball machine. This is what really matters, guys.

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Start a business up eventually
And start a family.

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For me at the moment I have a goal to make my first million. A few years back I half flopped my exams and didn't get into the university I wanted. Instead of going to a uni I didn't want I spent six months searching for a job. I felt like shit and that I had let my parents down and was a failure. Just before Christmas I got a job at papa johns working for 5 pounds an hour six days a week whilst all my mates were at uni partying and having the time of their lives. After spending six months there I got an apprenticeship and now I'm on 34 an hour. Things are really working out but I feel getting to a million would be the icing on the cake for me. I hope to meet a nice girl and have a family. The fast life of coke and partying has worn off pretty quickly on me and I would rather invest my time in creating a family and leaving a great legacy for my future kids. I do occasionally spend money on nice clothes and things but I'm very subtle with the clothing and nice things I buy.

How do you live like a rat?

I want an aquarium with fishes. That is all I ever wanted, and also I want to go fishing with my dad.


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So I can keep my family afloat because they think Jehova is going to save them, and my schizo uncle can leave me the fuck alone. Just want a condo with nobody in it. Peace and quiet is my made it.

I just want to make the world a better place. Not joking. Im big fan of Elon Musk and his life vision. I wish to be able to do great things but dont have the genius to not be dependent on my day job.

net worth of 5m checking in

im sitting next to 2 piss bottles. my whole apt fucking stinks.

cool story bro


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> my goal is to create a true dynasty, one capable of success when success is measured by any means eg wealth, prosperity, virtue, force etc.
what's your plan to make this a reality user?

Nice dude, can't wait to see on the front page for helping those useless refugees! I heard they work out best if you buy them the house next door.

I want to make enough money to smell a woman's ass. Not sure how much I'd have to make for that.

Im broke as fuck and I smell a woman's ass every night, LOL.

Pay off student loans and travel the world a bit. Then settle down a buy a house for myself. No waifu or kids, have no interest in that. I'm fine with paying for sex from a hooker once in awhile. Don't need bullshit in my life

First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the biches

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Not about the lambo's watches etc.

I want the freedom to travel the world, learn and read about the world and things that interest me in my own time.

Don't think i would make a good family man, and quite content being solo. Might change, 26 atm.

ditto. live in a 165/month apartment.

Just want to not have to wageslave

I want to not run out of money and not have to wagecuck again so I can get a house instead of an apartment and travel instead of sitting around on Veeky Forums.

I just want to make enough money that I can use it to make more money.
I don't really need to make it to do what I want.
I have a pretty decent job that pulls in what I need and then some. I already have a house/land, kids and an ex wife, the kids and house/land I ended up with and the ex wife doesn't extract any shekels from me. So anything I make on top of my day to day life just goes into making more. I don't really have a goal or a number where I can say I made it though.

I just want over my initial investment so I can at least break even. I won't see it until the next literal bull run.

I hate my job with a passion. I make pennies managing the kitchen at an inner city public school. I worked in restaurants for a while but I couldn’t take the inconsistent hours. I took the first job i could find with normal 9-5 type hours and weekends off. It pays like shit and it’s boring as all fuck. The ad was for a Chef/Kitchsn manager and listed mostly administrative duties. The pay was low for that title but I figured if I spent some time here, gain some expience and I could manage bigger operations down the line for more money.

The whole job is basically being a glorified lunch lady, though. There is no staff below me and barely any management to be done. Make a menu, buy the food, cook the food and clean up. Everyday I want to blow my fucking brains out. I lay in bed and wonder where it all went so wrong for me. I’m making shit money and my resume is entirely food related. I hate everything about my job and the idea of working in food service for the rest of my life makes me honestly not want to continue. The plan is honestly wait for my parents to pass then kill myself, or at least that’s what I tell myself.

I have no delusions about becoming rich, I just don’t want to be tethered down to this career anymore. i want to be able to quit and not worry about bills stacking up and maybe going back to school. It won’t happen though and there’s no hope for me. This is just some weird hobby I got caught up in as a distraction.

Traveling. I want to roam Western EU, & try new beers/foods/women for a few years. I am an Amerifag and have only been once; it was great.

My own house somewhere nice.
fuck your stupid shit lambos

I just want to live comfortably and run my businesses with a girl that cares about me for not reason other than she loves me, not my money, looks, or anything like that.

I'm 22 and I've been piping my girlfriend since 11th grade, so hopefully I'm set.

Buy a nice house with some land.

Build a shooting range in my backyard and buy all those expensive battle rifles.

it'll just be nice to have a bunch of extra cash for the future.

also, im gonna start a dog-walking business. fuck you all, it'll be casual and fun. i like animals and hiking.

Collectively we are all on this board to learn how to improve our ability to expand our incomes of some sort. We all have goals reliant on this. I see threads like this and It makes me think that we all have similar value to some regard. It's just a shame that a majority of posts on this board are people pushing ideas of cryptocurrencies or shitting on other people's specific crypto that they own. Collectively we could all, with proper discipline and coordination run a few pump and dump schemes or similar money making ideas. In some ways it just seems we are not operating to optimum capacity.

concur, i think about this a lot. it could be us vs. everyone else. though i would hesitate to call some of these more relentless and deceptive shills and fudders "people" ^______^

Dude you are me. Thats all i want. A nice modern home with my girl, a sick recording studio and a nice car. Thats all i fuckin want man. $2k isnt doing that so far...

Id like to pay off my house, buy a second house in a foreign country, move there, find qt wife, run a business remotely while traveling with wife until having kids and them having a nice quiet life.

Its totally possible man. I'm thinking about it and might put something into action. Just need to gain a collection of people and set up secure interaction environment once a good group of people is set up. We could all do research to find out next targets and all invest at the same time boosting the price then simultaneously selling once other third parties see potential interest. I'm sure there are groups of bankers working for the big boys who do the same we'd just be doing it from the other side where us peasants dwell. It's not like shit like this hasn't been done before. There was a trader who lived close to me called 'the hound of houslow' who managed to manipulate the markets to cause a flash crash.

I thought my goal was always to work in banking. But then I got a banking job making $80K+bonus and didn't like it - during that time all I wanted to do was find a way to make money from home.

Now I work from home as a developer in the fintech industry - I freelance but I have a good stream of clients and some long-term clients. I'm making about $100K/year now. I thought this was all I'd want, but I'm finding myself not enjoying being at home all day.

Now? I'm not sure what I want, I guess passive incoming is my goal. I have close to $150K in the bank (savings, ira, brokerage) which is nice but I don't feel it's enough to do anything significant with - I can't travel because I have a girlfriend and 1-year old. I can buy a house, but I don't want the liability desu. I don't need to start a business - I already have a business making 6 figures but it's also my time. Time is what I want, time in abundance with money flowing in regardless of whether I'm on a beach, nutting inside my girlfriend or sitting in front of the computer.

What you should really be asking yourself is: If you had all of the money in the world and didn't have to work, how would you spend your days? What would you do to feel accomplished and productive?

I wanted to use crypto gains to help pay off almost 6 figures in student loan debt. I was able to do that recently and now I kinda feel directionless.

I'd like to travel more but it's hard with my career. If I get to millionaire status off crypto, I'd feel comfortable working part time and focusing on hobbies/traveling.

Fund rahowa 100%

Maxing out mad jumps on a dirtbike. Shooting guns and skiing. Eating baked beans in the antarctic.
These are the things that make me feel accomplished.

You're so right about the time thing. Financial security with a 6 figure income is nice but at what personal cost?

I want a virgin wife and a large, non-degenerate white family. Also, a large slice of land in New England would be nice.

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Fuck off larping cock sucker

Passive income makes me feel accomplished.

Making money from my dorm is the coolest feeling in the world. I build software, advertise it on reddit and producthunt, and just watch monthly subscriptions roll right in.

Being in university and living far below my means, I've saved a ton of money. The plan is moving out of the US and taking up residence in a tax haven, and from there getting into real estate so I can truly live with passive income.

Would your organization be interested in funding gene therapy research and providing sustainable resources to third world societies? They are my goals but I am currently working through university to ever be able to accomplish such things!

I'd like to help out my extended family and bring the whole lot out of wagecuck slavery, 1 million each to my cousins.

I want to pay off my mom's house for her, be around for more than 1/3 of my dog's life, donate to worthwhile charities and help others that genuinely deserve/appreciate it

True and Absolute Immortality and Godhood.

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> The plan is moving out of the US and taking up residence in a tax haven, and from there getting into real estate so I can truly live with passive income.

I did that a few years ago.
Two issues: even in a tax heaven, you will have to pay quite a large amount of taxes, especially if you get into real estate. Second, real estate has low returns, high maintenance costs, low liquidity.

Build a house on my family's farmland and convert 25 acres of it to a solar array and work out how to sell energy back to the grid for passive income.

What about cap gains through the stock/crypto market though?

>he doesn't know that when you die only a copy of you is sent to the avatar
In other words, you're still dead, but the copy of you sure is a lucky guy.


POWR coin

Some countries like Cayman Islands don't impose any capital gains taxes (they may be taxed by other jurisdictions though because tax heavens usually have few dual taxation treaties).

POWR is about to get its shit pushed in by Suncontract, which starts live P2P electricity trading in like a week.

I don't really want this, but it's happening to me anyway. Making it in Crypto is my only way out

being able to have fuck you money. the power that comes with knowing you are monied gives immense social confidence

Then I want to genocide all the slavs, taking myself with them

I want enough money to lobby politicians to influence legislation to be more environmentally conscious and less corrupt.

this desu
a real holowaifu is the definition of having made it
i just want to talk to someone who isnt judgmental or only out for themselves

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I don't care about status or social capital, and I don't have a hedonistic bone in my body -- I just want to rebuild the wealth and culture that my parents' generation destroyed. I'm getting too old now to fully enjoy the fruits of such things, but I'd like for my future children to grow up in that better world, and to not visit upon them the same debts that my parents thrust upon me. I also don't want western society, and Americanism in particular, to be lost to history; too many of my ancestors fought and bled and died for it. I've seen many of their faces, read their journals and life stories; I know what it cost, and by extension what it's worth.

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>all i want is a multimillion dollar mega mansion and enough money to never have to work again for the rest of my life. Goddamn it why doesnt putting 300$ into a ponzi scheme make me rich overnight

I want to repay my student loans and cover my initial investment. I want to be playing with house money


OP is gay. what the fuck does everyone care so much about what happens after they're dead

>Now I work from home as a developer in the fintech industry
So do you have a finance degree or a cs degree? How to get started with fintech?

>I thought my goal was always to work in banking. But then I got a banking job making $80K+bonus and didn't like it
>I thought this was all I'd want, but I'm finding myself not enjoying being at home all day.
>Time is what I want, time in abundance
Do you see a pattern? Even with all the time and passive income, its easy to get bored and start to want something else

Ive always been super competitive, I see getting rich as just another way of winning.

Will still be paid to the US unless you renounce citizenship

Brainlet. Nothing disappears forever, you will have some involvement in the world around you when your body expires, even if you don't know what exactly that is.

what a moronic comment.
nothing remains after you die and even if anything did you would have no awareness of it. idiot.

>I don't have a hedonistic bone in my body.
Would you like one?

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