Trips decides who the ambassador of LINK is once its $1000 EOY
Trips decides who the ambassador of LINK is once its $1000 EOY
Brandon Martinez
Aiden Jackson
Mel Gibson
Ethan Baker
Triple H
Christopher Brown
Steve Harvey
Mason Lewis
Christian Phillips
giga nigga
Anthony Roberts
Vitalik Nakamoto
Jayden Wood
None other then Sergey
Joseph Perry
Julian Gray
Nicholas Lee
Connor Campbell
Queen Elizabeth II
Adrian Kelly
Lord Sir gay himself!
Camden Johnson
Carson Gonzalez
Asher Gonzalez
David Spade
Tyler Davis
I should've waited a few more seconds
Eli White
Check em
Cameron Walker
checked and keked
Carter Thomas
Checked, we have our official ambassador
Elijah Gonzalez
Based George Soros
Jackson Thompson
William Harris
checked and capped
Connor Fisher
It's fucked up that you would even ask this. This entire thread is nothing but disrespect to Sergey Nazarov and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Sebastian Baker
I would very much enjoy being included in the screen cap.
Alexander Butler
Lil' Pump unironically
Julian Rodriguez