Why can't white people cook?
Why can't white people cook?
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April 26
But niggers can cook?!?
C'mon , OP. They put water in their cereal and buy food at grocery outlet.
best cooks in the world are categorically white
what metric are you measuring it against
Here comes the crackers whitesplaining us minorities huh? X^P
>When black people say they eat fresh
ayOOOOO mf bl 100 100 mf wtboi b li mf 100 100 niqqa welfareinfo.org
Ask your wife.
But they can. This is nothing like any bbq cooked by my family. Contrary to popular black beliefs meat can be enjoyed without destroying its flavour with half of India's spice reserves.
itt: whites trolling whites
>black friend often jokes about white people not knowing how to use seasoning
>the only seasoning his mom ever uses is salt
I understand the whole "white people dont season their food" thing but why cant people of color just enjoy a food for its natural, unaltered flavor? Why does everything always have to be covered in spices and shit?
Is this how you defend not being able to cook?
>the natural flavor of boiled chicken breast and potatoes
Don't forget the cabbage
Im as white as they come. I usually spice my meat up.
Lean chicken breast, ground beef with no fat, veil,..plenty of meat really needs seasoning.
>white """people"""
If you "understood" a shitty meme, you probably have more things to worry about: like your shitty excuse for white friends or your family
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Why are you so obsessed with white people?
traditional African food
Pigskins just don't understand.
>not dirt cookies.
When one of those super fat whales pulled out a Fry Daddy and made her own Fried Chicken I just couldn't stop laughing.
Probably has something to do with the fact they get extremely butt hurt at even the slightest negative stereotype about them
Because spices kill bacteria. Same as using wasabi with raw fish.
They don't understand basic food safety, never develop anything, the fridge is a white man invention.
When you don't even poo in the loo, how do you want to not poison yourself everytime you cook ?
Over spicing mean trying to hide bad rotten unclean food. Nothing to be proud of.
>Because spices kill bacteria. Same as using wasabi with raw fish.
Let me guess vaccines cause autism?
They don't have to thanks to the plethora of ethnic restaurants available.
Not him, but I hope you are just trolling...
Up until extremely recently (within your grandparents life time) spices were far more expensive and difficult to get than the meat itself
Nobody has ever used spices for bad meat because its a waste of the fucking spices
>"This has gotta be a white man's grill. There's actually food on it."
>certain cherry-picked spices can kill bacteria in a laboratory setting
>therefore sprinkling Mrs. Dash on some slimy expired supermarket chicken fixes everything
You'd be better off drinking bleach. I suggest you do so now.
Spices were only hard to get in places that didn't grow the spices. Spices were easy as fuck to get in places like India. If they weren't, the British never would have bothered colonizing that literal shit hole.
cooking chicken and steak at the same time right next to each other
So you are just retarded.
>please spoon feed me microbiology
No, just drink the fucking bleach and end your life.
Exactly how fat and autistic are you?
Somewhere around 12-13% bodyfat, and since "autistic" means "being able to read without moving your lips" around here, very autistic.
Why haven't you drunk bleach yet?
This is wrong my granddad worked on ships and curry or a spicy dish would always be served when the meat was going bad. Because of this he would only ever eat a curry made in his own house after he left the merchant navy.
Why are you telling lies on the internet when they are pretty obviously lies? For you to assume people meant any regular spice would kill bacteria is retarded. For you to ignore the fact that garlic, ginger, and hot chilis do kill bacteria is also retarded. So are you retarded? Or just retarded?
Because when you've been hooked on Kools and purple drank since you were 3 months old you can't taste a goddamned thing that isn't hotsauce or salt.
When I went to uni I had a black flatmate and I was just stood there in disbelief the fist time he made koolaid. I didn't realise just how much sugar goes into them.
>everyone on Veeky Forums is morbidly obese and a NEET
Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel normal, user.
>For you to assume people meant any regular spice would kill bacteria is retarded
I'm not the one making those assumptions. You are.
>>certain cherry-picked spices can kill bacteria in a laboratory setting
>>therefore sprinkling Mrs. Dash on some slimy expired supermarket chicken fixes everything
Considering the spices commonly used in currys or on raw fish are the ones that kill bacteria, I would hardly call them cherry picked. If you actually spent time on Veeky Forums you would know that they do know shit about food. More than most people on Veeky Forums actually. You're just retarded. I'm just assuming you're fat because being fat and having a low iq go hand in hand. You should probably kill yourself. Faggot
I have good taste buds and can appreciate food as it is. Though I prefer seasoned food.
>white people can't cook
Why can't niggers cook without food stamps?
is that raw bacon?
italians are white
You mad, white boi? First we steal your white women, and now we cu/ck/ and and out cook your tiny white boi dicks. How does it feel that you cant please white women in bed, and now you can't provide her proper meals? You cant even cook with real flavor, our BBC's pleasure white women as we cook with our intense flavors of BBQ and soul food. You have no culture stay cu/ck/ed white boi
You can't please anyone you white virgin troll
Cured ham.
I bet your happy with yourself.
Tell me again about all those delicious british traditional recipes.
>Sunday roast
>toad in the hole
>fish and chips
>Cornish pasty
>Lancashire hotspot
>toast sandwich
>full English breakfast
>spam fritters
Mate if you think British food is shit you are really missing out.
You white bois, drop the jealousy and lets move on.
Niggers are, by nature, materialistic as fuck and more is always seen as better.
>Going to prison over sum lawry's at the McDrive-Thru
And they wonder why.
>"Muh daddy/grandaddy"
Why is this a meme with white people
Haiti isn't in Africa, user.
I understand the confusion, though.
we actually have family histories worth remembering
I'm white as fuck and buy food at grocery outlet
I can barely afford rent
fuck this city
>white people literally conquered India fot its spices
>spice trade one of the largest and most profitable in history
>developed a multicultural society with every brand of cuisine under the sun freely available
>lel white people cant handle spice
I dont understand how this meme even came to be. It's just some anti-white forum-sliding twitter nonsense
>Buys KFC at the drive-thru
>Serves it to his diabetic trailer trash white gf
>So cultural
Because all white people are British.
>Same as using wasabi with raw fish
why that DATE?
>Implying bland as fuck suburban or flyover redneck white people even know about let alone had any thing to do with the Indian spice empire
>Italian cuisine
>French cuisine
>Spanish cuisine
>Greek cuisine
>Gordon Ramsey
wew lad
According to /pol/, 3 out of 5 things you listed there aren't white.
Because of this great thing called "advancement" we don't have to live in the shitty past
>According to /pol/
how would you know, reddit queer?
Because we had a father during our childhood.
All black people do is dump Lowery's seasoning salt on everything.
Mom, where is dad?
Shut up kid, he's on vacation, he'll be back in 8 years
What are those other men, coming to visit you?
They pay for your dinner, go to bed.
How about you fuck off back to the trailer park then, Jethro.
What compels you to make these threads? You're ruining this board.
>White people trashed this site by posting nigger, chink, cunt, etc every where
>The lightest stereotype of white people is ruining Veeky Forums
Been here since 2005, the faggots that started posting nigger everywhere outside of /b/ ruined this site
My dad loved money more than he ever loved me, but at least he cared enough of what people thought of him to pretend like he wanted to be a part of my life...
>he thinks any of them are white
Confirmed redditfugee
you know the spices they wanted from india was shit like cinnamon right? except for hungarians europeans didn't really adopt chile peppers like the koreans or the chinese did.
>only white people say racial slurs
you're retarded
>been here since 2005
>knows nigger and faggot have been common words throughout the history of Veeky Forums
>still gets offended at those words
No you haven't. Now make off like Jessi slaughter to tumblr
Can confirm. Asian wife uses nigger and shitskin slightly more than I do. I might have taught them to her, but she's the one who ran with them.
Because people who are insecure of their skin color decide to rip on a certain race by claiming they can't add flavor to their meals in order to make themselves feel superior. Getting sick of seeing this shit all the time.
It might be funny if it wasn't stupid. Most of the great cuisines are of European origin, many of the best chefs are white, and so on.
Seems like another insecure/butthurt minority post.
>tfw all it takes is one word and literally any darkie will be angry
feels good desu
White people can cook. It's a stereotype (which means it's kinda true) that white people either like the look of unseasoned food or enjoy food with little to no seasoning. I'm guessing it's the middle class white people who cook things to look exactly as it would look on the package or in the commercial...
>it's okay if I stereotype because I don't use mean words :^)
>It's a stereotype (which means it's kinda true) that white people either like the look of unseasoned food or enjoy food with little to no seasoning. I'm guessing it's the middle class white people who cook things to look exactly as it would look on the package or in the commercial...
You damn idiot.