Is there anything that I could eat to not make me hungry at the end of the day? I'm 6'2 170 pounds...

Is there anything that I could eat to not make me hungry at the end of the day? I'm 6'2 170 pounds, and I eat about 2250-2500 calories a day. Today I ate oatmeal with cheese (about 70 grams of cheese and 50 grams of oatmeal, 500 calories together), about 7 dried figs (I factor it into about 250 calories, given the rounding down I did for some of these other measurements), a spoonful of peanut butter (about 250 calories), two tortilla shells in a toaster oven (about 250 calories), a can of black beans and cheese (I forget the grams, but it's 800 calories altogether), a spoon full of peanut butter (about 250 calories).

This is just the diet I ate today. I still feel fucking hungry and I don't know why. I ate plenty of fat, protein, complex carbohydrates. I ate an enormous load of vegetables yesterday and am out of that stuff and need to go to the grocery store tomorrow. Usually I eat a banana and peanut butter with my oatmeal in the morning, but I was out of bananas. I also eat a lot of kale, ginger root, tumeric root, garlic, kale, spinach, salmon, low fat greek yogurt, cocao nibs, sweet potato (this is a huge staple of my diet), and probably a couple other things I forget, not to mention the stuff I mentioned I ate today.

So considering this is my diet, why the fuck do I still feel hungry at the end of the day?

I forgot to mention, I ate a sweet potato with a spoon full of ground cocoa nibs.

If you live an active lifestyle, you need more calories. 2250 calories is nothing if you do any kind of non-sedentary work or vigorous play.

I don't do much. I haven't gone out much because it's wretched outside.

Raw veggies. Carrots, broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower, celery if you can manage to choke down that awful shit...

I can't eat veges raw, I have to cook them. I do have some frozen vegetables which I could very well be eating.

i eat pickles late in the day. some places have really spicy ones that aren't sweetened. they are great.

stop eating so much cheese, though.

If you want to feel as full ass possible then eat less fat, it contains twice the calories per gram compared to protein and carbohydrates.

Chicken, potatoes, vegetables and some full wheat bread will keep you full longer.

>stop eating so much cheese, though.

Ah, good advice. Thanks.