This is what authentic Hungarian goulash looks like

This is what authentic Hungarian goulash looks like.

Why can't nobody learn how to convert/compress?

Looks nice :)

I'd definitely eat it if the meat was halal :D

looks good, why the fuck aren't the carrots cut smaller though

Most nonlurking Veeky Forums users don't deserve it

Op gib recipe

So it's beef stew?

This is what authentic American goulash looks like.

Well, he's not wrong about it being authentic as American goulash. It's not normal goulash though.

Also, I've never had American goulash that greasy - what the fuck

Where are the peppers? And what is wrong with your potatoes?
Buttmad third-worlder detected
I was thinking the same thing. My oral cavity just isn't spacious enough to fit carrot sticks of that size without having to nibble on them.
Jesus that looks like it's 50% oil

Have you guys ever used carrots before in stews? They are insanely soft and will fold over in your mouth as you eat it. The rigidity is closer to a noodle

>literally beef stew

Wow slav """"culture""""


You're right, they're actually gypsies, which is worse

11/10, Would marry.

I know one hungarian and he's basically a short aryan. That's representative of all of them, I'm sure.

Gypsies are Indo-Europeans. Hungarians are Uralics.
Hungarians look nothing like any Indo-Aryan group, m8

No, it's not, not even close.

This is what a Hungarian Gulyas looks like.

nobody cuts their fuckin carrots like that.

It's authentic Hungarian julienne

Someone obviously does judging by the photo.

The word you are looking for is artisanal. Barely cut your carrots, call it artisanal and sell it to hipsters for twice the regular price.

Take a deep breath and calm down, son.
What you're attempting to correct is something which was very much done intentionally, building upon the wording of the OP in a humorous jab.

I know sarcasm isn't easily detectable in written form my friend, especially on Veeky Forums. But in this case I thought it was very obvious.

Why can't you get off the dialup, oldtimer?

You can't just put the word hungarian in front of a word and make it change the meaning of the word.


Gypsies = Indo-Europeans? HAH. Gypsies are Indo-Aryans totally different group people. The last group of people to move to Europe.

This, they are related to subcontinental Asians and Persians.

The problem isn't my connection. The problem is Hiroshimoot's shitty third world image servers that take forever to load images.


Is this...
Is this not just beef stew? Am I retarded?

hungarian here... that's what water thin goulash looks like with big ass carrots. but also idgaf I'm not a texan telling you how to do your chili.

not red enough.

needs like, a half cup of paprika in it.

They actually are Indo-Europeans, strange as it may seem, they are more Aryan to the meaning of the word than Hungarians or Finns

t. anthropology student

this, minus that green crap on it

This is how we look like, gypsies are like niggers in murica

No one cares about you guys like that.
Appalachian italians are the real white niggers.
You guys just hide in trailer parks and fuck off mostly.

Im not a gypsy shit just sayin
I was talking about Hungarians

Hungarians aren't gypsies. They are WE WUZ MONGOLS AND HUNS AND SHIIIIIET.

This is what authentic Czech goulash looks like.

>too oily
>not enough paprika
>not a thickened sauce, just broth
>everything isn't cut uniformly

Fuck off, m8.

Wrong again, fucktard.
That shit is an abomination. It's not goulash, it's more akin to chili mac. Gross. That's some weird trailer trash thing.

>bread dumplings
Hell yeah.

Looks really good! The first gulash pic I've seen that I'd like to try. Do you have a recipe?

>is goulash a beef stew?
What do you think, Genius?

Pls gib recipe

I have a hungarian friend who offered to cook goulash for our social circle

Seeing that image, I'm kind of inclined to take him up on the offer.

sorry mate my mom made it, i dont have a recipe

Have you considered the possibility of asking your mom for the recipe?

>sorry mate my mom made it, i dont have a recipe

Pls ask mum

This, went to Hungary asked for goulash this is what I got.

I'd eat both of them (provided that's not fucking cilantro in the 2nd pic). Looks hearty and something good to eat in winter.

mate, that is not goulash. even though the constituents seem similar, a hall mark of goulash is its stew-like nature. you are posting a soup. i have lived in every corner of Hungary and never once seen it prepared like that except at non-Hungarian owned restaurants/diners that just make their own variation of Goulash.

Go be Italian somewhere else.

lacks fresh crushed black pepper and some green herb topping

Hi, Drumpff!


My family/hurritage is Hungarian, so thankfully I've never seen this garbage in my life.

I've had good luck using short ribs for goulash, it just takes a while. Going to try my hand at a pot tonight. Apparently banana peppers here in the States are a substitute for the green frying peppers?

Cilantro is not that much used in Europe, I suppose it's parsley.
And yes, goulash and winter is a perfect match.

Dude, you must have been in alternative facts Hungary.
Gulyás is more of a soup, if it's stew-like it's a Pörkölt or a Paprikás.

Lots of people have their own recipes, but basically it's as follows:

Get about equal parts onion and beef stew meat, brown the meat and cook the onions until soft. Add salt and pepper, garlic, and a decent amount of Hungarian paprika. Add a small amount of water (you could also use beef stock), maybe half a cup or so, and let it simmer. Keep adding small amounts of water as it evaporates, until the meat is tender. Add in some crushed marjoram and maybe caraway seed if desired about 10-15 minutes before you're ready. Some people thicken it with flour or breadcrumbs, but the best way is to add water in small amount as it cooks until the meat is tender and the desired consistency is achieved. Garnish with sliced onion and peppers, and serve with dumplings, or potatoes, or pasta.

Recipes do vary. Some people use thickeners. Some people use tomatoes or tomato paste. Some people add hot sauce or hot peppers (sometimes I sneak in a little hot paprika along with the regular). Some people use less onions. There is one version where sauerkraut is added. You can even make a soup version.

Actually, thats a chicago style deep dish pizza

Actually, you're a retard and a newfag.
Lurk moar.

Why call it goulash when it has nothing in common with goulash? It's basically macaroni with bolognese sauce. There isn't even paprika.

Why call it grilled cheese when it's pan-fried?
Why call it mincemeat when there's no meat in it, minced or otherwise?
Why call it alt-right when it's neo-nazism?
Why call it sweetbread when it's neither sweet nor bread?

Just life's little mysteries~

we meet again

dont know, how do

You use hundreds of words in your ordinary life that mean something other than their original meaning. Why bitch about this one? No one cares.

Thanks. I like hot, so I'll probably use some hot paprika as well as the hungarian.

As an actual Hungarian. You people don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Blame the midwesterners.

yeah good thing those whole carrot sticks are there, wouldn't want to have them thoroughly cooked or anything

>too poor to have actual beef in goulash
>use the shittiest cuts of pork we can find
>$1/lb, might as well be hot dog meat

MMMM yeah buddy. The stuff of my ancestors. Love me some goulash. I make it at least once a month, even in the spring time. Some good stuff.

Chili mac has chili powder in it and no cheese. Goulash has cheese added normally and paprika instead of chili powder. Maybe if you weren't such a babby you could try things you think are gross and find you like them instead. Learn to real food before you try acting like you know something and throw a fit on the internet and embarrass yourself yet again.

Magyars, ya dummy.

Seriously? I would call that mac and beef or chilimac. Or uhh, beefaroni if it's shit tier.

kurva kicsi fasz anyad

Thanks for the best laugh I've had in weeks.

>Gypsies = Indo-Europeans? HAH. Gypsies are Indo-Aryans totally different group people.
>This, they are related to subcontinental Asians and Persians.
Indo-Aryans are a subgroup of Indo-Europeans, you Mongolian.