Trying my hand with pretzels
Trying my hand with pretzels
do you have lye or are you using baking soda?
the "baked baking soda" trick seems to work okay
Using baking soda, and holy shit does it make a mess.
too much work. I roll out the dough on a pizza pan, let it rise, then right before putting it in the oven, I divide the dough up with a spatula into wedges for easy eating/freezing/toasting. while toasting, I brush peanut oil and whatever spices I want on top.
Look bretty gud
Mix it in cold water first
These turned out really nice. Perfect density. Boiling up some sausage to eat these babies with.
OP, I appreciates you
Good but a pain in the ass for what it is.
Boil it in a pot, dude. Who recommended a pan?
new apartment, didn't have a pot.
Did you throw out the pot from the old apartment?
You're allowed to take your stuff with when you leave?
I hate your fucking pretzels!
They look like figure 8s of golden salty shit!
I hate that you tried and didnt just go buy them from a professional!
Lets both kill ourselves!!!!
They look good to me. 9/10. Would eat. Not as easy as you'd think to twist up a decent pretzel shape, eh? Did you order pretzel salt? Important detail.
you know what I mean, when you move out and they give you money for your stuff.
nah I just ended up using kosher salt because I couldn't find pretzel salt at the grocer. Does it make that big a difference?
why pretzel when you can bagel for the same amount of effort?
Looks good my man.
>Trying my hand with pretzels
Try your benis and make da bagles
Use a fucking pot, dude, jesus christ
You forgot the twist
shit no wonder they weren't staying together too well.
Those are really nice pretzels OP! These are some that I had tried to make a while back.