Hold steady bear soldiers, and maintain your short positions. We are winning the war against the crypto plebs...

Hold steady bear soldiers, and maintain your short positions. We are winning the war against the crypto plebs. Soon 8500 will be a distant memory as we descend to our 4000 target.

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Once bitcoin goes negative do my shorts still make a profit?

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We will make it.

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I wish I wasn't such a pussy I'd short heavy here

Hope some horny bulls liquidate you faggots


>buy at $4000
>it keeps crashing

daily reminder

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If it hits that low, the miners will get wiped out, even the larger ones.
There will be a massive sell-off causing BTC to fall to $0.1.
At that point, nothing on earth can raise it back, causing it to be completely useless.

Yeah, I got sick of waiting so I bought in today. We hit the bottom and are beginning a slow climb back up.

>He hasn't read the new advancement in mining tech.

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It wouldn't be the first time that miners would temporarily be mining at a loss and the price didn't utterly collapse the other times, no reason to think it would this time.

>I bought in so it's gonna go up now

Classic pleeb

What's acceptable profit margins?
Even excluding the miners, no buyer would buy a depreciating asset.
And that is what kills the cryptomarket.

>Assuming they would mine at certain loss given a choice

Bottom is 6.8k looking at 1d support. Don't panic

that was the day before.
longs get rekt today

kill yourselves already

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Sorry bear, we go to 50k.

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Yes, Japanese yen.

4 weeks into tether now
hope for 6k or 7k

zimbabwean dollars.

Even in the cents range, you will always profit. Remember that shorting just means you "rented" a piece of the commodity/asset and sold it even though you never owned it. You just "return" the asset at a later date by buying at a lower price hence you profited even from a downturn. As long as there was a sucker who bought at the top, you will always win even when shorting.