Sitting at a bar by myself drinking my sorrows away.
Girl friend left me, no friends because I'm not from this town even though I've been here for three years now.
Just drinking the day away. Ive got nothing. And I could of had half a million but I decided to listen to you trolls and invest 110k in chainlink at $1. Im not kidding...
Life is depressing as fuck at this moment
Sitting at a bar by myself drinking my sorrows away
1000$ eoy
what are you so depressed about?
Life happens user, just take your notes and move on. There will be ton of opportunities in the cryto market, dont give up.
Kek you still have 40ish K?
My gf dumped me dog died and I have 11 $ to my name. Fite me faggot.
Let's go...where you want to meet?
Cool wojak hat
lol golds gym? i know where that is
You hit absolute bottom. Only way is up or maybe sideways for 3-4 years before normie money comes in.
bro im living off of pasta and potatoes every single day to save money to put in link right now. Youre all fucking set bro just be patient and we'll all make it
Feel you guys.
>meet my gf at age 18
>get her pregnant when I'm 19. Fuck it, I'm no asshole, I'll give up my dreams and the rest of my life and make it work.
>we build a house. Worst year of my life. Work 40hrs a week at my job and 30-40hrs a week on the house.
>move in, get a second kid half a year later. This time we wanted it.
>have two kids, 6yrs and 9 yrs.
>gf cheats on me and throws me out. Three days before my 30th birthday.
>now I have a shitty one room apartement and see my kids every second weekend.
The only thing I have left are 20k Link and
the hope that I'll make it one day and be able to afford a lawyer to get me boys to live with me.
jesus fucking christ this board is /normie/ now
absolutely fucking disgusting. also take this shit to r9k
hwo do i avoid becoming like you
didn't the logo make you wary? How did you not immediately know it was a scam???
Ayyyyy whats up silly man
Never trust in a female human. Ever.
She told me she's talking the pill. Later I found out that not only this was untrue, she even had to get a shot from the gynecologist to even be a able to get a child. She set me up so that she could have the child she wanted without ever considering my life.
Also, this was back in 2008. there was no mgtow or red pilling back than afair
kill yourself faggot
Dude looks like a future suicide bomber.
That's not funnny dude... you have issues. I just wanted to throw fists at someone to blow some stress.
Money aint everything.... if you don't have a degree uses ur remaining money to get one... youll be fine mother fuckers live in Africa.. real depressing but I believe you have the ability to keep it up. Buy land if u every get more money and become a slum lord. safe returns.
fuck this normie faggot board, drink until you cant type stupid gay shit here
go shoot up a school or whatever you do when you try and fail in the 46% country
Amerimutt meme is real
greedy move. But it will work out.
an ameri-lub
Wow so you bought chainlink high and see its low now so you feel like shit?
I wonder how you'll feel when you sell it and it pumps to $1000 and you yet again feel like shit because you "could of had 110m".
Face it user, you will never be rich
how do people have an extra 100k lying around n not know how to improve their lives or make money besides investing into crypto is beyond me
maybe thats y ure at a bar alone waiting for a miracle instead of trying to do self development
Buy 21k link
>Loses money in a bad investment
>Decides to lose even more money on alcohol