Does this ever happen to you?
Does this ever happen to you?
Yeah it happened to me before lmao
Makes sense. Sitting next to someone she finds attractive is harder for her than sitting next to some weirdo who has no chance and she couldn't give to shits about so long as she feels safe.
it’s a sad reality but no one wants to sit next to someone with cancer. they’re depressing and uncomfortable and it’s just plain gross.
>high energy vs low energy
what with all of these r9k threads? fuck off already jeez
Yes, but I think its because they can sense im thinking about strangling them
Every time I was in school, then I stopped going outside
Lmao at that roastie’s comment
top fucking kek, wojack has cancer
Nah, I never had cancer so far
>Sitting next to someone she finds attractive
>girls abstain from sitting next to you because they think you have cancer
>character assassinated by the internet, hundreds of pictures of you with a caved in cranium and dim expression in circulation
>no gf ever
Wojak had a hard life.
once when I was 15/16 a 20-something looking woman sat next to me on an otherwise completely empty train carriage
no words, no gestures
i had a super hot girl sit next to me on the train once, but she then tried selling me shit
looked for "back2reddit" on, couldn't find anything.
care to explain?
thanks pal.
this one is especially retarded because who the fuck would sit next to a stranger on an empty bus?
She clearly just wants to be able to check you out more discreetly
Think like a chad user
>who the fuck would sit next to a stranger on an empty bus?
People do all the time
A cute girl once walked up to me on the street and tried to give my a flyer but I yelled "fuck no bitch" and farted in her face.
these must be the same people who piss in the urinal right next to you in an empty bathroom
girls need to be fucked up the butthole
that’s still a window of opportunity. a good one too because she’s trying to sell herself to you. I met a girl in a bar once shilling some stupid cigarette coupons. I ended up getting her number after breaking her balls a little bit. fast forward a little bit and I got a date out of it and my cock sucked
That's a nice story user. Good for you.
Yeah no, no they don’t
all the time
>business & finance
i don't care, i just want a bf
Some girl sat next to me for no fucking reason just a week ago.
I fucking hate that no matter how hot they are. If im in a public ass fucking transport I want to have my place for me if possible.
Weird ass fucking people.
I'm usually the greasy creep. But I also sleep most of the bus ride, so maybe thots find sitting next to a sleeping greasy creep is preferable to you.
I'm the fat guy.
I get the aisle seat and my backpack gets the window seat. Fuck neighbors. If the bus isn't at capacity they can sit with someone else.
alpha males?
One time some high school thot came over and sat next to me on the bus and pretty aggressively started trying to get the dick. Was pretty awkward tee bee aich.
t. antisocial fin
People tend to sense when you're unhappy or have bad vibes and try to steer clear. Your entire life is written on your face and people can pick up on that subconsciously. When I was depressed, people mostly left me alone, not sitting next to me in classes or anything. When I got better, people were more willing to engage. People see unhappiness/loneliness as a disease they don't want to catch.
like a boss
put your bag on the other seat.
/pol/ went out for a drink yesterday and still didn't get laid so now they're depressed /r9k/fags
A QT girl sat next to me once and actually seemed to be smiling and making eyes at me. Her body language was relaxed too.
I assume she was on drugs.
fuck no that doesn't happen to me. I don't take the bus
Yes, I agree.
Can you guys be cooler and, you know, nicer?
it honestly would be funny as fuck to start pissing by lowering the pants down to the knees
the absolute state of normies.
It does but the reason is that I have quite wide shoulders and muscular build. It's too uncomfortable to sit next to me since I'm one and a half seat wide.
>People see unhappiness/loneliness as a disease they don't want to catch.
Maybe they're right...
No because I drive my Mercedes C class and not the Bus like some plebian.
Sometimes I drive past the bus/train station and stupid cunts are staring at my car probably wishing that some rich dude like me would drive them around.
Fuckin poorfags.
>C class
>rich guy like me
Let me guess, C300?
whgat the fuck iswrong with that pepe
finnish autism pepe
Agree. I'm depressed as fuck and everyone hates me even though I'm polite with everyone. I'm just quiet and don't smile much so they think I'm a horrible evil person.
>taking the public bus
seriously consider suicide, kthx
>sit in empty bus
>girl comes in and sits nearby
>greasy creep (mentally handicapped probably) sits right next to her
>she scared
>looks at me to save her
>do nothing
That will show em
I feel more comfortable being boring and always have a slightly depressed look on my face. Complete strangers and teachers alike have asked me if everything was alright when I had a completely resting face.
>tfw the train is super croweded standing room and a young attractive female is standing chest to chest with you and when the train moves and she leans in the back of her hand is right against your groin and you can smell her hair
pure kino. makes the 60 hr work week in jew york city worth it
I have an ear piercing smile so I find it's best for me to never more than smirk. White guy with a big jaw big mouth and big lips. Nothing I can do about it
I always do, so much better to have my dick free to move.
What kind of piece of shit takes public transportation ?
God, I want a gf so fucking bad.
I had a chick snuck in underneath my arm and positioned herself right in front of me on a crowded tube as i was holding on to a pole. She proceeded to grind me when the train started moving.
Makes up for a lot
It's because she can smell the shit coins you hold. Sell your TRX and XRP bags. Buy BTC, ETH, and Link. Be a Chad like the guy she sits next to... on a bus.