The fuck do I do with blueberry vanilla goat cheese? Make it count, a goat gave its life for this.
The fuck do I do with blueberry vanilla goat cheese? Make it count, a goat gave its life for this
I don't think that's how obtaining goat milk works dude.
You could say the goat gave its life for it given that its life must be miserable, being nothing but a dairy slave
Also OP make a cheesecake or something
what kind of cheese is that?!
I don't get why cheese makers feel the need to make goat cheese into the drag queens of the dairy industry
>the drag queens of the dairy industry
I want to know what this means
Goats are faggots
blueberry vanilla flavor, user. that doesn't sound drag-queeny to you?
they dress it up in fruity outlandish costumes
like a blueberry vanilla slurry, fig explosion, dill, cranberry cinnamon etc
it can never just be good enough as it is, got to slap some outlandish pageantry and pretend it's something special
goat cheese makers do not have a monopoly on adulterating cheese with non-dairy shit, user
Indeed. But if you visit the average US supermarket you'll find several kinds of adulterated goat cheese for every kind of adulterated normal cheese. For some reason the goat cheese with random stuff added is far more common then the alternative.
Pepper jack is common as fuck though.
I would imagine the reasons for adulterating the goat have to do with the fact that a lot of Americans are terrified of "strong" smells or tastes. Remember that to them, goat cheese tastes "weird" and "icky". This is the country where bringing lunch to work that isn't hamburger helper usually results in an HR mediation session, after all.
>Pepper jack is common as fuck though.
Yeah, but that's pretty much the only cheese you'll find at the average American market which has something added to it. One, singular, type.
Yet that same market might have several "flavors" of goat cheese.
>> Remember that to them, goat cheese tastes "weird" and "icky"
You might be on to something there, but I've had those kinds of goat cheese many times and frankly the cheese itself is very mild. Even a shit-quality "sharp cheddar" or "blue cheese" has a much stronger taste than those goat cheeses do.
I've never even seen flavored goat cheese before
you got brain problems dude
Smash that shit on a double toasted salty buttered bagel
> t.transvestite
They've started springing up everywhere now that goat cheese is chic
Got some "lime infused" stuff awhile ago. Tasted horrible, can only eat maybe one or two crackers with a little bit on there before I get sick of it.
>HR mediation session
You microwaved fish at work, didn't you?
Fucking asshole. If you bring fish leftovers to work, eat them cold. I eat rank-smelling but delicious things cold because I'm not a horrible person.
The milk was np but the bitch wouldn't let go of the blueberry basket.
Kek, I have had to talk to HR because the lettuce on my sandwich smelled too strong for some blubberlord cashier in the break room eating microwaved mac and cheese.
No, I detest microwaves, but I've triggered steaming hot white people outrage from merely attempting to enjoy:
grilled mandu
soondubu jigae
nasi lemak
a sandwich with taleggio on it
a pizza with anchovies on it
.... probably other stuff but those were notable "incidents"
I don't eat at the office anymore, for the most part. I just go to a sit down place and eat there.
You mean onions? There's no way a guy complained about iceberg. Mustard greens? Mesclun mix?
I sit right in front of our breakroom and even when it stinks, I think it's a right to eat stinky foods.
That being said, I bring my food outside either way. Kimchi's the smelliest thing I've ever brought to work.
Biryani? No way.
I'm sorry. I had no idea that you were a small island of good taste in a office of weird. Usually, people complaining about everyone else are the real problem.
>implying you wouldn't enjoy having your tits rubbed raw all day, everyday
Just wash all the blueberry shit off and eat normal goats cheese
>soondubu jigae
Come on, man. There's enjoying tasty food at work, and then there's this shit.