Yo Veeky Forums look what I figured out. Pretty nifty, eh?

yo Veeky Forums look what I figured out. Pretty nifty, eh?

stop eating in your car you goddamn filthy slob

Seriously don't eat in your car you nasty piece of shit.

is this why so many americans drive automatics?


nuke americans

i don't know anything about cars, but... isn't that a bad idea?

holy fuck, thank ke/ck/ for life hacks

You're supposed to put garbage in the trash hole on the back side of your car. use the trash can button to open it or pull it open.

I love the fact that I was born in time to see this.


Holy fucking shit this is the best thread on Veeky Forums right now somebody crosspost this on Veeky Forums.

BTW the guy is Canadian, since the packet is bilingual.

Also in Canada/USA for most cars, the auto is cheaper than the manual tranny.

I guess we embrace technology and we look forward to the future instead of being stuck in old shitty and unfonctional traditions.

Also, an auto tranny let's you eat and drink while driving.

>Also, an auto tranny let's you eat and drink while driving.

Why would you want to do that?

I can understand maybe drinking from a fast food cup while driving but there's no way anyvody should be eating while driving.

Cowards should have to wear scarlet letters so you can't trick anyone into procreating with you

Some people are just slobs with no manners user, you need to realize that.

In my al/ck/ days, I could start drinking booze, right after work in my car.

This was a double whammy. I had more time to get drunk and the traffic was much more enjoyable.

Also eating while driving is one of the best pleasure of the modern world. It's like orgies where you eat and have sex at the same time.

Who said anything about fear?

It's got nothing to do with safety. The problem is that it's fucking disgusting and messy.

How fat are you that you can't wait until you get where you're going to eat your meal at a proper table? Do you really want fast food grease all over the inside of your car?

yeah, you're really convincing me that you think its gross and aren't just a pussy.

Drive through and drive up restaurants existed for people willing and bold enough to use them. I'm sure when you leave your parents' house you'll get over the whole breakfast table thing, Sally

They exist for fat people to feed their must have food now now now addiction.

Who the fuck wants to eat in the car? It's messy. It's bad manners. And you can't even appreciate the food because you're doing other things.

Try eating at a real restaurant instead of your local McShits and enjoy some real food.

You can invest in a driving bib to practice.

I'm a master at eating in my car. I keep wet napkins to wash my fingers afterwards.

I can eat a big mac while driving, a falafel sandwich, a subway sandwich without making a mess.

I can even eat plates with a fork while driving.

I don't smoke any more, but i used to have one hand on the wheel with a cigarette in it, and my right hand would grab my beer AND a handful of chips, all this while cruising the streets and adjusting the radio.

Oh yeah, I really go drive up to Taco Bell, so I can go through the drive-thru, immediately get my food, and then NOT eat it until I drive ALL of the way home
Fucking retard just take the bus form now on please.

forgot pic

>bad manners
I'm in the car by my fucking self, who am I being impolite to? The other drivers in their own car most likely not even looking at me?

I get it, you're rude and think the world should be the way you want it to be.

Sit and watch people at drive throughs, you'll see tons of fat slobs and not people who are too busy to conform to your faggy "manners".

>oh dear! what a faux pas, I accidentally lived my life! I hope no one saw me

it's pathetic that you live the way you do, I would say I hope you man up someday...
well we both know that isn't in the cards

You go to taco bell. You park. You walk inside. You order and eat your food like a civilized human being. When you're done eating you wash your hands then you get back in your car and go wherever it is you need to go next.

Is it really that hard for slobs to understand how to eat like a proper human being?

>we embrace technology and look forward to the future

>Go inside
>After going through the drive-thru

Learn to fucking read, bub

And get thugged?
And wait 55 minutes in line?
What about those precious minutes you could spend with a prospective client?

The point is that you shouldn't use the drive-thru at all.

In my experience it's no slower than the drive-thru, and often much faster if there are a lot of cars in line.

Thugged? Perhaps you need to reconsider where you live.

>>precious minutes
You have plenty of time to shitpost on Veeky Forums so I doubt time is really a problem for you.

>You have plenty of time to shitpost on Veeky Forums so I doubt time is really a problem for you.

I resent that. I work on the road and I'm paid by the job. The quicker I do it, the more I can do other things like prospect clients. Also I have sundays and mondays off.

While you sit down at your local shitty fast food restaurant, think before you make offensive comments on this great culinary image board.

Then why are you posting here? Shouldn't you be spending that time to prospect new clients?

If you have time to kill here of all places then you certainly have time to eat like a civilized human being.

>driving an autotragic

>shouldn't you work on your day off
>gee no one here thinks I'm a dumb fag

keep digging yourself deeper Nancy, then you can pretend you're a troll and nothing said against you is valid

Oh so now it's your day off?
Speaking of digging deeper......

What if you need to eat during a 3+ hour car ride? I'm not going in and sitting down somewhere and dragging it out even longer. Give me my damn crunchwrap supreme so I can eat it on the high way while I set my car to cruise.

>Also I have sundays and mondays off.

Then why are you posting here?

yeah, "now". Really polite of you to read the posts you are going to reply to... assuming you even can read, that is

You stop and eat something then you get back in your car.

Eating in the car is pig disgusting and bad manners.

Bad manners for who? I drive alone, and nobody can fucking see me at the hours I drive.

Fuck outta here, you probably have never taken a long car ride in your life - at least not one where you damn mother isn't driving you.

Bad manners for you.

What next? You going to say you don't bathe or brush your teeth either, because "it's just you"?

I've taken plenty of long car rides. Stopping to eat is a great way to get a break from being behind the wheel for so long. You get to stand up, walk around, hit the restroom, etc. What's the problem exactly?

eating plates is bad for you, even if theyre paper user :/

>taco bell
>civilized food

You know the drill.

The word "civilized" wasn't applied to the food, it was applied to the manner in which the food is eaten.

Reading comp, user.

What the fuck

I'm not even him, but bathing and brushing your teeth aren't in the same category as eating in your car. If you have disgusting breath and/or body odor, other people will be affected. Eating in your car doesn't bother other people outside of autists like you.


God damn, I got triggered and then I laughed.

fucking kek

the next steve jobs

they literally are stupid shitnigger faggotfucker.
If you eat in you're car you need too be shot in the head by the nearest police offiser you retarded obese american faggot

fuck off nigger

>auto tranny

sounds like /d/ shit

>I'm not even him, but bathing and brushing your teeth aren't in the same category as eating in your car.

I disagree. They're all basic fundamentals of personal hygiene and manners.

You bathe and brush your teeth every day.
You say please, thank you, and excuse me as needed.
You don't chew with your mouth open
You don't eat anywhere other than a dedicated dining area.

This is basic shit that even children understand.

>this fucking thread


>some guy is driving around with a fucking sauce wrapper jammed in his transmission

>in his transmission

Okay, now this needs to be crossposted to Veeky Forums

Gear box m8

If you can't text, eat a double quarter pounder with cheese & extra large fries dipped in sweet and sour sauce, drink a supersized shamrock shake, shift a manual transmission, flip off the guy that cut you off while driving at 97 mph in your rusty ford pickup on gravel roads you aren't an american man, you are a cuck.

I agree with you, but it seems you've never been on the road for more than 20 minutes, forget an actual long road trip 7+ hours....

Also, it's not messy. Even my 6 year old child knows how to eat in the car (we visit my family 450 miles away) without making any mess. You poor thing.

Fuckin hell boys this guy is a real ho.

i haven't laughed that hard for months

no, it's not. it's actually considered a lot smarter and more polite in civilized nations.

I hate you OP

the fuck is wrong with you

I had a blazing alcoholic period as well - would do pretty much the same thing. Heading into work, I'd have to stop and get a mixer to pour cheap vodka into so I could drink it while driving. Then after work, I'd have more cheap vodka...definitely made traffic more bearable but looking back, I was extremely lucky that I never got in any accidents. Thank God.


>not hot mustard

every day this board disappoints me more and more

This guy thinks he knows what civilized means.

People who are motivated to eat in their own car ultimately have a reason to eat in their own car. You can say anything you want about it, but unless you can convince people that it is not really practical in satisfying their desire, they have no reason to act "civilized."

You have not even provided some reason why an agent would absolutely not eat in his or her car.

Fuck off with your categorical food moralizing.

Its not cheaper. It was mass produced here because it was invented here. We just used it more.

I'd bet my automatic is better at shifting than you. If it is true that the automatic is better at shifting than humans (on average), then the fuel economy would be better for automatics as well (on average). Thus the automatic is cheaper than the manual, it costs less fuel to operate.

Don't worry we're already working on it ourselves.

Autism. This is what it looks like. This man has a disability. Autism isn't a gift, it's a mental deficit. We owe to victims like this to keep funding research.

This is clearly a stolen vehicle.

>he doesn't drive drunk
you're looking for reddit, fag

or you could just put on the top of the box, like any normal person.

The only rule for eating area is you don't shit where you eat.

Basic manners and personal hygiene is a disability?

I don't understand what's happening in the webm. Please explain.

He's getting rid of the "lid" from his dipping sauce by cramming it in the small gap in the trim around the gearshift handle.

How is that not obvious?

oh my GOD you did NOT just say AGENT..... sweet jesus kill me now

Oh, I just thought there was something more to it.
What an asshole (OP).