What is the most god teir food delivery vehicle? Why is it the ae86 corolla hatchback? It is quick through the turns when driven correctly, humble, easy to work on & has adequate food storage space. Huge aftermarket upgrade support market.
Good gas miliage.
What is the most god teir food delivery vehicle? Why is it the ae86 corolla hatchback...
This is the cooking board. Nobody cares about your chink cartoon garbage car.
We (the locals and I) called it a hachi-roku back in Japan. Have I mentioned I went to Japan? I love the smell of my own farts.
If buying tendies from a drive thru is cooking then call me gordon ramsey you fuck'n prick!
Now back to the topic at hand..... just imagine how many breaded fried tendy heads you could get in the back of one of these 86 things!??
Sage goes in all fields.
>being this triggered by a passport
No youre just too stupid to realize that this is a thread for the ideal food delivery vehicle.
How about you give a sample that you feel is a better food delivery vehicle that is not the legendary toyota hatchback .
Oh it's cause you cant.
Japan is so amazing, I said hello once to a japanese person and have watched many anime, can confirm and I also love the smell of my own poop in gas form.
the ideal food delivery vehicle is whatever one you poors bring my 'za in.
you are a truly awful poster and i just wanted you to know that its easy to see which posts are yours in every thread you post in. go back where u came from and stay there. have a good one
where else have I posted then faggot
So whats my other posts then?
Engage my Posts with your autist mind powers and crap some proof faggot?
>not driving the fictional Deliverator from Snow Crash
And yet you call yourself a man?
Lol wtf? where's your PROOF retard?
The only proof you can provide, user is proof of being a complete faggot. You cant even provide proof of being an autist, faggot.
>it doesn't even have an onboard warming oven like the Domino's DXP®
into la waste basket
Dxp has 1.2 liter weed wacker motor. Can it even deliver food up a hill?
It surely does not have individual throttle bodys or redline @ 11,000 rpms.
>a hilled region
i dont think 3rd worlders are too worried about pizza delivery. this is for delivering pizza in america, to americans, where we have roads
You can't beat the Eight Six on.the downhill. No one can
>america is flat
Flyover much?
America.... land of no hills. None...... dont ask we havnt got any!
We only have 2 dimensions here and were fucking greatful! 'Murica!!
>San Fransicko
>Veeky Forums cross board posting
Well this is a first.
In my neighoborhood it used to be rigid MTB with slicks. Local pizza joint used to have a Gary Fisher.
Lately they've all switched to e-bikes which are technically illegal. I consider e-bikes to be a cancer almost as bad as the murdercage itself, but I have to admit the delivery guys seem less winded when they get to my apartment (long hill followed by 3 flights of stairs), so I don't feel as guilty about only tipping 40% even though they're mostly illegal immigrants and deserve more
food needs to get delivered somehow, maybe a little relevant Veeky Forums cross board posting is good....... but on the other hand maybe it is bad...... very very bad....
& sage so very sagey.
To be fair if you can afford the $12,000+ Formula Atlantic 4A-GE engine you shouldn't be delivering pizzas and will have fun rebuilding it every few thousand miles... Driftking knows best, build a 7A-GE and spend the rest on suspension faggot.
there was a fatty mcautism post on Veeky Forums a while back that I saw but didn't save... something about idling at a McDonald's during winter and getting upset when someone joked about it to him.
Wish I saved it...
Which post is mine fag?
My freind has a hasslegren 4age with a dry sump. He lets me barrow it sometimes when i have to deliver pizzas to the inn at the other end of the mountain pass.
I know jack shit about cars but I figure a good 4 seater and/or something with 4wd capability would be ideal. I'm sure people tip generously for getting food delivered in severe weather (I do, at least).
Tired of Drinking that Bland Bottle of Non jewish Soda? turn that frown upsie down! COME TRY OUR ICE COLD CAN OF SWASTI-COLA!
Remember when burger king thought the would have success at delivering their pleb food. Kek. Desu.
They would probably still be delivering pleb food if they had a fleet of hachi rokus.
Passport faggot strikes again! P A S S P O R T
first: not a cartoon garbage car that is great even irl
it all comes down at how good you are at not spilling the water cup
good luck finding someone who is willing to sell one of those.
I already have 3 but they are coupes and they arent for sale.