So I told this girl in uni how much gains I made in crypto and she was really impressed and started spending a lot of time with me. Would often bring up how her family was struggling with money but despite that we still became friends.
One night she come into my apartment drunk af and says she wants to smoke so invites me to her place. I was having a fight with my girlfriend and decided why not.
I get baked at her place and then pass out on her bed.
She starts cuddling with me and basically is laying on top of me. I was so high and drunk that I started groping her tits like a fucking retard. She doesn't stop me and let's me do it for 20 mins. Then all of a sudden gets up and says how she 'gave me a chance' and was testing me. Said how she felt violated and how I cheated on my gf. Then says how she needs time to think about it and will text me when she decides what she wants to do
I love my gf and was going to wife her but then this happened
What do I do biz?
She can blackmail me into doing anything now
I fucked up
You made her pregnant, now deal with it!
You befriended a gold digger.
Now get digged you retarded faggot.
give that girl all your crypto to keep her silent
Easy just say youre a pathlogical liar and wanted to feel accepted unless that is your showed your blockfoilio like an autist.
Not if you tell your GF first, she’s going to extort you for your money.
Your Gf would rather hear it from you than this bitch and if she’s worth a ring she will stay with you.
Her word against yours. She can't do shit if you keep your cool. Your GF is way more likely to think she is a psycho bitch that's trying to get a settlement because you're rich. Let her tell your GF. She will lose.
So what have you learnt, stoner trash man.
You just groped her tits a bit while you were high man. Jesus. Any man with a functional dick would have done the same in your situation. If you just honestly explain what happened to your gf and promise you won’t do it again you should be okay. And if your gf doesn’t believe you or gives you shit over something so petty she ain’t worth it.
Its real easy OP, dump your gf.
You have to break up with your GF. She'll never trust you again.
Tell the truth, admit you made mistake and that you are willing to learn from it.
you need to just be honest and then let the consequences be what they will be and then pick yourself up and go on with your life.
Also OP, are you really fit and outgoing? I think that's the only way to get laid. I'm guessing you are if girls are interested in you like that.
Tell your gf the truth if she has to possibilty to contact her. Otherwise I would just block that bitch on everything and not tell your gf a thing
>So I told this girl in uni how much gains I made in crypto
stopped reading right here
just dismiss it, and never confess to anything, say she's crazy and only is onto you because you told her about the crypto, if this bitch is still on you get a restraining order
dis what you do OP
>make a new SIM or ask some friend that your GF has no number from
>tell him to start sending you text messages like "I'm not blackmailing you, I just want some money" and "your gf won't believe it didn't happen"
>reply to it from your phone with stuff like "you are fucking crazy, I barely met you and I you are fucking blackmailing me now"
>make it look believable like it's a real conversation
>when bitch approaches your gf, she will have no proof
>gf will get mad, explain how you just told this bitch about your money and she wanted to blackmail you for it
>show her texts as proof
just ignore her threats
if she tells your gf just say that the girl drugged you so she could blackmail you lmao
/the thread
She has a pic of me smoking weed with her that night and I've know her for a year now. No one would believe that she just made this up.
My gf is a very traditional Chinese girl and she said before that if I cheated on her she'd kill herself. I don't think she was serious about that but I'm 100% sure she won't forgive me for breaking her trust like that.
I really love her and can't hurt her like this.
This is a 1.5 year relationship and I've done way too much to let it all go to waste over something like this.
she wanted the D and pulled a 180 when she thought she wasn't getting any
Did you touch elbows? If not you're good.
She can't blackmail you if she's dead.
user level: pro.
she cant blackmail you into anything.
The solution is to act super sketchy so she's afraid to do anything. Mention how you got "friends on the darknet" or how you can "hire a hitman for x bitcoin". Tell her it's in her best interest to disappear and never contact you again
At least you won't spawn Elliot Rodgers now, consider yourself lucky. Find yourself a good white girl
>staying with a women who uses suicide to trap you into staying
ditch the chink
Pay the child support and alimony to her, white boy
Sergey, you call this coding?
32 million dollars opens up a lot of possibilities
lol get fucked normallscum
Dude wtf? If I were you I would come clean to my gf just tell her, it will suck but she'll get over it probably. If she is very traditional and u sure she break up with you just say, it did not happen?
Lol. Wow you have small problems. Talk to someone with cancer
>talking to 3dpd
the weed goblin can easily refute that it's not her phone number, easier would be to hire a... member of the african american race to steal her phone, do everything user said, and then return it to her anonymously. (Dump it next to her dorm room and call it, that'll trigger her to find it)
clearly not lol since you fucked it up
not much to say user actions have consequences, this is a blessing, settling down is bad
She can't blackmail you if you change your race to black because that would be racist.
Keep a poker face on. She asks for anything you tell her she can eat your ass. Your girlfriend will get over it if you have any game at all.
Deny everything. You didn't do shit. You still love your gf and you won't do it again.
> biz for the save
OP just read that your GF is chinese.
LMAO you're probably a dweeb neckbeard loser. But srsly if you have an AZN fetish, do you realize how many others there are out there.
Just dumb your GF tell her you have cancer and can't see her anymore cause you don't want her to see you like that, then unironically shave your head.
> how she 'gave me a chance' and was testing me
She gave you a chance to fuck her. You should not be getting married if youre still a little bitch
Is this really how you want to spend your time? Devising schemes to get around this?
Tell the fucking truth, any girl who threatens suicide in a relationship doesn't respect you or the relationship.
Why are you dating azn bro that's just a meme, Simpson looking ppl suck in bed
>My gf is a very traditional Chinese girl and she said before that if I cheated on her she'd kill herself.
One less chink in the world, stop the press everyone!
>traditional Chinese girl
nothing of value lost here......
if someone cheats on you, and comes up to you and apologizes, does it mean you're a shitty person for wanting to get rid of the person for not being trustworthy anymore?
You're fucked and I'm laughing my ass off. You might as well dump your girlfriend now because you fucked that part of your life up beyond repair lmfao. How are people this fucking stupid? It's unreal. Stop telling people about your money. Stop trusting women. It's like you retards want this shit to happen to you.
So if your gf got drunk and high and fondled someone elses balls you'd be fine because it's just natural to do?
>falling for womyn
how dumb are you. you're probably in your 20s so whatever you do make sure you take care of your gains and move on from all drama. live and learn but don't lose money over this
Until the bitch who’s trying to blackmail OP says that the number isn’t hers and she proves it. OP’s girlfriend is gonna be way too skeptical about this, and she’ll figure out the truth either way. Let this be a lesson to all of you anons so you don’t cheat.
opanon can spin it that she has a different phone with different number
Even though this could be larp but it ironically happens to someone in the world right now.
You just gave a woman the control over your meme monies. You cheated and you get blackmailed. You done fucked up.
Is the superior Veeky Forumsness man gay? Could there really be more benefits of being with men rather than women?
Nah brah your good. Its her word against yours? you didn't even root just squished some titties. Your allgoods just keep defending yourself.
your doing it wrong
balls =/= boobs
It would be more like your girlfriend getting drunk and high and massaging a topless guys arms and chest for 20 minutes.
That’s called extortion. The absolute state of roasties. She was obviously trying to trap you. You’re only human. Just tell your girlfriend that she’s lying and was trying to hook up with you. It’s true anyways.
You touched milkies? She pregnan nao! You mess id up! You ruined id!
Men are far less emotional and risk averse than women. If men have a problem with you they'll confront you, while women will try and poison the well by spreading rumors and manipulating other men. They evolved this skill because of their inherent physical inferiority. They care about stupid shit like why Stacy hasn't texted them and their favorite movies and shows Harry Potter and Friends. They have intrinsic vagina value so they have no reason to develop obscure tastes or break out of the status quo. The huge racketeering scheme we call fiat currency is made solely for the benefit of women. Vapid consumerism is a product of women's "liberation". 80% of stores in the mall are for women.
The only reason to put up with them is pussy. Finding a good one is like looking for a needle in a grain silo
No, but you can get rid of them in a friendlier way now
> Let's herself be violated for 20 minutes
Goddamn roasties are retarded.
There's a reason most men don't have female friends.
Tell your gf she came into you while you were high, and you left when you came to your senses. Take the power back before she takes away your chance.
You'd allow this cuck boy?
OP is fucked if his gf has any backbone, and rightfully so
This is exactly how I imagine 95% of relationships go in Chyna
Sergey using Veeky Forums monies to have sex with roasties.
Tell your gf, that someone is trying to blackmail you and making shit up. If she recorded anything you're fucked But she'll be going to jail. Keep all txts and email, txt her: "why are you blackmailing me for shit I didn't do? and how much do you want from me to make you go away?", call cops show them txt that someone is trying to blackmail you.
chin up, don't give her any fucking money, she'll keep coming back for more.
go talk to ur gf, not biz. your future wife should be able to handle something as small as this
Do all married women cheat?
incel spotted
Ur mom did
Very true I know lots of close relatives w fucked up relationships like that. An aunt of an aunt chased her husband and child around with a knife and then threatened to kill her self.
Kek beta males never fail to surprise me
Can't you just tell your gf that you didn't do it?
Best course of action.
Bluff face on boys
>ringing a gf of 1.5 years
Really hope your life falls apart, OP. Might give you some character.
you are a man own it. tell your gf you love her but it is mans nature to take other women. if the bitches trip get rid of them they can find a cuck. if all men define their right be natural, women have no choice but to conform to our nature or die off individualy
She has no proof you touched her tits kekekekekkekek. Let her talk shit. She will feel embarrassed that she let you feel her kekekkekekek. Fuck bitches, get money. That's why no woman do crypto. Woman dumb asf
user she raped you, you didn't cheat on your girlfriend. Report her to the police now. I'm not even memeing. If she was high and drunk and you got on top of her it would be considered rape - it's the exact same thing when the genders are reversed
Report her to the police NOW. I'm dead serious. Stop letting roasties get away with this
Get anything that shows consent in text message.
“Hey what kind of weed did we smoke”
“Hey I cant find my keys, did I leave them at your place”
Save any text messages you have that shows she was down to be down
>We're struggling for money
>so let's spend what we do have on drugs
EVERYBODY in the OP should KTS
then just deny it and take it to the grave
you cheated on your gf with a dumb gold digging slut. congrats. man up and tell her. don't apologize. let her get upset and cry. if you do this correctly, she'll still want to be with you. if you act like a beta, she'll leave you.
pretty easy situation here, any type of lying will get you fucked in the long run, you need to be brutally honest here and take back control.
so far you only groped some tits which you can easily say to your girlfriend because that's fucking nothing.
pothead girl is an attention whore, reject her. she tried to trick you with ill intention, so if you want to fuck her, tell her you enjoyed the cuddling but you are upset she tried to blackmailed you, and then you shittest her right back by saying "if you did enjoyed the cuddling, come into my arms right now, and kiss my cheeks, or never talk to me again because else that would mean you went onto me the other day just to trick me"
or just ignore her if you are not interested in her
Why is Sergey using his shirt as pants?
Jesus user. You touched boobs, if you love your gf and she loves you, you can sort it out. It's not the end of the world. Don't let her blackmail.
I would suggest that you tell her yourself and apologize properly and give it time, tell her that you love her and no one else, you were drunk and baked, not that big deal.
cheating scum, lmao
you deserve whats coming
next relationship don't cheat, not that you can help it
soo man's nature is to be a cheating asshole? real man love only 1 woman and don't have time to put up with other whores
This, tell your GF you made a mistake by bragging about your crypto now this psycho bitch is trying to blackmail you for your money
>high and drunk
you are a degenerate, so why does it matter?
>traditional chinese woman
Thank the weed girl for ending your future life of hapa elliot rodgers children and a life of being financially cucked by your goblin chink wife and dump that bitch or else kys you beta faggot
I just talked to her.
She said she won't tell anyone and feels violated.
That she trusted me and I took advantage of her. She doesn't want to be friends with me or ever talk to me again. And she was visibly disturbed.
I'm in the clear in terms of blackmail and my gf but now just feel like a sub human piece of shit
Stay loyal anons and think twice about what you do.
Don't make the same mistakes as me.
The only way to fix this is to honor kill yourself, user.