What are you waiting for? it'll reach 12 dollars next month
What are you waiting for? it'll reach 12 dollars next month
Convinced 3 of my friends to buy.
Am I /yourguy/?
Fell for the biggest meme ever.
Sirs, should I sell? I am havng 175 links
That would be kys worthy
yes sir
I am wanting riches. Is 175 links too much? It is nxt bitcoin?
Are you poorfag? 10k should be enough to make it long term.
not exactly, think of chainlink as the linkage to all crypto in the universe, bitcoin is like gold but chainlink is the invisible strings that tie all of crypto space
Imagine if you are having 175 bitcoins. You are having very riches.
Agree, LINK is the shovel of crypto gold
Just go all in anons
>rent free.
Checked and Heil Hitler
You did a noble thing fellow LINK Marine
I showed them Veeky Forums...
Baridoo if you are reading this, $1000 by the end of the year.
MFW I don't even know what Link does but just went all-in last night. Hundreds of autists shilling it on Veeky Forums can't be wrong r-rright ?
Very smart sirs. You are will having riches beyond your wildest fantasies
im so happy i bought this
The saddest thing about this thread is that everyone shilling link hopes if they just convince a feeew more people to buy then this shitcoin will moon.
Everyone dumb enough to buy has already bought. Go lament your mistakes elsewhere.
>The saddest thing about this thread
Is your post.
Saving this to have some fun with it when they got to mainnet and partnerships are announced.
>only 12 dollars
subtle FUD
>Everyone dumb enough to buy has already bought. Go lament your mistakes elsewhere.
Oh, no, I embarrassed myself in front of Veeky Forums! What will I do now? At least my mistake cost me no money, unlike everyone who bought link expecting it to rise above a dollar and failed to sell in January.
You've got to admit - you do sound like a cocksucker
>unlike everyone who bought link expecting it to rise above a dollar and failed to sell in January
Great job buddy you just described almost every coin on the crypto market that had a significant increase in price in January but somehow made it about LINK once again. I swear you retards are more obsessed than the stinkies you hate so much.
Kek what a retard you are. LINK has climbed from #100 on CMC to #80 now despite nothing happening except SXSW. LINK would unironically be one of if not the best coin to be holding since the bear market started.