why anyone would ruin a perfectly fine chili by adding beans beyond all reason
Beans in chili
To make it into an actual fucking meal instead of an ingredient or topping?
Adds more calories & nutrition which is important if you're Veeky Forums to be Veeky Forums. Bulks out the meal if you're a poorfag. From a purely Veeky Forums p.o.v sure it makes in inauthentic. From a nutrition and cost p.o.v. it makes sense.
Im with you, OP!
Nothing more tasty than pure uncut meat chili.
Adding beans is what constipated old lady fags do.
>it's okay i get all my fiber from the paperwork that gets crammed down my throat everyday at work
you win
no more beans in my vegan chili. i love steak though.
Because it's delicious and filling.
Because I want a meal, not a bowl of wet ground beef.
Beans taste good, have a nice texture, nutritious and lower the calories per serving.
They're also incredibly cheap.
Granted I'm not american so things like this don't bother me at all.
Yeah enjoy your meat sauce, dipshit.
i guess you like constipation, huh? fuck you
if chili doesnt have beans in it then explain me why chili has beans it
Yeah whatever he said
>eww beans are icky me no like taste >:(
Tru didn't think of it like that
>Bulks out the meal if you're a poorfag.
Poorfag here. Can confirm
guys, chili is short for chili CON CARNE, it's not called chili con carne CON FRIJOLES, get over yourselves, beans may be nutritious but they are unfit for chili
Look like both is right, wirh texas chili even sometimes it has beans as well
>guys, fries is short for french fried POTATOES, it's not called french fried potatoes WITH CONDIMENTS
Because beans are fucking delicious and chili without beans is just meat sauce. Fuck you.
yeah thats right you stupid fuckhead. chili with no beans it its just marinara sauce for a macaroni or lasagna
trolling aside, can we take history into account here? if chili originated from texas, and it originated to feed lower class (poorer) cowboys after work by adding the traditional chili's and seasonings PLUS whatever ingredients they could muster, (because they were poor) then why the mother fuck couldn't beans have been a traditional ingredient? as far as I know, corn was added a lot of the time, but you don't see corn added to a lot of faggoty chili purists recipes. so either chili was not originated that way, or you're full of shit.
You're already boiling the shit out of perfectly good beef, might as well turn boring shit into tasty shit
I like beans.
Ground meat in sauce is not a meal. It needs a third component that's not just cheese
>all these plebs w beans in their chili
Chili should be meat, chiles, and seasonings
Anything to make it more substantial like beans, pasta, rice, goes in later per individual. Also cooking your beans IN the chili almost always makes them overcooked and gross
>beans are the pleb tier chilli carb choice
Only red blooded Americans can handle the sophistication of corn in chilli
>chili should be spicy bolognese
Well, that would be the name of the dish. Chili peppers.
Some people pleb out and just use some kind of powder but it really ought to contain a variety of actual chili peppers.
This. There's also the fact that chili developed as a border food, and isn't specific to Texas. Because it came about and changed in different areas and time periods, there isn't a single "authentic" version of chili, because it varies so much according to where you are. For example, chili in different regions of Texas are differen things, and New Mexico chili is different entirely to what you find in Texas. Arguing over what's "traditional" or "historically accurate" with chili is utterly pointless, because the dish is so varied.
I don't understand this meme.
If you want authentic chili con carne use this method from the earliest known recipe (from wikipedia):
As far back as 1850, a recipe consisting of dried beef, suet, dried chili peppers and salt, which were pounded together, formed into bricks and left to dry, which could then be boiled in pots on the trail, was found.
Otherwise, add beans. I think we all know which would be best.
I put corn in my chili because beans piss me off.
Are you an autist?
if they wanted it to be authentic, they would use beans or not put beans in it and call it chile con carne instead of chili
I like beans in chili, though. They give it a good taste that complements the beef nicely.
but "con carne" means WITH beef
so the chilli part HAS to be the beans
why anyone would ruin a perfectly fine chili by adding tomato chunks is beyond all reason
chili w/o beans = sauce
for example, chicken soup without chicken and vegetables, is broth.
>lower the calories
You gotta have the meat AND the beans