What are you doing to improve yourself right now user?
Self improvement thread
playing vidya
The best self-improvement step for most of biztards would be to kts
>The absolute state of Veeky Forums
>Also playing vidya
Fapping to better hentai
thanks, donating some bitcoin would really help a lot.
Woke up today at 4PM instead of 5PM
no, im a mod.
The ChainLink project develops a protocol that provides high-quality data exchange, while DUCATUR is a full-fledged framework based on which you can create your own oracle service or choose a suitable one in a single registry of available solutions.
Moon time
Sport, I love watching Sport.
Heeding the warnings of Joobilation.
Reverse FOMO is real...
Limiting fapping to once per week rather than once a day. Next step is to become a zillionaire
Lifting consistently, eating better, writing more, starting a little business to make extra money.
being a better neet
Leaving Veeky Forums forever.
>shitloads of vitamin C
>was doing no fap but now is nofap+noporn
>using spring break to get into machine learning
>also reading some Evola-Jung
Life is good mang, the turning point was when I begin to do high intensity exercise.
You're doing a piss poor job of it.
im watching sakura trick to learn more about pure adolescent love
This. Well done, user.
learning some powershell shiiet
also getting lean and big (already more fit than 95% of biz)
scanning biz for the next xrb
more like pajeetshell
zsh is the white mans shell
Found the bot
lifted, why?
honestly the best thing I could do to start improving myself would be to stop spending so much damn time on Veeky Forums