Low fat products

>low fat products
>low carb products
>gluten free products

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

How many times have I accidental bought this shit just to wonder why my usual delicious recipes suddenly taste like crap.

I know I should have double-checked but on the other hand it's the ultimate blind taste test. These products are awful.

If you buy real food, like pic related, you don't have to worry about that problem.

Stop buying processed garbage.


Who said that I do?

I am talking about
>low fat dairy products
>low carb bread
>Gluten free pasta

There should be an organisation that gives its approval to foods that are full fat, full sugar, full on flavour.

They could have a logo of a smiling fat person, and it would mean that you were buying the real deal, not a diet version, not a vegan version, but the proper stuff.

I'd support this.

Who is the face of the organization?

Donald Trump

maybe you should fucking read product labels nigger?

a smiling happy fat Buddha

Yes it's somewhat my fault but the problem is that supermarkets have started to mix it with the usual stuff. Sometimes it has the same amount of space on a shelf and you can easily grab the low-crap version if you don't pay full attention.

Actually that's budai

I could get behind this
better not

he's not THE Buddha but he is a buddha

you say this until you develop a health condition and find yourself needing to start seeking out meme products

>implying any of these are bad for you
"dieting" is massive meme
you think ancient people were making "gluten free vegan" dishes?

just eat reasonable amounts of quality stuff and exercise

>I don't read labels

Yes, it absolutely is your fault.

yes they were eating more gluten free due to the fact that they didnt have industrial processes to make pasta and use wheat all the time

"full sugar" is definitely bad for you you should opt for lower sugar options

but full fat is not bad

>meme products
You know how fucking stupid you sound?

>early western civilization was gluten free because the housewife had to work an 8-5 job and didn't have time to cook pasta or bake bread.

Retardus stupendus.

OP, I don't think I've ever bought any of those by mistake, and haven't heard friends complain of this, so I'm guessing you have an unusual degree of obliviousness. Gluten free pasta is typically sold in 12 ounce packages instead of 16 ounce, and often costs 3-5 times more per package, so it seems hard to miss. Almost all brands use different colors on their alternative-nutrient packaging, and typically hit the FDA's max size the Nutrition Content Claims (NCCs, like high in fiber, low fat), which is currently limited to no more than twice the size of the Statement of Identity (SOI, like spaghetti or sour cream), which itself must be bold, and at least half the height of the largest text on the label.

That being said, I would be perfectly happy if the FDA started requiring overt standardized NCC labeling on the front of alternative product packaging, like a yellow box with black border and sans serif font, 25% width of the Primary Display Panel), in addition to existing FDA labeling requirements.

There's a balance to be had, but right now I think more overt info and less marketing on labels would benefit consumers. Unfortunately, the current political climate seems likely to eliminate some of the FDA's current labeling requirements.

Maybe it's a local thing but supermarkets have been pushing these fad diets so much that the amount of space these products take in the shelfs is almost 50:50 to the original products.

It's very easy to grab the wrong stuff. Especially if you are in ahurry.

they also are priced the same (I buy my basic ingredients at Aldi or Lidl)

Ancient people also died when they were like, 50, of easily preventable diseases like scurvy

Full fat is good unless it's saturated fat