Veeky Forums, I have to ask. Why must people add fucking lettuce to burgers? Why? It tastes like fucking shit...

Veeky Forums, I have to ask. Why must people add fucking lettuce to burgers? Why? It tastes like fucking shit, it keeps you from actually tasting the meat, and fuckers always heap an insane amount of it onto the meat. Why is this a thing?

Good lettuce is crisp and tasty, adding much desired crunch and moisture to a proper burger.

Texture. My cooking improved a lot after i realized the concept of different textures in food.


to make it cheaper

>in a hamburger


Yes. There's this thing called texture that makes food more enjoyable. The juxtaposition of the juicy chewiness of the burger with the cold snap of the lettuce creates a satisfying texture combination.

Sounds like you want a sloppy joe, not a burger.

>not liking toasted buns, onions, or even pickles

I do the Australian thing and put a slice of pickled beet on there. Then if you want lettuce, it sits on the cool slice of beet instead of the meat itself.


I love a big bite of lettuce on a burger. It can add texture to an otherwise featureless mushy burger.

The only things allowed on a burger I make from a mix of shortrib and chuck are: onions cooked in the burger fat, pickles, cheese, and mustard. You want lettuce or tomato? Make a fucking salad, it ain't going on my homemade burger. You want mayonaise or ketchup? Save it for your fries. Not even once in my house, faggot.

Excuse me sir, but is the cheese cave-aged smoked gouda by any chance? Could I get some whole grain mustard instead of yellow?

just make fucking philly cheesesteaks then, dipshit

I allow any cheese preference, even plastic american cheese type product. No issues there. I also permit any mustard preference, and will have colmans, dijon, and wholegrain available. And since I'm a good, but demanding host, if you specify beforehand, I'll buy your favorite.

>mayonnaise on fries

Limpwristed Europeans aren't allowed to have opinions on burgers.

This is fucking genius

pickles, mang, pickles

you need nice and scrumptious lettuce to allow the sandwich to reach its optimal mouth texture

Top bun
Bottom bun.

Classic burger in my house. Every time.

Adds a nice crunch without having a shitty flavor. Like celery, but doesn't taste like cat piss.

The lettuce helps keep the buns from getting soggy and greasy.

I prefer arugula for a little spice.

Arugula is the superior leaf veggie.

I'm definitely trying that

What if I want the onions raw?

I agree with the point and the selection of toppings if effort is actually put into the meat, i.e. there's a good amount of fat, a good crust, it's seasoned properly, etc. Then it makes sense that you don't want to diverge attention from the patty itself.

But when people have that attitude but don't follow through with the rest they can go fuck themselves. If someone's secret ingredient for patties is onion dip mix and they press them against their nonstick pan with a spatula, they have no business telling anyone what to put on their burger. If anything in that case you NEED a salad on the burger to make it palatable.

It's like hot sauce on pizza. Never on good pizza, lots of it on bad pizza.

Oh and if you don't use beef you can do whatever you want. Lamb patty, feta and arugula makes for a good burger.

>no mustard


>picky eaters general

>toasted bun

Did I leave anything out?

You want pickles. Make fuckin relish. You want a bun and cheese, make a fuckin grilled cheese. You want mustard, watch a fuckin gordan ramsay youtube video. Not even once in my board, faggot.

>bad pizza
Im pretty sure this doesnt actually exist

I fucking hate tomatoes on burgers and sandwiches.

Veeky Forums i have to ask. why do you make threads based on some shit you don't like while completely avoiding any kind of meaningful contribution to the site?

one day you guys are going to get back what you put in. it won't be good or nice.

lettuce is delicious. Fuck you.

I'm 14 and edgy : The Post

Arugula is a better alternative.

Lettuce is cheap, OP, that's why.