Kosher salt

>kosher salt

Why does that trigger you?

Perhaps he just doesn't feel the need to associate a foodstuff with a religion.

Would you think it necessary to procure, say a Buddhist fish, or a Jehovahs Witness carrot?

You would think such things to be nonsensical.

So too is jewish salt. A nonsense.

All salt is Kosher, Kosher salt is named that way because it's used to remove surface blood from meats in the Kosher process.

>Perhaps he just doesn't feel the need to associate a foodstuff with a religion.

Who cares whether or not it's associated with a religion?

Kosher salt is shaped in flakes rather than cubic crystals. that helps it stick to food better. It also lacks iodine which can taint the flavor of certain foods. That's why people use it. Nobody gives a fuck about its "religious" name.

Normal people don't like their salt slaughtered in a subhuman way

It's literally just plain old regular salt that has had the blessing of some cunt in a funny outfit.

Go to the store, buy any salt, take it to an old jew and have him mumble some jibberish, hey ho, you now have jewish salt.

>Kosher salt is shaped in flakes rather than cubic crystals. that helps it stick to food better. It also lacks iodine which can taint the flavor of certain foods.
What's wrong with just calling it salt when you already have a distinction for table salt, or "course salt" if you absolutely need one.

the best thing about kosher salt is the foreskin flavour

>he thinks kosher salt has Hebraic connotations.

>Ignored my post

It isn't blessed, that's not where it gets the name. ALL salt is kosher by its nature.

so why do americans have to bring religion into everything?

You're a fucking Idiot, son.

Ignorance mainly.
Americans are not noted for their intelligence or critical thinking skills.

It's all we use in my household. I know it works well for curing meat, pickling and the flavor is better for cooking. Plus it fulfills my deep seated faith requirements for living according to the code.

fuck off kike

>Scientologist soylent
>Methodist breast milk
>Wahhabist kola
>Juche lobster


OY VEY It's like anuddah shoah!

I don't understand why anyone has to bring anything into anything and just doesn't fuck off.

Oh, then he's going to hate this one.

You just showed your ass, my nigga.

Hava nagila
Hava nagila
Hava nagila ve-nismeḥa
Hava neranenah
Hava neranenah
Hava neranenah ve-nismeḥa
Uru, uru aḥim!
Uru aḥim be-lev sameaḥ

(repeat line four times)
Uru aḥim, uru aḥim!

Be-lev sameaḥ


fucking oven dodger