I made noodles

I made noodles
Y you no make noodles
Taste better
Dried noodles oooolllllddddd & dry.

You made that ramen the other day?

How to make ramen from only buckwheat?

looks tasty t new noodle fan

This time i used more kansui.
And i let the dough rest longer.
What'r you fuck'n blind, user!!

I'll get around to it some day. Homemade ravioli always intrigued me, but I only ever eat pasta/noodles like a few times a month at the most

Just commit and buy a pasta maker.
Then its just flour and water and you go from pleb to d-list celeb more instantly than a cup o noodles.

If its buckwheat flour the. You just use that. I use bread flour. I think Im gonna start using a blend of bread flour and regular flour.
I tried using healthy wheat flours and the noodle was kinda purple and not as much to my liking.

but won't the noodle just dissolve because of no gluten? do you add egg?

You bake baking soda on a cookie sheet for an hour @ 250F
Then Take two teaspoons of that and mix it with 250ML of hot water.
Mix 4.25 cups of water into that baking soda water and start mix'n & needing.
That will make an alkaline noodle that will not dissolve in hot broth.

thanks, never heard about that.

I make noodles. Not as often as I should, though. Made egg noodles for chicken soup last week. Didn't document. Maybe I'll make some more this weekend and take some pictures.

Fuck eggs inside the noodle, the egg is supposed to be on top the noodle.

your mother wishes she never let a noodle near her eggs, weeb

egg noodles suck salty homeless ass taints.

That looks like shit

Fucking zing

Nice bag of weed you fucking burnout. Next time try not smoking before you fuck up a meal

Its semi healthy.......i know its not jack in the box bacon chedder wedges & dollar tacos.

Yeah its jack hararah you autistic mormon narcotics agent.

Neato. Have you tried making hand pulled noodles?

No, i haven't. I think you use egg noodles for hand pulled. Not totally sure about that yet.
Im only focusing on raman noodles cause there is a lot of different aspects to raman.
Im also working on broth and There're different kinds of broth and different thicknesses of noodle to use that makes the soup tase different.
I just want to focus on raman for now.

I'm sure it is healthy, but thats not the point. It looks like fucking shit. Did you even try to make this look nice? What the fuck happened to that egg?

No i didnt try to make to look nice.
I made it to eat.
The noodles look fine.
YOU cannot make noodles PERIOD!
Even with the instructional I provided you still cant do it cause you cant do anything useful or cool.
But you sure can dish out unconstructive critisism to people who can do things you cant.
I bet that a long list of un-credible reviews nobody asked your troll ass for.
Kys loser.

I have actually made pasta multiple times and am quite good at it. I can also make it look not look like vomit in a bowl. Why don't you go to a reddit hugbox board if you can't take someone saing your dish looks like shit without having an autistic fit?

Youre only lying to yourself, Fag.

I actually have never heard of hand pulled egg noodles, but the etymology of ramen is from lamian, which means pulled noodles. Anyways the reason I mention it is because I've had hand pulled noodles that were much chewier than ramen noodles. The one time I tried using kansui, the noodles did not come out any chewier than plain flour and water, and had a slight bitterness to it.

Concocting falsehoods self declaring yourself "quite good at making pasta".
Thats stooping to a new low i've yet to see here on Veeky Forums

Oh you are the autist from yesterday tha made the shit ramen bowl

All the info i have been able to turn up for raman noodles is made on a pasta cutter.
I have been trying to age the dough before cutting into noodles becuase i heard that gives the the chewyness.

you only want to drop them in boiling water for like 25 -30 seconds and then rinse them in comd water
Mine tasted bitter the first time I made them, but if you mess with the quantities of flour and kansui you can change the properties of the dough and taste.
you want a little bitterness, but not too much of course.

You dont give up do ya , samefag?
I know what youre gonna say next...............that youre not the samefag, but you are cause if you werent how'd i know That your were gonna say that you're not the samefag?

Do you suffer from some sort of mental illness? Did you forget your meds user?



If you want some oxycodine dont ask me for any you shit goblin troll fuck.

Suck it pleb

Why would they give that to a person who has paranoid schizophrenia?


I just sell pharmaceuticals to pleb faggots for extra cash, but youre a dick faggot.

It's spelled "IT'S," you retarded 1st grader!

Ok so your problem is that you are on a mix of different chemicals that you shouldn't be on and its clearly effecting your head. You need to go to detox and talk to a psychiatrist

Says the guy who can't spell ramen.

How big of a sociopathic hypocrite could you be?

I don't think you know what those words mean user.

>makes typo trying to insult about typos.

You are talking to more than one person in this thread.

Yeah i spoke to a few people actually had something to say and then i have been replying to you for the other 75% of this thread..just take your little "last word" shit so you can die and go to troll hell already.

Tell me about your mother user.