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uh oh..
Okay guys.. That's really bad news for us link hodlers. Time to move on some better project now.
this is just another bait title. what this article describes is the difficulty in applying the technology to a particular problem, caused mainly by the inability of the players to change their own infrastructure fast enough. That does not mean the blockchain is dead, it means that the POC for this particular use case was not successful. That's all ....
Weak FUD
it means that chainlink failed
Swift was the only thing investing money to chainlink. Now I think there is no reason to hold this anymore. There would more partnerships if it would have work with collaborating with swift but this is really bad..
The article is 2 days old...when did the Link shills start this week?
Lmfao. As a holder of 24k link I must say that the project is unironically, unequivocally, kill
Where in the article is chainlink mentioned
>He's still holding
"Post the SWIFT FUD"
Psssst! Hey kid, ya wanna buy a REAL coin?
Please, someone who is not a brainlet like me explain why this is not bad for chainlink
LINK is intrinsically worthless. Node operators can be paid in existing cryptocurrencies. Just look at the testnet right now, it only accepts ETH instead of LINK lmao. It means that ETH can easily be substituted for it, that is, if someone wants to fork the token to accept ETH (an established cryptocurrency instead of some fucking ERC20 token made with a two-man team), LINK is basically useless. That is besides the fact that everything LINK aims to do can be easily done by cryptographically signing the data from the API source.
>muh next ETH
Link, 5 months in: 35 cents (3.5x ICO)
Ethereum, 5 months in: $5.50 (17x ICO)
Uh oh, pissed stinker incoming HAHA....
Former LINK supporter here, it's hilarious seeing it crash and burn but seriously we can't let Steve get his hands on the oracles
How stupid you are really?
Chanlink's sole existence has been in the nostro PoC project with SWIFT. It's the whole reason LINK ever 'took' off. AB probably knew this shit was dead weeks/months ago and continued to shill it knowing full well you idiots would buy more so they could dump on you.
It has nothing to do with ChainLink, for one thing.
2) “While the DLT application could provide a platform to share the information, there is significant work and investment required by all banks to upgrade their back office applications to feed the platform with real-time updates”.
Sounds like a use case for Chainlink?
>there is very little (approaching zero) chance of the technology ever being useful in more complex situations in modern finance.
What a shiiiiiiit FUD attempt
1/10 made me reply tho
Ok now show where the article mentions chainlink. Oh wait, you can't. Also the article is 2 days old and the price hasn't dumped in that time, so clearly it's a nothing burger.
Chainlink never had anything to do with the gpi/nostro.
The PoC they're talking about was Fabric.
Also, the article is bullshit. It makes a bunch of inferences that are never stated explicitly by Swift.
Lumens/IBM are doing pretty much the same thing (nostro/vostro), and this system is almost instantaneous.
Meanwhile Swift's gpi takes about a day to complete transactions.
But once again, this has NOTHING to do with Chainlink.
In fact, back in December Swift had already made some lukewarm statements about using DLT for gpi/nostro, so this fud is absolutely ancient.
Chainlink is for derivatives. The nostro accounts was ripple's job
So... You fucked up
also read the comments, so why only linkies btfo? They say IOT and blockchain connection is a joke. So pretty much the entire space is a joke. So, fags, whatever you hold amb, eth, eos ripple, walties, vechain. It's shit according to what these boomers discussed there.
Utterly retarded fud. The news from swift is like 3 weeks old and this retard now decides to take his own spin on it.
Has even less to do with Chainlink, since the nostro poc is not the one CL is involved in.
Swift never said blockchain is a dead end, that is on the retarded blogger
>SWIFT concluded that blockchain/DLT was (in my, not their, words) a dead end.
>“It is a strategic priority for Swift to work with new technologies like DLT and incorporate them into key solutions like gpi”, says Stephen Gilderdale, chief platform officer, Swift. “We are already working on new PoCs and will continue our R&D efforts to ensure that Swift customers will be able to leverage their existing Swift infrastructure and connectivity to benefit from blockchain services, whether offered by Swift or by third parties, on a secure and trusted platform.”
Sounds like good FUD to me, the article basically states blockchain has no future.
I thought LINK was not intended for the nosorto / vostotro POC?
ChainLink failing to settle Nostro accounts is them literally failing at the only thing SWIFT contracted them to do...
Maybe the mainnet launch can still go OK at this point with just ZepplinOS using it but at this point i doubt it
oh gawd
ripperoni pepperonio
>nosorto / vostotro
Its not though
Chainlink has nothing to do with the nostro Poc.
Concern maxim.
Feel like a hoe AB dumped on his load.
Fuck y'all bros.
Link $0.01 eow.
correct me if i'm wrong, but aren't both of these "problems" things that Chainlink will provide/solve?
Aren't they developing SWIFT's smart oracle solution? I don't recall anything having to do with nostro accounts.
$1,000 eoy confirmed
>any big group wanting to get into blockchain
>ANYBODY actually wanting to buy at market value
yeah right. this is just FUD because they want cheaper.
>its going to zero!
>starts buying
1.That poc did NOT involve chainlink
2.It was a big success
>PoC successfully delivers business functionalities
• DLT instance meets governance, security and data privacy requirements
• ISO 20022 data model and UETR pivotal to improving Nostro processes
• DLT a strategic priority for SWIFT
OP is very literally a paid fudder
this thread BTFO Link
upvote my thread guys where I BTFO Blockchain
Almost got me op. Fud before mainnet moon... Nice try bogs
honestly fuck swift
dinoaurs like them are the last ones to adapt to anything new anyway. Fuck the banks, the institutions, LINK will moon on the hype os smartcontracts alone
Nice try mate. It wasn't about Fabric. Point me where it says they talk about Fabric?
It's spelled UTeR.
With lowcase e.
are you some kind of retard? Swift is putting a lot of time and money into researching blockchain.
You didn't even read the article posted or the Swift final report, did you
No Linkers are fucking disgusting.
So given the chance, you would pass on bitcoin at 1$ right now, because it has no future.
makes sense
Not a paid FUD or someone who wants to buy cheap. But I just sold 2/3 of my stack.
i am falling
i am fading
i am drowning
help me to breathe
they say they are happy with the PoC here:
exactly fren
$1000 confirmed
how is this "weak"?
its actual factual evidence that threatens chainlink
i just market sold 100k ;) thx op :D
“We can’t do it, so it won’t work.” Understandable, from the incumbent point of view. However, Chainlink is but one example of a very real competitive threat to the status quo. History is replete with examples of entrenched industry on the verge of obsolescence attempting to save itself through proprietary opinion.
This post gets more Jewish every time you post.
>Chainlink never had anything to do with the gpi/nostro.
>The PoC they're talking about was Fabric.
This. Chill out everybody. Er I mean REEE I'm market dumping all my Links whaat the fuuuuckkkk
>falling for the link meme
the linkedin guy is FUDing. the link to the SWIFT report:
>“Although the PoC demonstrated DLT could improve Nostro liquidity management and reconciliation processes, it also revealed that the pre-requisites will have to be met before banks can enjoy the full benefits of switching to a DLT process”, added Vanderveken.
this is the harshest line in the report.
They are happy with their proof of concept because it basically works.
But it won't be used for reasons mentioned in the OP.
It's basically when you invent an car that can fly, yet no one can afford the car.
Awsome, but not usefull
This is actually incredibly bullish. So SWIFT's Innotribe's department did PoC's with two separate blockchain related projects, ChainLINK and the Nostro accounts. They officially killed the latter, but no announcement for the other? Really makes you think.
Old white guys fudding crypto...
What a surprise
you're thinking of hyperledger fabrico uno punto zer0
golden m8
Absolutely fucking this. Learn to research you retards. Nostro has NOTHING TO DO WITH LINK.
In all seriousness though let's spread this FUD to reddit to keep them off /ourcoin/ until after mainnet.
>pre-requisites will have to be met before banks can enjoy the full benefits of switching to a DLT process”, added Vanderveken.
You should read between the lines, above text means that banks have to do big projects/investments before it's beneficial to use DLT. Anyone who works for a large bank knows that changes business processes or IT could take years and millions.
What? It's a problem with how the services report and process information. Chainlink isn't going to just magically solve this problem. It needs to be solved at the servicer level.
you are a maniac
If Swift views blockchain as a dead the article is this not bad news for Link?
You are all retards, this is not chain link fud it is ripple and lumens/hyperledger fud.
This poc was for the transaction medium, and is specifically reffering to the problems banks would have integrating with their current systems .
Sounds like a job for custom Oracle middleware tailored to individual banks systems. Guess what product helps with that?
>SWIFT concluded that blockchain/DLT was (in my, not their, words) a dead end. Nowhere else to go but turn around.
>in my, not their, words
>in my words
>not their
$1000 eoy
Oracle middleware isn't going to transform nostro servicer from batch- to realtime reporting.
Just because LINK deals with integration doesn't mean it magically solves every integration problem out there.
Quick sell everything..
I unironically market dumped my stack of LINK yesterday and put it all into Mobius. I'm sorry but the lack of updates, developments, communication and quite frankly the tasteless overshilling of LINK around these parts has ruined my enthusiasm for it. I don't really think Sergey has his heart in Chainlink anymore. Something changed along the way, I can feel his enthusiasm for it waning similarly to how he just up and left NXT like a thief in the night. He probably had a great time raising millions of dollars with the ICO and being a famous celebrity on biz, and I'm happy for him, I really am, but he lost his hunger for success along the way and now he's just hungry for Big Macs. The Bitcoin superconference will likely be a total shitshow. I've no doubt the price will dump within minutes of Sergey staggering off stage after another tedious regurgitated speech where he doesn't even mention Chainlink. He's probably just going there for the free buffet, alcohol and hookers. Look, I really enjoyed holding LINK, it was a pretty cool bag to carry for a while, but Mobius is definitely the new wave of oracle tech and has all the momentum now. I can't let it pass me by.
The end of the article is basically an endorsement of Chainlink:
>“It is a strategic priority for SWIFT to work with new technologies like DLT and incorporate them into key solutions like gpi”, said Stephen Gilderdale, Chief Platform Officer, SWIFT. “We are already working on new PoCs and will continue our R&D efforts to ensure that SWIFT customers will be able to leverage their existing SWIFT infrastructure and connectivity to benefit from blockchain services, whether offered by SWIFT or by third parties, on a secure and trusted platform.”
you should at least keep a small stack of Link for suicide insurance though
ChainLink can’t compete with Ducatur...the Swiss Knife of Oracles.
>it doesnt mention chainlink so its unrelated!
>oh buy this passage that doesnt mention chainlink either is an endorsement
how retarded can one be?
1000 eoy
This isn't LINK FUD. This isn't even XRP FUD.
This is like Blockbuster releasing a statement that says video streaming will never be adopted so they won’t even bother.
Load up gentlemen. The next few years are going to be good.
The end of the article is where the guy starts quoting the supposedly horrible findings of SWIFT, which aren't so at all.
The guy is FUDding big time. He's probably an academic that is highly entrenched in old ways of doing things. He really said that realtime payments aren't needed.
nah livestream suicides are fun
zeppelin os
This guy
I'd 100% let him fuck my wife.