>drinking the fermented jew juice
Drinking the fermented jew juice
>not fermented jewce
You had one job fucker
>not drinking wine
You a straight pleb
>abandoning a friend
>having "protected" anal
I don't know, those lovely ladies seem to be enjoying it.
>wine is fermented grape juice
>lol you stupid people fermentation doesn't add anything to food
Cheese, soy sauce, most organic dyes, beer, sauerkraut, ...
Kosher wine, the real "jew juice" is objectively terrible. It's pasteurized to ensure it hasn't been tainted by impure goyim idolaters, which also destroys deliciousness.
Any other non-kosher wine is not "jew juice". It is in fact often delicious and known as "Jesus juice".
Salami as well.
But Jesus turned water into wine
Jesus was a Jew.
Jesus was the first christian, silly bear.
Hate to rain on your parade and I hate Manischewitz as much as the next goy, but it's nowhere as simple as you're making it out to be. Certain forms of pasteurization are in widespread use in the goyish wine industry, unless you are drinking some hipster "natural" shit like Hirotake Ooka or Frank Cornelissen wines, there's a very good chance something like the Jew methods have been involved in some way.
I'm a filthy hippie myself and I tend to gravitate towards these kinds of non-interventionist wines, but it comes with a price and that price is either measured in dollars (because killing the natural yeast before starting fermentation is easier and cheaper than making sure a "natural" ferment goes as planned), or inconsistency (one bottle might be great and the next smells like ass)
you might have an intolerance to eggs
that's kind of how it starts
try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up
Yeah, I know. I'm not saying it's technically impossible to make good kosher wine. There's probably something out there that doesn't suck, but I've never had it. My jewfriends bring me bottle after bottle of it to pretty much brag about how terrible it is to be a jew. I think it's basically the whole Kashruting process makes decent wine prohibitively expensive or something.
I'll have to take your word for it, I have little to no interest in trying kosher wine. Just saying that if you think you can escape those kinds of issues just by buying non-Kosher wine, you're wrong. A lot of technology goes into ensuring a consistent result, especially but not limited to lower end wines, which definitely impacts the flavor (that is the whole point after all). If you need methodological purity and total transparency from your winemaker, and a reasonable assurance that you're not going to get a brett bomb (or worse), it's going to cost.
You're better off, although you're missing out on some truly bad wines that would possibly help to re-calibrate the bottom of your 1-10 scale. It gives you new appreciation for mid-tiers.
>not being NEET and busting open a bottle of wine at 11 am because you're an alcohol
That's a sad existence
The problem is the only kosher wines they sell around here other than Manischewitz are Israeli wines grown on stolen land, and they're like $25+
As a rule I avoid Israeli agricultural goods, wine included, because I don't want to contribute to apartheid. For that kind of money you can get some Lebbo wine from wadi al-Biqa' where Hezbollah, Druze, and Christians live together in harmony, picking grapes and singing kumbayaa
>le 'Manischewitz is shit' meme
It's delicious, stop being a pretentious cunt about sweet flavors,
All wine tastes and smells like complete dogshit to me, cant believe the amount of money people will pay for it. I genuinely believe no one actually enjoys it and that people solely drink it to feel "cultured" and upper class
Wrong strawman buddy. I'm a pretentious cunt but I love sweet wine. Just not shit quality sweet wine.
You know good sweet wine exists, right? You're just being a contrarian for fun, yes? I mean no one *actually* thinks Manischewitz is ok, right?
Ok, good, just making sure. Pic related it's good sweet wine.
>I genuinely believe no one actually enjoys it and that people solely drink it to feel "cultured" and upper class
Why? What's wrong with you?
You don't believe that different people enjoy different things than you do?
>I'm a pretentious cunt but I love sweet flavors
Then my criticism stands, you snob.
If you blast your palate with garbage your whole life it's easy to develop this misconception. Like those people who think freshly squeezed orange juice is a Jewish hoax and it's no better than Sunny D
>stop liking what I don't like
I can live with that. I don't need plebs driving up the price of old-school Mosel rieslings just because Paul Giamatti made a shitty movie about it.
For you senpaitachi.
I can't drink wine. Not only does it all taste like ass it turns my stomach sour. Don't know how anyone likes that shit.
>not drinking the wisdom of blueberries..