I get nauseous when I eat meat. Why and how to fix. I don't want to go gay (aka vegan). Please help.
I get nauseous when I eat meat. Why and how to fix. I don't want to go gay (aka vegan). Please help
How the fuck are we supposed to help? Go see a doctor.
just go vegetarian
I hate eggs and cheese
Egg how are you posting you have no limbs
Im fertilized bout ready to hatch
>eat meat
That is vague as fuck. Beef? pork? chicken? Goat? any preparation or specific ones? Is it worse or better with specific variations? How long does it take before you start feeling sick, and for how long after? Have you seen a doctor about it?
OP, how about after you eat fish? After you eat poultry? Any swelling or itching after you eat meat?
It's all meats even fish. No itching so I don't think it's allergies. I've gone to a doctor but he didn't find anything. I get stomach pains though.
you might have an intolerance to eggs
that's kind of how it starts
try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up
I don't eat eggs dude. See
That's most likely the issue then, you should try eating eggs and see if it clears up the meat issue
Are you retarded
No I am not, why do you ask?
Could you be pregnant?
Why would eating eggs clear up the meat issue
It's important to have a good egg to meat ratio in your body, otherwise it all gets out of whack
I am neither roastie nor homosex
You're a big egg
Try to eat lean meats like chicken and fish in small amounts. Try to mix the meat with something else like pasta.
Does this happen to anyone else in your family?
How old are you and when did this start happening?
I've heard from a veg(etari?)an friend that her body can't really process meats anymore, so she couldn't really go back to an omnivorous diet if she wanted to. I tried to find some literature that supports this but didn't have any luck. Still, has this been your lifelong experience with meats or something recent?
Try chicken, fish or ground beef
>so she couldn't really go back to an omnivorous diet if she wanted to
That's not possible. Sure, if she suddenly gorged on meat she might end up sick. But she could certainly introduce it to her diet slowly and be perfectly OK.
It's a matter of what bacteria you have in your GI tract. If you don't eat certain foods for a long time then you lose the bacteria which break down those foods. But that's not a permanent condition, it's easily addressed by slowly introducing the food to one's diet, and consuming probiotics (for example, yogurt).
try cooking it
No, I'm 27 and it' been going on for a couple of years.
Not relevant, and what says is true.
It's just as bad with lean meats. Hiding it in carbs doesn't help because the nausea happens when it gets digested.