Hello Veeky Forums

Hello Veeky Forums

Rate my Pineapple Pizza.


you are supposed to cut the pineapple before putting it on the peetz

Needs anchovies.

it's a photo shopped picture lol

damn didn't even notice. Looks real; like I could reach out and grab it.

Ow, just did haha.



Would give ip my forst born for.

looks good op, may I into a slice?

Made a pizza earlier today. Cheese, pineapple, onion, green pepper, and jalapeno. It was good. That is all

Do americans really eat whole pineapples?

Is that a really big pizza or a really small pineapple?

needs a pen

The pineapple is in the background and the pizza the foreground

You're supposed to cut yourself



Kekked @ peetz

Hello Veeky Forums

Rate my chicken pizza

lol how did u do that

Maybe once every six months between a few people (6-20) at an event a pineaple is cut and shared. Never by one person that I know of.

7/10 mostly for bad lighting and whatever the fuck is going on in the middle there.

Is this a serious critique?

Obviously not.