The only acceptable topping on a cheese burger is bacon.
The only acceptable topping on a cheese burger is bacon
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says the guy who like vegetables and daddies cummies on his burger
>topping a burger with bacon
>not a bun
I disagree
Only children don't like vegetables, you shouldn't be here, underageb&.
Come back after you get off the tit.
down with the vegan agenda
Don't you need cheese, too?
it's implicit in the name
>implying only vegans eat vegetables
Guess how I know you're a babby with a shit palate.
just for you, OP
Haven't seen one good burger in this thread.
you might have an intolerance to eggs
that's kind of how it starts
try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up
what type of burger you think is good then, user
>im going to criticize but not contribute
you are the cancer of society
>implying onion and/or jalapeno doesn't exist
this knife burger meme is so gay i hate this i fucking hate everything
t. jealous hungry poorfag
lmao your the dumbass..
I fucking hate thick ass bacon like that. You could chip a tooth on that bullshit. Thinner and crispy is ok but if it's that big it can't be well done.
this burger looks like shet
five guys
Oh look, I seem to have travelled in time back to the early 2010s.
This looks incredibly tasty, I dont know why people like picture-perfect burgers.
> nice firm bun is often crumbly, dry, and distracting from the burger
> firm shapely beef patties are often tasteless and only gain
the bun here looks a little oily and dense but thats great, the bun has taste
the patties arent shapely but I bet they have seasoning and additional flavor as well as grease
and the cheese looks real, with flavor
good god satan has murdered it
Sounds like something a fat person would say. I would pass on the bacon, use real cheddar, add onion, lettuce, tomato, and spicy mustard.
>bacon on burgers is for children!
>in order for burgers to be good your toppings have got to be the most pretentious things you can manage!
That burger looks fucking disgusting.
THIS is a good burger (and good onion rings).
I'll put whatever I want on my burger and you'll like it faggot.
Not him but admit it, that whole table arrangement his pretentious as fuck.
if i see one more knife through a burger i'm going to kill someone!
>assumptions: the post
thing looks like your standard $2.99 McD trash.
This. Delicious.
Lettuce and tomato are meh.
and cheese,no?
how do you assemble your burgers, Veeky Forums? Whaty's the best order? I tend to use cheese as a kind of barrier between soggy stuff (tomato, pineapple etc) and bread so the bread stay relatively dry. Thoughts?
Black pepper
A1 steak sauce
Muenster cheese
what the fuck is that over the back, are there chicken fucking nuggets in that burger? How the hell do you expect me to eat this shit?
They are obviously onion rings you twat
Enjoy your clogged veins.
Bottom one is definitely too thick to be a ring of any kind and even if they were that is not any fucking better
>he doesnt put tendies on his burger
>he doesnt like fried onion on his burger
The superior way to eat burgers is to hold it upside down.
looks good but messy as fuck.
What about onion, fag lord?
that looks good, but it needs the cheese melted over the sauteed veggies so it doesn't move around or cause bun slippage.