I fucking hate rich people. My close friend was born into a rich family, they own a ton of real estate in popular US cities and neither him nor any of his siblings have "real jobs". They mostly do creative shit or start little businesses, but they each get like fucking 10k a month from rent so there is no pressure on them.
We went to school together all our lives, including college. His parents just paid for his tuition while I came out 180k in debt. Last year, he told me to buy bitcoin. We both bought around 1k, and I sold when it hit 2k because hey why not, doubled my money. He had no pressure to sell, have no bills or debt, and steady income from rentals, and fucking bought a shitload and made close to 2 million dollars last year. I fucking hate him so much.
I was going to buy back in when it hit 6k, but then I waited hoping it'd go lower, which it did not, and FOMO'd in back at 10k, and now I'm really fucking worried.
Whenever I talk to him about he just says "hold dude, it'll go up I think lol". What a fucking faggot.
Rich people should be killed, he has had NO stress in life, his parents paid for everything and set him up with this kush life. He's healthy, works out, doesn't do any drugs, and actually just lives well and works on his own projects... while I fucking slave away at a shitty 9-5 making 65k a year (this is 5 years out of college, mind you) and work overtime with no compensation quite often.
How can the world be so fucking unfair? The media likes to portray rich kids as pieces of shit who have drug problems, but all the ones I know just live amazing lives. Seriously, how does our economic system allow for such unfairness? It's fucking bullshit, I get pissed everytime I think about him.