I'm thinking of starting a monthly cooking challenge thread, in the style of past years' challenges but in a more casual and available format. The rest of this post will be blatantly copied from the blog.
There will be a random theme given at the start of each month, perhaps selected via voters. Participants have the whole month to come up with a dish and post it in the thread, and everyone is welcome to rate the dishes.
> Community Interest I want to know if there's interest in this challenge. If there's only 4-5 people interested it's a lot less fun.
If you're new to Veeky Forums and want to check past years, they are collected on the blog at : ckchallenge.blogspot.ca/
> Got a round theme suggestion? Make it here! I will be tallying them up. I will post the themes from previous years in a reply.
>Want rules to be changed? Make your suggestion here, please.
>Want to help behind the scenes? Drop your email. In case I can't be around at the start of the month, you'll get the info necessary to make the new thread.
If theres anyone who can make a better splash page than this one that I put together in MS paint that would be cool too.
>prizes?? The logistics are honestly too much work since I'm much lazier than bubble, so the only thing you get is bragging rights on a Mongolian fermented horse milk discussion forum.
Here are the past rounds, so you have some frame of reference.
Robert Jackson
The hair triggered super tasting autist tendy fags will not be happy about this at all. Better hope they dont find out about it.
Noah Butler
I might be game for it. It was fun the year I participated, but it was also surprisingly stressful to commit to several months of weekly challenges.
Nathaniel Turner
Everyone is welcome to participate, from complete amateurs to hardcore pros.
It's also a lot of work to make weekly threads and tally all those votes. Now people get more time to plan and cook so hopefully that'll increase the submission quality and quantity.
Brandon Carter
I`m up for it as I`ll probably win but make a better pic for the thread you stupid fucking faggot. Make it eye catching shit head jesus christ youre fucking retarded If i find out who you are im going to cut your fucking heart out stupid CUNT
Jeremiah Smith
Tou wrote all that shit and didnt even post of picture of how great youre food is!?! Pleeeaaasse get cancer.
Samuel Myers
I'm down to join in on the fun.
Elijah Anderson
Sounds fun, count me in!
Zachary Bell
were your hands literally shaking when you typed that retard little faggot? I`ll destroy your whole family. Dont think I wont find you cunt you`ll be begging for death before Ive even started with you
Camden Gray
Yeah well who made you leader of the retards?
Dominic Foster
I'm trying to push my cooking this year, so I'd be down to clown.
Justin Johnson
Haha!! You sound like a 6 year reenacting a viilians lines from a low budget pg-13 movie they saw. I kek @ you. Thanks for that, faggot.
Lincoln Young
lmao trying to push it up your asshole? Bet you like that dont you little cum stain. This aint no FAGGOT contest so get the fuck out with your aids your cooking is fucking shittier GET THE FUCK OUT
Jack Myers
Kek away I`m going to enjoy skinning you alive and then pouring vinegar and salt all over your exposed flesh. Ill live stream it to ck and theyll see the nigger I pay raping you over and over whilst I saw off parts of your body bit by bit
Ethan Brown
Quit trying so hard you loser.
Jayden Nelson
Who the fuck are you you fucking faggot? If i find out who you are im going to cut your fucking heart out stupid CUNT
Jaxson Taylor
XD so randumb
Gabriel White
God damn, you're still around I'm in, but not sure how often as university and all
Jayden Kelly
Well youre not succeeding at anything else in your pathetic life so i dont know how you would ever succeed at finding me irl. But your massive ass madness is bretty gud kek.
Henry Morgan
Wow, this year is already shaping up to be even "better" than last year.
Lincoln Brooks
Thanks Lorrie
Cameron Hernandez
I'm game
Cooper Torres
I'm new to this, what is this?
Jonathan Garcia
The biggest shitstorm on Veeky Forums. Used to be fun 3-4 years ago.
Daniel Baker
Remember guys, there's a hide post option. Don't feed the troll etc.
it'll be a once a month thing so it shouldn't be hard to keep up with (i hope). if you don't have time to make a submission you can still rate everyone elses stuff
keep an eye out on the 1st of March!
thats a lovely bit of taxidermy
First of every month a theme is selected and everyone cooks something to fit that theme. Post pics/verticals/instructions/videos/etc to the monthly thread and people can rate and critique them. There's more info in the link in the OP post, you can see what past threads were like.
Brody Gray
Just ignore the shitposting and focus on the OC.
Lincoln Morgan
I'm down. I entered for the first time last year with an eyepatch identifier, and I had a lot of fun. I'm working 2 jobs right now, but this sounds like it would be easier to squeeze into my schedule seeing as how I'd have an entire month. Biweekly might actually be a little better as a month sounds like a long time.
Jason Harris
Ill ignore your moma fool
Christian Parker
What's wrong with Moma?
Their food is overpriced like in most museums, but it's pretty good.
David Walker
I would be involved but it would be nice to work out a more fair way to judge, that shit got pretty annoying last year to the point i said fuck it.
Jackson Davis
do you have any ideas on improving the rating system? what did you feel were the pros and cons?
I was going to just go with the previous format but im open to suggestions
btw im not gonna tally the points at the end because i cant be arsed to keep score for a whole month
Benjamin Reyes
bump for more ideas/suggestions
Jace Morales
Bump. I'd play this game.
Gavin Gray
I would participate. A more casual, bi-weekly or monthly challenge would be fun.
Zachary Moore
I'm definitely down for more challenges, but is bubble not doing the challenge this year? I'd worry about this interfering with a couple challenge weeks in March and April.
Lincoln Ross
yes im in.
William Gutierrez
I am so glad to be seeing this thread Borneo. I was literally about to post a thread to gauge if there was interest for the long running challenge this year..
Zachary Wright
>more blogging
Benjamin Williams
Would there be interest for it? It's a huge time/energy sink and I'm not sure after the horror show of last year that the community would want that? If there's enough demand I can run it, but I'd want to be sure people would be into it.
Isaac Lee
Kek. It sounds like she'd be interested in your OCD tallying skills.
Benjamin Perez
i am in, sounds fun
Easton Wilson
I'll take that as a compliment ;)
Oliver Baker
You buncha cheating fucks
Lucas Butler
People on this board who can't cook get so frustrated by seeing people who can.
Jace Cook
I'm interested in joining. Hopefully I wont tard out on the last fucking theme like last year ;_;
Charles Barnes
I had a modified formula of the rating system in one of the earlier threads from the 2016 challenge that lessened the volatility of self-votes to create a more streamline average. I'll try to find it after work and post it.
Jose Smith
I'd say troll-votes were a bigger problem last year, and don't really see anything that can be done about that.
Lincoln Myers
Fuck off Lyin' Tom
Austin Hughes
Troll votes and overall overwhelming aggression/negativity were the main issues last year.
Ryder White
Please end your life before this shit starts again
Carson Anderson
I think acknowledging and paying attention to the trolls is what made things worse. Just ignore them. This is Veeky Forums. The kiddies are going to continue their epin trolling, but if we ignore it, they will eventually go away.
Angel Cruz
Fuck you. You can't just lie and cheat your way through life you son of a bitch
Luis Peterson
Last year I was in a bad place and probably gave them too much attention. *shrugs* Everyone is human.
Noah Richardson
It fixes troll votes too. Any type of vote manipulation, it de-escalates the volatility for a more accurate score.
Adam Nelson
If you can post the formula I can run it with last years score data, to compare if you want.
Christopher Moore
I wasn't blaming you. You do a great job, and we all appreciate your hard work
Jaxon Miller
Thanks! I appreciate you saying that.
But I was mostly saying that as a curiosity, so see how the different way of calculating score would help :)
Tyler Richardson
Be a few hours, still at the office. Tonight sometime.
Levi Hernandez
I think with the state of the board and how the challenge went last year smaller challenges once a month or once every two weeks would probably be the better way to do it. Something more laid back than the large challenge with prizes at stake.
Michael Sanders
I have a theory to fix the judging trolling.
Simply if you want to be a judge you have to have a form of registration. Like say in the registration process you are required to take a proof pic with your hand in front of your stove or something to cut down on people trying to vote multiple times, then that person gets a tripcode to vote with. Maybe sounds crazy but I see not many other ways because even a poll site that allows 1 vote per IP is easily trollable.
feel free to play with that idea
Justin Ramirez
That's one of the few ways that seems somewhat foolproof... except that we'll end up with maybe 3-4 people actually voting.
Oliver Clark
DESU i think that voting/rewards is sort of pointless. A general "here's the challenge, cook, community comments informally" rather than a vote-vote is better, because this is an anonymous board filled with trolls.
Adam Flores
Just ignore the trolls. Who gives a shit about troll votes if it's all just for fun and there are no longer any prizes?
Hudson Jackson
I agree.
Also having shorter rounds, without having ongoing trips/identities would solve a large part of the hurr "lyin' tom" durr "yellow mug" crap that plagued last year.
Andrew Russell
Bentley Robinson
If it stops being a contest its just another post your meal thread circle jerk and I know myself and others would lose interest and motivation to give a shit. I do agree there should be no prizes but voting is what made it fun until the troll voting took off.
Nicholas Diaz
How about a format like this?
Round theme announced 1st of month. 2 weeks after dishes get judged. Winner gets placed on a roster. End of year, epic 12 challenger showdown between winners. Grand prize.
Grayson Carter
Luis Barnes
I am in favor of the voting and no prizes. I just think the more the trolling is ignored, the less that it will happen. Last year everyone kept feeding and that is why it never stopped. And if a couple troll votes end up getting counted, then who gives a shit if the whole thing is just for fun with no reward.
Daniel Gonzalez
What if someone wins two months?
Alexander Reyes
Winners can compete each month, but cannot win. If they took first second place would advance to the roster.
Brody Wright
I always thought it'd be cool to do a sub $X.00 for two challenge.
Go to the grocery with $X, walk out with everything and do the best you can, then be judged.
Anthony Evans
Welcome back bubs I was worried you'd given up on this place! I thought long and hard about the things that happened last year and figured this would be a much easier and less stressful format to maintain. I'll shoot you an email when I get back home
You won't have to worry about that anymore :)
That sounds legit actually. A unique identifier for both participants and voters. We can at least run with this idea for the first month to see if people are comfortable with it.
This honestly. Low quality shitposts aren't worth reading through and they certainly aren't worth the time taken to respond. There's even a hide post button to make it easy.
Charles Rodriguez
I tell ya what, what made me drop out of the game last year was someone putting in a last minute entry that was just cut up pre-fabricated food. Then they got one 10/10 vote (self vote I'm sure). I think they tried to fix it in the process of the next few rounds, but it just really torqued me that someone would actually cheat to win a fucking apron or some shit. Some people are just lame. Not blaming BB at all. Don't take it personal. So, rant concluded, I like the idea of a casual monthly contest with no prize given. Seems like it would be a lot more friendly.
Liam Cook
That would be pretty cool, not sure how it would translate for participants living in different parts of the world considering exchange rates and such
People might not be around at the end of the year for that
Could also be a troll vote. Don't let em get to you. Might be a good idea to force IDs for voters then. Moving that to the top of the priority list
Adam Lewis
Am I the only one who visits ck just to watch at food pics while eating? I can't even fry an egg desu
Oliver Walker
I'd be interested especially if the window is that big so i have time to plan things and work it into my work schedule.
I fucked up pretty bad the one year I was in but I learned from my mistakes, time for redemption
Jayden Moore
I dont even really eat eggs much less cook them. I'd have an idea on what to make but I probably would just give it to my family in the end.
Brody Richardson
>translate for participants living in different parts of the world That'd only feed into the creativity and culture, right?
Liam Diaz
Would love to participate, perhaps the theme could be something like sous vide to see how far we could push it.
Jack Hill
Not everyone has one of those friendo and they are too expensive to buy just for this shit.
Austin Scott
Dude you can just poorfag sous vide by buying cookable pouches and throwing them in boiling water, funny enough its what shitty fast food does to cook pulled pork and some marinated meats.
Brandon Cooper
I will send the winner a fresh chicken bake from costco
David Long
Found my old post regarding the better score scaling formula. It was created in order to thwart people who submitted their entries last minute and got a single high vote which made them skyrocket in points.
The original formula: TS (Total Score) / TV (Total Vote) The modified formula: TS (Total Score) / TV (Total Vote) / 2 (Limiter) = AS (Adjusted Score) + TV (Total Vote)
[ Original Formula Example ]
John has his dish voted on by 10 people. His total score is 120. Using the original formula of TS / TV, his final adjusted score becomes 16.
Jill has her dish voted on by 1 person. Her total score is 20. Using the original formula of TS / TV, her final adjusted score becomes 20.
[ Modified Formula Example ]
John has his dish voted on by 10 people. His total score is 120. Using the modified formula of TS / TV / 2 + TV, his final adjusted score becomes 16.
Jill has her dish voted on by 1 person. Her total score is 20. Using the modified formula of TS / TV / 2 + TV, her final adjusted score becomes 11.
The formula to my recollection scales very well is the varying amount of scores. It might be something to consider. If you're still interested in running the numbers Bubble, your thoughts would be very welcome on the subject.
Liam Reed
In it to win it. Again!
Bentley Martinez
But what if two guys have the same average but the one guy wins because he had one extra person vote for him? Personally that kind of system sounds unfair. A better solution would be to have a deadline for submissions but a longer deadline (maybe 24 hours if needbe) for judging so more people get a say in decisions
Kevin Miller
>But what if two guys have the same average but the one guy wins because he had one extra person vote for him?
It's by no means a perfect system, it's simply causing an inverse of the original problem which allowed intentionally late entries to gain an upper leg on entries submitted in a timely and non-manipulated fashion. Even the original would be prone to variance if two entries were submitted at the same time but someone decided to opt out of voting for one of them.
If the direction of these challenges follows the same voting format, I would still have to recommend the modified version to limit the last minute manipulation. The idea of giving a longer deadline only fixes one part of the problem. If again someone voted for one entry and didn't vote for the other even given the extended time, there would still be a scoring variance.
Gabriel Cook
Have seen the past challenges and was never interested in participating. But I'd be down to show some fools up. I spent the last six years cooking is various kitchens just to show yall up.
Evan Johnson
I was referring to the monetary amount. £1 gets you 6 eggs in England but here it gets you three times that amount.
Brody Martinez
I look forward to your submissions!
This could be your chance to get started!
Jace Fisher
Yeah, nice food posts of your heroic creations asshat. Or are you trying to keep it undercover before the competition.
Brody Gonzalez
How about a (Not) Pet Food Round?
Wyatt Perez
I dont take pictures of my food. Mostly because Im not a pretentious douche bag. Also because i dont have time to pull my phone out before i hand the plate to the server. I got ten other tickets waiting.
Brandon Robinson
>he owns a phone with a camera
Daniel Lee
Having a deadline for submissions and then an extra period for voting would aleviate the issue about late submissions. That way every single entry would get judged.
Oliver Brown
Only works with a 100% vote rate for each submission. If people withhold votes it would have a detrimental effect on score. The voting system as a whole needs to be changed.
Charles Myers
Perhaps a 3 week submission period with a 1 week voting period