Worth $7?
Worth $7?
>8 tendies and sauce
>7 fucking dollars
user you might be retarded.
fuck no, a Checkers $2 bites and fries box has more food than that
oooo, is that some 'go 'tendies?
Fat people waste their money on completly stupid shit.
>not traditional
Pizza place wings are always super tiny but cost the same amount. Wings should not be paid for at full price.
20 nuggets for 20 dollars money well spent
Kek fuck no. Go to Wendys and get some value menu nuggets.
at least they're delivered...
but no, they're over priced.
Not even tendies. Just tendies nuggets. Probably take 2 or more to equal a single tendie
Who the fuck needs three dipping sauces for eight chicken nuggets?
Fat manchildren
Should have got some boneless tendies from Jet's Pizza, with a nice pizza and some cinnamon sticks as well
>Jet's Pizza
>in Virginia
>in Pennsylvania
>not in Maryland
well fuck em
Love me some 'no's gett's w/ 'lue 'eese, ''cker' ot' 'auce, and 'lic dipping 'auces.
fall on something sharp
it sounds like he already did
You won't have to worry about me falling on you then.
If I had control of the world I would put
every manchild, picky eater, and fat person into internment camps, ban fast food establishments and make food&cooking classes compulsory for all kids entering 7th grade. If they, for instance, didn't learn how to make an omelette or bake a chicken correctly and refused to eat vegetables because they were >ewww disgusting and greeeen they would be sent away for forced labour where they would only get to eat the foods they hated and only be allowed to come back to society after they've proven themselves to not have the tastebuds of a 4 year old.
pizza places want you to waste money on the other shit
it's overpriced but you buy it for 'variety'
they are scraping buy if you make a delivery driver waste his time getting you your $5 coupon pizza
they want you to spend $20 on $5 worth of soda, breadsticks, and chicken wings
I only order pizza when it's 40% off or more.
I like to keep it under $15 for a medium pepperoni, 2 20oz drinks, and tip.
>2 20oz drinks
Fuck you. People who drink soda should be fucking sterilized
They have tea and juice and shit also user
absolutely not, you can get 3 times that many tendies and sauce at the store for the same price
I'm sorry I know I'm just drunk and angry and tired of industrialized society. I wish things could be much more simple. Why do people need a "pizza" with the crust made from chicken or "taco" with a shell made from chicken and loaded with disgusting shit that has dozens of ingredients that originate in chemical labs? We're fucked as a species man.
you might have an intolerance to eggs
that's kind of how it starts
try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up
Just get Ledos my nigga
Eggs are life
You can get 20 piece nuggets at MCDs for the same price.
And lets not forget Buffalo Wild Wings, where you should be going to begin with.
> garlic parmesan boneless bites
frankly they dont know what you want on it, its laziness on their part
The one closest to me sucks ass. Some of them are dank af though.
What about Jerrys?
Maybe just stop giving a shit about what other people think and want because you'll never ever be able to control it
Their pizza isn't good, subs aren't bad though.
If people stopped giving a shit about what other people think and want, the world would be even more fucked up because some people, with a lot of power, think and want terrible things that do not have any benefit for the common man. Keep it in check by giving a shit and fighting it.
step down off the soap box and grab another beer user
Gin is my drink mate.
But come on. Don't you agree, at last a little bit?
>not going to Popeye's and getting 3 delicious tendies plus a side and biscuit for only $5
in an over-arching societal way? Sure.
Fuck off
Soda is for fatties
my 130lbs frame says otherwise, but thanks for playing.
Fat femlet detected. Being 130lbs when you're 5'0 is not an accomplishment, Bertha
5'10". Try again.
Lanky pleb. I bet you don't even wear high heels
dubs check
Is this a good deal?
No considering all that "food" probably costs the company way less than $10.
Not really
Tax + Delivery Fee + Tip brings you to like $50
this is the worst logic ever. do you really just expect to pay for raw materials my man?
No. If I pay so much money for something I expect it to be made well and with quality ingredients. Fast food has always been, and will always be shit. Also buying the raw materials and making the pizza yourself is great especially if you have a pizza stone and decent oven that can go up to 550F. My post is the "worst logic ever" because you're a dumb fucking consumer like the rest of the dumb Americans who fall for stupid advertising bullshit.
>minimum delivery order $22
fucking hell.
If it's just me eating I'm usually under $15, including tip...
Never buy anything but pizza from a large scale pizza chain.
Unless it's bread. Breadsticks and breadbites with the cheese is the best part.
No, he has to eat all the eggs.
>worth the money
Stop toying with us.
I bought them and I can safely say they not.
It's the 99 cent store frozen popcorn chicken where it's more breading than chicken.
This, I tried them recently and they were disappointing.
Dominos has by far the worst chicken products. I got their wings once (not tendies, tbf) and threw them out after eating one.
Jesus. Who pissed in your tendies this morning?
fair enough my dood. well said. i work at dominos and i think the chicken and other side options are way over priced. even the pizza is cray expensive unless you really know how to use the deals to their full extent. dont need to be so mean btw
Why the fuck did you spend $7 on chicken tenders
No, especially because Domino's is terrible. Once got a pizza from them that tasted like cleaning products for some reason
Sorry I am not in a good mood today just dealing with shit so I come online to be a dick to people
Went to Atlanta and tried Jet's, fuck me that pizza was bretty damn good but now I'm back in NYC help bois
no problem my dood. hope the rest of you day goes well and you get some yummy food and watch your fav shows later
call and ask if they deliver
nothing from dominos is worth the money they're asking for it anymore
Dominos eternally fucked up after their new pizza recipe promotion went into the the toilet and went full jew trying to skimp on ingredients and dishes. the only based fast food pizza chains left in my opinion are little caesar's and to an extent pizza hut (and since I'm in the northeast, particularly new york Marco's pizza). dominos is forever on my shit list
ah jerrys pizza. Its mediocre but its a unique mediocrity that makes it amazing.
Their fries are dank af too.
Yes, it is a good deal. You're paying 5.50 per item where 5/7 items are usually much more than that
you can get a large at pizza hut for 8 dollars
I can cook well but hate vegetables tho
You can't cook well if you hate the food you are cooking. You think you can cook well.
>40$ for three pizzas and two bottles of soda
That's worth at most 22$, unless those are CAD
I don't cook vegetables though
I can do great things with meats and pasta and I use herbs
but I don't use any vegetables aside from mushrooms
however I make all sorts of great foods - gammon and chicken carbonara, spaghetti bolognaise with chianti and rainbow pepper, a hot and sweet chicken and rice dish with cider in it etc
Its Australian dollarydoos
thats actually a pretty great price here
You can't be a good chef if you don't use vegetables
So, someone is paying you seven bucks to eat that?
I guess I could do it.
>the only based fast food pizza chains left in my opinion are little caesar's
Literal retard detected
Anyone try that hot sauce? Is it actually hot?
>i don't cook vegetables
i really fucking hate you, and i want you to die
No Checkers/Rally's here in CT. :(
Not as hot as traditional Tabasco, hotter than Franks. It's got a really good flavor though, wish they sold it stand alone.
why don't more companies do this?
seems like your just giving yourself an excuse to make arbys at home if you already have the sauce. that sounds like some boardroom horseshit that has no basis in real economics ill go with that
>mfw for 2 pan pizzas with 2 toppings, and an order of cheesebread for $14.84 from Papa Johns
Pizzas: 3 for 10$ isnt a good deal
Breadsticks and coke: would total 5 bucks at your supermarket.
Not a good deal. My local pizza joint does 3 for 25 bucks with pizzas, and will throw in cheese bread (basically garlic bread for hicks who dont like garlic) and a gallon of sweet tea with it.