Is this the best way to pop popcorn? Besides air popping.
Is this the best way to pop popcorn? Besides air popping
No idea. That shit is way too much effort. Not just the process of making it, but it takes so much time to eat a giant bag of air. I would rather eat a can of corn...
>Not making kettle corn
It last like a week
But it's just eating for the sake of eating. I eat when I am hungry and the purpose of it is to feel full. I don't eat out of boredom. That's what makes people fat.
>put in oil
>put in salt
>put in three kernels
>when they pop put in rest and cover, pull of heat
>count to 30
>back on heat
>shake it a little until it there's a few seconds between pops
>pour into bowl
Wow, so hard.
As for taking a long time to eat, that's the entire fucking point. You're supposed to eat it while watching something, ya dingdong.
Like I said, eating out of boredom is for fat people.
I don't know how you managed to equate "eating while watching something" with "eating out of boredom", but congrats on the autism.
If you weren't bored, you wouldn't be eating when you aren't hungry. If you are hungry, popcorn won't sedate your hunger. Either way, I would rather eat a can of corn...
Yeah man, movie night, sitting on the couch with your friends/family, eating a can of fucking corn. Totally normal.
Popcorn must be healthy? Right?
I use an air popper and like it, but this microwave popper looks neat & has good reviews.
That butter flavored coconut oil looks good, may have to try that.
Dude, are you retarded? I wouldn't eat while I'm watching a movie. If I was hungry, I would sit at the table and eat a fucking sandwich. If I wasn't hungry, I would sit and watch the movie. I don't eat when I'm not hungry. That's what fat people do. I don't do what fat people do. It's like rule #3 of life.
Rule 1: think before you speak.
Rule 2: never trust a Jew
Rule 3: don't do what fat people do
Rule 4: don't eat the pussy if they fuck on the first date
Rule 5: there are only 2 genders
Were you trying to look cool with your list? Because it just made you look more autistic.
I don't know why the possibility of being hungry and eating while watching a movie is so alien to you, unless you have no friends/family. You know pizza and popcorn in front of the TV is extremely common, right? Even among people with healthy weight? It's called socializing.
We socialize at the dinner table. We aren't subhuman animals who talk or eat during movies. Also, why are you eating in your living room? It's like you want ants...
>we aren't subhuman animals
>but we don't risk eating in the living room because we're such slobs we can't handle eating on a sofa without dumping shit all over the floor
You really showed me.
Is this b8 or were you really not loved as a child?
I bet you have food in your couch right now.
I absolutely 100% was not loved as a child, but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. I didn't try popcorn until my late teens when one of my friends brought me to a movie, and I thought it was awful. I have tried it plenty of times, cheese flavored, regular butter, caramel popcorn, even a few of those shakers. I just never seen the point of it. It doesn't fill you up, so there's no point of eating it when you're hungry, and I don't see any reason to eat when I'm not hungry. I know most people who grow up with nothing usually have problems with self control once they can have whatever they want, but for me food was never anything more than satisfying my hunger. If I ate when I was hungry, there wouldn't be as much food for the times I was hungry. I love to cook, and see my family enjoy what I cook, I just don't give a shit one way or the other about eating. A bite or two just to know how it tastes is all I need. After that I could eat boiled potatoes to fill up for all I care. Obviously that's not what I do, I do eat the meals I cook when I can, I'm just saying I don't need to...
You at least realize the way you act is not normal, right? You swung the opposite way, instead of inability to control, you become overcontrolling. It's just as serious of a disorder, in the long run potentially ruining relationships. You should consider seeing a therapist about your childhood, specifically mentioning the effect it has had on your need to control things so severely.
How is that severely controlling? Because we eat at the table? I'm pretty sure that's what tables are for. I taught my kids to eat at the table. They have never once asked to eat in front of the tv. Honestly I think that's a horrible habit. We sit and talk and spend time together as a family. My childhood is in the past. I don't need to see a therapist because I don't like popcorn or because my family and I eat at the dining room table...
I'm not talking about that at all, I'm talking about you being controlling over what you eat and how you eat it, and your lack of enjoyment from eating. Everyone, and I mean everyone, unless they have some severe mental disorder, enjoys eating. It's extremely abnormal to not enjoy eating. An issue like that can build up over time, getting worse and worse.
The best way is to pop it in clarified butter.
Food is fuel. Cars don't enjoy being filled up. I enjoy not being hungry, and I know how much being hungry sucks because I spent most of my childhood being hungry. Like I said, I just get my pleasure from food by seeing others enjoy what I make. I taste it, it tastes really good, and I enjoy the fact that I cooked something delicious. I just don't need to eat something delicious to get full. It's not like everything in my life is like that. I don't give my wife 2 pumps and then go finish in the bathroom. Food just isn't my thing. I'm really not alone feeling this way either. It's kind of odd you think I am. I know most people enjoy eating things they like, but there are plenty of people like me who just enjoy not being hungry. Hell, that soylent shit was made for people like me! I have never tried it, but if I was single I could definitely see myself living off it if it wasn't so stupidly expensive.
You have an eating disorder and it will really blossom in times of stress. I hope you can find some help.
I like to put chili powder on my popcorn. I call it chilicorn.
Nah, I'm good. Alcohol is the one I gotta watch out for...
I think you're arguing with the
>only fat slobs et in their car ever, no exceptions
>7+ hour trip? who cares, take another 40 minutes of your time out for nothing
Srsly, it's a 15 year old kid with no lifeexperience outside of mother's dinner table.
Pristine popcorn:
>4 oz of popcorn kernels
>2 Tbsp coconut oil
>1.5 Tbsp Butter
>Flavacol (Or popcorn salt, but Flavacol is cheap and movie popcorn magic)
Heat the coconut oil in stockpot with 4 kernels of popcorn until all 4 pop
Add the butter and the rest of the kernels, and remove pot from heat for 30 seconds
Put back on high heat, lid up and let pop until popping stops
Salt popcorn with flavacol and watch a fine kino
Yes, I have no life experience because I spend time with my family instead of stuffing our faces in front of the tv even when we aren't hungry. You got me. Only sheltered juveniles don't eat when they aren't hungry.
I feel bad for you if you don't know the joy of sitting with the people you love more than all others for a nice meal at least once a day...
I know you're lying about having a family you made. I do have a family I made, with another on the way, so stop being an anal faggot about not eating in cars.
I never said anything about eating in cars. I said we don't eat in our living room. We don't eat in the car a lot, but im not dead against it. Also not lying about having a family. That would be pretty stupid.