Veeky Forumsonfessions thread

Get it off your chest. Whatever disgusting, pathetic, retarded food habits you have, admit it right now.

i've never actually eaten food

Sigh... I'll admit it I'm obese, 339lbs. I will go through a large double pepperoni, bacon, double cheese pizza with ranch and a side of cheesy bread like a snack. It's largely the fault of society. I admit that it is partially my fault because I can't stop eating but I would say it is 80% the fault of society. Society made me this way. I was abused heavily as a child and sexually too. My parents were horrible and my brother sadistic. I had difficulty opening up to people all the time and still do. By the time I was 18 I was only 5'6, and 127lbs, balding, and with a dick slightly longer than 4 inches and not much better girth. But I mean I was not fat at the time, people said I had a nice face/funny personality and my hair was only beginning to recede. I managed to meet a girl. We were together for 3 years and it took me 2.5 years to open up to her fully. Then I caught her cheating and she ripped me apart. She used my past against me and made me feel horrible and she would demean me behind my back sexually to her friends. And then whenever I tried to meet other women they wouldn't even give me second thought because all they could see was a disgusting short, bald emotionally broken wreck. So no, I don't fucking care if I am obese you fucking faggots. SOCIETY MADE ME LIKE THIS. And all the fucking ADVERTISING of muscular attractive tall men in movies and commercials reinforces what is fucking almost unattainable for most because they don't have perfect genetics. So now I eat tons of food because it is the only thing that makes me feel ok and I like to drink a lot of gin/vodka and when I can get it I take oxycotin, and vicodin. I hate this world i ate this world i fucking HATE THIS WORLD and I fucking HATE women and I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU JUDGE ME FUCK ALL OF YOU

I'm on week 5 of 12 of a 600 calorie per day diet


How do you feel?

Little more tired than usual.
Week 1 I was really hungry.
Week 2 I wasn't hungry at all.
Already showing gains of fat loss in chest and stomach.
Down 15 pounds of my 30 pound goal.
Walking 7 miles a day after work.

Going okay. There's a good deal of criticize of a 600 cal diet and mention of your body entering 'starvation mode', but its a bunch of bullshit. Once you meet your weight loss goal, just eat smart and the weight won't stack back on.

If you have the willpower keep at it man.

You are a guy right? If so I'd recommend lifting weights too. Try to retain as much muscle as you can and if you are going to eat 600 cal per day at least at least eat a decent amount of protein.

No access to a gym. Doing calisthenics to retain lean muscle.

That works. You could also buy some free weights and do some basic exercises.

Hey i just started back on 800 a day, was 150kg last may down to 100. down 8 since Jan 1st.


Good job bro. Keep them gains going.

cool pasta dude

Sometimes, when I set an MRE on a tray, it's not nice.

I went vegetarian this year and holy fuck I'm so craving Korean barbeque right now it's ridiculous

I use pans over and over without washing them

when I get pizzas and garlic bread I use the boxes they came in as plates because I hate washing up
if i'm feeling lazy i'll use oven trays like 4-5 times between washing

i put nacho cheese doritos on my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

If I need a dish, it gets washed with water and paper towels. I can't use soap.
It only gets soaped if it goes in the dishwater.

I add salt to drained ramen sometimes.

>I hate this world i ate this world
>i ate this world

pls don't eat me

I, too, use cast iron

So basically you've joined the leisurely ranks of autists and their unlimited free government money?
Welcome to our ranks. You will become a normie among us at 400 calories a day.

was going to make steak for a friend (it was a thin cut) so i decided to slice it into strips and toss them in a beaten egg and bread them, they freaked out about me wasting meat for like 10 minutes and was being a real bitch about it, she threw the uncooked meat out and i tried one little strip i was going to do for taste testing and it tasted fine although needed a bit more salt. is what i did so wrong?