Wrote to Martin a few weeks ago, he replied asked him about crypto, passion, and what I should do about my job. I said I would post a better crop in a retail thread but totally forgot. Really happy he responded I plan to keep in touch with him I don't know to many successful people aside from my father. Here is the transcript as the picture quality might be pretty bad. I wrote back to him, really excited to possibly be his pen pal.
"Hey user,
Thanks for your note and support. Nice handwriting.
If I were you I would sell 90% of your cryptocurrency and make investments in hard assets. Read "Snowball" by Alice Schroeder about Warren Buffet. You can turn your 40k into millions and billions. Get a great business education reading as much as you can. Work to make extra cash. Spend as little as possible. Get a better job than WMT. Purpose and passion is up to you. Very few people just want to be successful and make money. Those people probably need their head checked, too. You should figure out what you're very good at and pursue something that leverages it.
Good luck,
Martin Shkreli"
Martin Skhreli wrote me back thoughts?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope he gets raped in prison
Why's that? The justice system failed him. Security fraud sentencing is based off of how much investors lose. His investors made 2x-4x.
is taylor swift a prostitute now? (I mean a legit one)
Not surprising at all that someone this retarded looks up to him...
Neat. He has a good attitude
Where do you find the info to write to him?
Every persuasion book talks about how “the muh passion” meme is for losers and retards. Fuck , I thought shekely was smart.
Dope will he have any money left when coming out of prison? Or is the Jewnited states taking it all?
When you are lying on your death bed, you will count all your piles of cash and cryptos, and be empty inside nevertheless. Passion is no meme.
Pretty cool if that is him.
Here is a transcript if you can't read image.
Thanks for your note and support. Nice handwriting.
If I were you I would sell 90% of your cryptocurrencies and make investments in hard assets.
Read "Snowball" by Alice Schroeder about Warren Buffet. You can turn your 40k into millions and billions.
Get a great business education reading as much as you can.
Work to make ???? cash. Spend as little possible. Get a better job than WMT.
Purpose and passion is up to you. Very few people just want to be successful and make money.
Those people probably need their head checked too.
You should figure out what you're very good at and pursue something that leverages it.
Fucking LUL just realized you posted transcript in the OP.
Soz boyz.
honestly almost spit out my fucking water
$1000 EOY
P.O. BOX 329002
Make sure to read and fallow the rules bop.gov
How to find your passion?
you really need to look into what shkreli actually did. i used to be like you and believe what the media said about him an now im pissed i believed the outright lie
Ty user
I don't see how I am stupid for looking up to the guy. I am going for a business management degree and this guy was a fantastic business man whether you agree with his ethics is nor here nor there. Martin is a very smart guy and I feel bad for him. I feel like he can provide me and possibly many other anons with great advice.
No problem user. Read up on how he traded really aggressive trader. I hope he can teach me more about trading. My strategy has always just been to hold.
>T. Retarded pleb who doesn’t know the secrets of persuasion
You seem like a really stupid faggot so I’ll give you a book to read, how to fail at everything and still win big by Scott Adams.
How do you find your passion? Thought it would be money, have a decent amount for someone my age. But it doesn't really do anything for me.
show the envelope you received
hm thats actually decent advice
>trying to distract from his own retardation by calling others retarded.
fuck off
By going aware through the world, doing new stuff, searching for interests. Ideally doing something that benefits others in this world. My only goal in life is trying to be able to look back at it, when I am old, and say that I lived it as best and fulfilled as I could. I don´t think that can only be achieved with big numbers in the bank account, maybe partly but there has to be other things too.
What is WMT? I need a better job but I'm banking on crypto to give me the money to let me quit and do something more.
walmart retard
“Purpose and passion is up to you.”
“You should figure out what you’re very good at and leverage it to make money”
He’s said in old videos that passion is BS if you suck at what you’re passionate about, giving the example that he likes basketball but could never be an NBA star.
Just read this post I think he should be ok. Might send him 10-15$ I don't want him to spend money writing to me LMAO. Sounds kinda weird sending a millionaire money for postage stamps. I will ask him in my next letter to him.
I got to get some rest guys. Do you want me to post an update if he replies to my second letter? Should be around 10-20 days. Judging by how long the last one took.
Anyways stay safe guys, write to Martin if you want, he came off as a pretty nice guy in this letter. I used a digital letter service for my first letter and my second letter because my hand writing is garbage. Told him I would send the next letter in hand due to length restrictions. If he replies it should be a pretty cool response. I asked for book suggestions about the stock market, and I mentioned wanting to start a business someday but I am still brain storming.
If he replies anything you guys want me to ask him? I really want to know his opinions on A.I., the future of prosthetic limbs I think it is a huge market, I want to know what he thinks about politics as well and what his experience in pharma/business was like. I think it would be cool to get to know more about the guy, but again we will see if he replies.
Godspeed gents, I hope we all make it and become as rich as sultans and most importantly find our purpose and passion if that is your goal.
Just include an already stamped envelope inside your envelope
I will need to read the prison rules again, not sure if you can send postage notes directly or an envelope.
That's not something he would say haha
tell him i said hi
Life experiences (where most preach the “travel” meme). Find out what interests you by exploring culture, women, economies, exports, etc. fulfillment comes from deriving a sense of personal worth from your actions; helps if its profitable. Helping others (who need it) is very rewarding. They either pay in money, services or gratitude.
Others seek fulfillment from raising a family.
>Metropolitan Penetration Center
no sealed stamps?
or that'd just have taken more effort to fake than his handwriting, at which you're already good at
should we send him money?
i feel like sending him some money. or some cupcakes...hmmmm
>Thought he was smart
>In prison
Pick one
You would have to send money thru western union all you need is his inmate number and name
Actually rock solid advice. I'm saving this.
Nice thot
Got sauce?
We should free him like in GTAIV: The Lost and Damned
Martin Shrekli ? oh, it's the "bitcoin? who cares about bitcoin" guy who later FOMOed in at ATH in the summer ? Surely he knows a lot about cryptos.
Free Skhreli
Every pop-star is an escort.
olga chocolate
What's a good cheap/free digital mail service to use? Want to mail Martin from UK.
just use the royal mail or whatever it's called
You think he can reply to mail from another country?
oh come on
>Ordinarily, the inmate pays for the calls; but in some cases the receiving party pays.
Its been confirmed by Skhreli himself, chainlink will be your best investment ever.
Win Bigly was a fucking snoozefest
Scott Adams used to be worth listening to, now he just says whatever gets him the most shekels
Try things that scare you. If you find something where even failure brings you excitement, joy, and a sense of wondering what’s next, you’ve found something you should cling to.
hey retard, two completely different books. talk about missing the point, this is why you're a fucking loser.
t. not the guy you replied to