Beer snobs literally can't refute this.
Beer snobs literally can't refute this
Other urls found in this thread:
forced autism is still autism.
I feel this way about all alcohols, they taste like shit to me.
I only vape heirloom cannabis.
if you're not drinking Olde English, you're a pussy and not a true beer connoisseur
Sure, I'll bite.
Flyover: The Post
Sup San Francisco
(((Belgians))) will literally defend this shit.
neck urself ACELA fag
ITT Poor fags who can't appreciate craft beer
Does Steel Reserve 211 have no taste?
Trump make you rich yet, shitkicker?
True shit my brotha
what $1 beer has weird taste?
He's making America not rich in diversity, and thats a good thing.
Solid bait. 6/10.
How come?
Pinoys/SEAers. Defend this.
All the things you could spice with that much salt
This is a food board.
As an alcoholic neckbeard I can firmly say that there is nothing wrong with being """"snobbish"""" with your beers.
Forgot to add, I'm drunk right now, due to being alcoholic.
No one cares you sjw homo
This, I've drank steel reserve almost as much as water this year so far and can still tell when a beer is good and shit. Why do people flaunt their ignorance and shame those who try to take an interest in shit
While there certainly are people who do this and they are definitely cunts;
>weird taste
Alright, let's stop being so broad. Which kind is it;
>wow, this tastes weird, as in it tastes like I'm drinking a saturated solution of water and yeast
>wow, this tastes weird, as in it tastes like someone watered it down before bottling it
>wow, this tastes weird, as in the fermentation got funky and my beer tastes kinda like blue cheese
Or is it;
>wow, this tastes weird, I didn't expect an Imperial Stout to have a definite fruity taste
>wow, this tastes weird, you can definitely feel a lot of alcohol yet it goes down mellow, and you can really taste the barley in this
>wow, this tastes weird, I've never had something with such a ridiculous amount of hops in it, yet the taste is still pleasant
One consists of unique and arguably positive traits of different variations on different styles of different types of beer, which can certainly be enjoyable to experience. The others are just bad flavors but you're not going to suddenly stand up at the bar, spit out your beer and loudly proclaim "WOW, THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT", so when your friends ask you what it tastes like you say "It's... weird."
You seem triggered, serf. Go enjoy the other three circle jerk responses it may make you feel better
Same poster.
Exactly. I can tell just through relevance whether something is better or not. I will acknowledge good beers because they simply are closer to what I deem as perfection like any other connoisseur.
>I'm going to save this image so when people disagree with my political beliefs I can use it to imply they're a nazi
We don't care. We just elected the guy you faggots spent a year calling the next Hitler.
God shut your dumb mouth the fuck up
You're assuming a lot. I'm glad Trump won because it means both parties will have to try a lot harder to make sure our nation doesn't reach this level of failure ever again. I can't think of a better way to improve bipartisanship over the next four years than to have this fuck around.
Again, stay mad serf.
>actually wanting to be known as the op of this shit thread
Wew lad.
God damn the velma look gets my dick rock hard
I'm not mad. I just find your cringeworthy posts annoying. I bet even reddit told you to fuck off. Also you should prepare for 8 years of Trump. It's happening.
Truly the Champagne of malt liquor. A great sour ale at a good price followed by steel reserve(s) is all I need.
Save this post, I'll be around. If it does happen I'll fuck myself with a baguette on live stream. I bet you'd like that you faggot serf.
>save this post
Nigger I'm not even going to remember you in the morning...
I love you Kyary poster
Trumpanzees backtracking on their confidence yet again. Sad.
Don't worry, his failure will actually make America great again, I bet it's just a part of the eight dimensional chess
Do you own a monocle? You seem like the type of guy who would own a monocle...
Angry orchard is literally the only good tasting beer.
a 6/10 is solid?
I'd say thats passable at best, like a tranny with good tits and voice but a giant adams apple.
Fuck you, my bait was at least 8/10.
I don't even like beer, but the ass pain ITT is delicious.
That's a nice beer you have there.
I mean I think it depends, I do prefer milk stouts for what they are. Probably one of my favorites
I also like a good Blue Moon.
IPA's are a fucking meme though
I drink everything, from Natty light at around 50 cents a can, to very limited seasonal releases. You get what you pay for generally speaking, outside of the IPAs. A good well flavored stout is going to cost some money, and in general, the price and quality tend to line up fairly well. Same with porters. Other styles are hit or miss.
IPAs are where the cost to quality comparison breaks down. Too many shitty breweries have discovered that if you can't brew a decent beer, throw an assload of hops in it, slap on a snobby label, and sell it for 5 bucks a bottle. Really, there are very few IPAs even worth drinking. Bell's Hopslam is my favorite. It's actually got some flavor past the hops.
OP is still a faggot.
you might have an intolerance to eggs
that's kind of how it starts
try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up
You need a life mate. How many threads are you posting this in? Go cook something.
Oh piss off mate
Love me some Duvel. Also Tremens. Also, Duvel TrippleHopped
I livelike 5 minutes from this brewery. Its pretty gud.
This, A beer i rather enjoy is Old Peculier, by Theakston Brewery, I like it because it has a nice hint of banana in it. I found it odd but I love it
Is brewdog any good or is it a meme?
that's a trashy drink consumed by trash. Literally just fuck my liver up.
Yes. They like to meme on a personal level but they do actually make good beers with rich taste intensity. But all of course depends on what you like. If you're a pussy who likes his beers to not taste of much you might disagree.
Houston has Saint Arnold's :3
I like their beer on draft
This is the good shit.
Have this with a steak or some nice red meat lads.
>youre at the bar, enjoying a nice evening of banter with the boys when suddenly youre interrupted by-
*runs hand through hitler youth fade*
*adjusts flannel collar*
*pushes glass up*
*snorts a line of hops and cocoa powder*
>what do you do?
This is true to some extent. Beer snobs will defend any garbage beer as long as it's expensive and comes from some shitty backwater microbrewery even if it tastes like piss and dishwater. But give them the same beer and say it's a super market beer and they'll tell you how fucking disgusting it is.
Order him some nasty double IPA and tell him to sit as far from me as possible
Heres your (you) autismo
If I don't like the way a beer tastes, am I considered snobbish?
I'm not a fan of dark beers with coffee.
salt isn't a spice you silly billy
>Drinking the garbage parts of fermentation
Only untermensch contaminate their precious bodily fluids with undistilled alcohol.
More like, give him the triple and quadruple hoppsecutioner bullshit that no one else wants to drink and ask him to take it out to his car.
>call cops and report drunk driving in your parking lot
I took my father in law to a car once he ordered something that the waitress described as "our most hoppy beer ever."
He took a sip and literally said "Whew lads."
hops are, objectively, shitty tasting - and they have been a meme for almost a decade and a half and the stupid people still aren't catching on.
You fuckers literally cannot tell me that this shit doesn't taste good for $4 a bottle
All beers that are actually imported from Germany get a pass ShitLord. Nice try. Troll harder.
How about this? I live 10 mins from the mills river brewery
Disgusting swill.
This isn't /pol/ or /b/. Thanks for stopping by tho!
As for brews, the price has nothing to do with the quality. That's not to say that a great beer might be expensive, as true as a cheap beer can be delicious. My cheap beer would be Newcastle. I consider the budweisers and coors more along the lines of animal piss. Not because they're cheap, but because they're disgusting. Then again, I'm not a fan of overly carbonated light beer.
More like
Jelly as fug.
Randy Munroe pls
No they don't. They look at it like Americans look at 40oz malt liquor. Cheap shit to get wasted on. Spent a month there on business and drank it everyday I was there.
cuck off
T. Commushit
>buy hipster beer sampler
>it's over-hopped shit
>buy Olde English
>actually not too bad
>now drinking OE near-exclusively
>yfw the midwest has more craft breweries per capita
Catch me boolin wit dem slimers, dey my young uns
Heady Topper is literally the best double IPA.
only 8 bucks a can too
hot meme shitlord
>thinking $10 a bottle is expensive
Fucking peasants.
Meme beer
that pentagram one was definitely not worth the $23 I paid for it. Could have gotten a bottle of whiskey instead :(
Agreed about Pentagram. Darkness is really good, but Misanthrope is my favorite of theirs so far.
Stay mad, classcuck.
I keep forgetting to pick up a growler or two from my local brewery, maybe i'll have the roomie come with for a bite to share and drive me back after sampling their elderflower saison and old ale if they aren't gone. Otherwise I'll drink their stout until my pallate learns to ignore the spoiled mild note and opens up a new branch of possibilities.
Even if they still have old ale I can't get a growler because it's too strong/limited and I haven't flirted with the owner besides complimenting their fish and chips batter
(aggressively waits for money to come in mail)