Went over for drinks to 55yo neighbour's house who is shooting blanks, 3 dogs to compensate for kids

>went over for drinks to 55yo neighbour's house who is shooting blanks, 3 dogs to compensate for kids,
>started randomly going crazy and telling me to join the army
>told me im a loser and asked how the fk I got girls?!
>kept yelling and telling me to join the army (im at uni)
>told me my family (who were coming down to try and claim a share of my dads house, he passed away) are going to rip me limb by limb when my mother passes
wtf is wrong with this guy? my head feels pretty jangled

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> 55yo neighbour's house who is shooting blanks, 3 dogs to compensate for kids,
>"what is wrong with this guy"

This belongs on biz because that crazy man was all up in your business

Nice blog post fag.

just join the army you fucking pussy

sounds like a gay dude who wanted to be your daddy. I mean just look at the various context clues. How old are you OP? How twink-like is your boipucci?

He's not wrong about the last part.
mom used to work for a real state company, she saw the most beautiful, respected and educated families turn on each other as soon as grandpa or mom and dad passed away.
They will tear u apart son, females are vicious creatures.


Neighbour is compensating for his inferiority complex. By telling you to join the army he implies that you're a pussy, by saying that your family will turn on you he tries to make himself feel better because he can't have a child/family. Don't listen to him, he is a said shell of a man

Pretty much bracing myself for this to happen. Soon as my grandma passes, I'm pretty much gonna lose my family over her properties. Sucks.

So how the fk do you get girls?

This is not your LiveJournal

Me in 30 years. And I've had nothing to do with the military.

Interesting thread. Veeky Forums is a good board for life advice

Did you ask him if he has any LINK yet?

this. follow dogMan

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What the fuck is this tweet?

A man working at Walmart of all places once called me a loser. He asked what I do and I told him I made a mobile game and now I mine bitcoins. He said I was a fucking "loser who needs to get a real job". Boggles the mind. I make 3x more than him with 10x less effort. He was literally looking down on me.

I would literally kill any member of my family who betrayed the squad.

nice pasta, a real classic

this. i've excommunicated my father for pulling shit like this on my brother and i. gonna have 3 sons and raise them to love and respect the family at all costs.

when I was 18 i worked at walmart, i was literally the guy walking around outside all day collecting the shopping carts

one time i heard a lady tell her kid "see? thats why you have to study hard and go to college, unless you want to be like that guy"

I mean sure, the job was LITERALLY retard-tier, but it paid $9/hour and i was in college majoring in comp sci

I learnt first hand why we were told to mix with people our own age. You did too now op.

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Lmao deconstructed

You're a cryptocuck.
He's the chad stock boomer.
He will win in the end.
You will lose.
He's already celebrating.

>neighbor is not wrong


Livejournal much like Deadjournal hasn't been a thing in over a decade user. please keep up

I wish I could get girls. I just want to have sex at least once.

>keeping up with websites dedicated to 13-year-old girls.

Sounds like the dude is giving you good wisdom. Probably knows you and knows Uni isn't going to pan out for you. Hate to tell you this but unless you got a really useful degree you're going to have a difficult time getting a job.

I would pay particularly close attention to the last thing he said because 99% of the time its true. When the center of a family dies (mother is dead and then father dies or vice versa) the vultures come out.

When my grandfather died it tore our family apart.

Greed+Grief= Worst in humanity.

Completely changed who I am as a person, I didn't trust people too much to begin with. Now I trust no one and hate just about everyone. Humans are fucking garbage.

Buy REQ.

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He cares for you and doesn't want you to get fucked over. He is trying to raise you without being too invasive about it.

Don't join the military though. Maybe it was just him wanting you to toughen up and get a spine. You can do that in other ways. If your major is a track to a good job, keep studying.

If he's in the U.S. and not a complete retard then the military is a great option.

>All money is disposable income

Now of course if he's a fucking moron who can't join the chairforce or something similarly mind oriented then he should sign up unless he wants a chance of losing a limb or his life.

This guy is right.
I'm getting boipucci vibes instantly from those questions, he wants you bad.

>go die for israel
you'd have to be a retard to think joining the army is some noble life experience.

>your chance of dying in war is less than dying in a car accident in the US

You'd have to be a basement dwelling pussy to believe that it's not a respectable profession

Your family was amoral trash. Too bad.

Nah you daft bitch I used to use both about 10yrs ago. But here you come with some retard retort of little girls. I dont use lj and it waqsnt for lil girls 10yrs ago and it's not used now. fuck off with your assumptions of children you closetpedo

Literally happens all the time. Consider yourself lucky if you have never experienced this.

fucking boomers and x-ers who believe this bullshit are part of one of the most destructive forces destroying the world right now

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Leave gen x alone. We are alright. We were put in a shitty position and had to manage.