Bad news for LTC HODLers

LitePay has ceased all operations and is preparing to sell the company

Attached: litepay.png (2000x1000, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 123123423.jpg (737x278, 30K)

literal pump and dump, nothing more. the never had any plans to do anything, just some chinks looking to cash out.

Was lookint to short but it was announced like 9 hours ago.


Attached: JustSODL.jpg (676x904, 70K)

LOL Lee timed all this shit perfectly. He sold everything almost at the peak and now it's all down here from here.

>$10k/LTC meme
tfw, sodl after he tweeted about dumping his stash.

Attached: BullAsFuck.jpg (756x364, 41K)

Do you guys think Lee can be prosecuted?
Like, can a bunch of people sue him alleging insider info because he sold LTC a weeks before it started crashing?


Attached: 1511713565639.jpg (286x400, 33K)

No, you're rekt.

No, he's just smarter than you retards.

Good, LTC holders are some of the most annoying and cringey people, I hope they lose all their money

This 140 iq here i can recognize someone smarter than me i can tell you charlie iq should be over 160

he literally told everyone when he dumped his bags and didn't have to do that. Have you heard Cuckerberg dumped his $FB stock just before they announced "data breach"?

>annoying and cringey
agree. Do you buy the Abra big announcement shit?


Attached: _JakcuAG_400x400.jpg (363x363, 6K)

>Like, can a bunch of people sue him alleging insider info because he sold LTC a weeks before it started crashing?
The crash was written on the wind, only brainlets didn't see it coming. If you look through the archive you'll see various warning threads.

Litepay died weeks ago and is already priced in.
I wouldnt recommend shorting now

>I wouldnt recommend shorting now
Why not? I don't see this going up. Best possible scenario for LTC is moving sideway.

maybe. no major dump visible atm despite litepay death being announced like 6 hrs ago
sell now or hodl? Bought at 80


Please tell me you aren't buying any of these user

Hold. Litepay has been a failure, but as others have already pointed out, we knew that it was a dud weeks ago when it was supposed to initially launch and its already priced in. There are more projects that are already in the works for LTC that will be taking place throughout 2018 that will drive the price back up

Look in the article it says litepay is not happening ( yet ) .
Now it says it will NEVER happen

Gentlemen, I have 7.97 litecoins. Is it even worth holding anymore. I also bought around 200-250.


yes sir tank you for the high buy we recommend you sell those 'high buys ' now while were low and rebuy once LTC has made a big bull run and is over $400...

Oh shit I almost bought some for long term holding yesterday, glad that I thought I'd wait for what bitcoin is up to today

Hopefully. But I'd like to see litecoin delisted from Coinbase. It doesn't deserve to be there. It was always a shitcoin pump and dump.

>Bought around $200-250
>"Should I sell at ~$150?"

Buying High, Selling Low: The Veeky Forums Story