POWH just reached ATH daily volume

POWH just reached ATH daily volume.
If you think its already too late you're fucking wrong.

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comfiest hold in crypto.
the dividends keep coming, over 1% daily just in dividends!!!!

Attached: YOU_OWN_THE_TOKEN.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

why hold ETH while it bleeds if it's not making dividends? this should be the biz bank account. shilling must intensify

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The nigger coin

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Just a question for this system to work, more and more people have to join right?

What happens if no new people join and everyone starts cashing out?

aint nuffins bout to happin white bio

>black slaves generate you divs
South finally won my good man.
you get divs from sells as well

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2600 and growing fast!

Get in now, and you can be back to break even by just 4000, and once the eth has doubled to 5200eth?

YOU will be up a cool 14.55%

No question, you're gonna be rich on this... /s

Attached: Pyramid Gain Loss Worksheet.png (2949x1926, 477K)

They lost all there money already. Hard to see them getting burned again

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I'm 4x up and will be 8x at 5k, your graph is shit and doesn't account for divs reinvests

ouch, not counting reinvests on the fudgraph

I am thinking to toss 18 ETH into it , how much time will it take to make 2x back?

100 years
or maybe 1 hour nobody fucking knows, but if you can shill you will make profits

That's the cool thing about math - math doesn't care what you believe. There is no profit being created here, this is a zero sum game. Every dollar of 'profit' is somebody else's dollar of loss.

This graph accounts for 81% of the money, the other 19% (10% in and 10% out) is sprinkled as dividends - 3% to a few on the way in, and 7% to all. If you were in early and have a few thousand tokens for your couple of eth - the numbers totally work. Did you get in later? Just divide your holdings by the 600,000+ tokens minted so far, and you can do the numbers your self.

90% lose a bit, and 10% win HUGE

There are less than 1500 addresses. Everyone getting in now is almost certainly in the top 0.1% of where this will go because of referral link shilling.


Why is this guy so triggered and refuses to show his face

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Except this thing is going to be...
Ah whaever Tenga, we both know you will fud it as well because you're stuck in EPX because you believe Norse like he's your fucking god savior.

Na I am too busy to shill, I skip it better then , was thinking I could turn it to 2x in a week or less.

P3D Frozen Horror:


Anyone putting money into this is going to lose it all

At this point?

Yeah, that's likely true.

The math isn't simple, but it's also not that hard to calculate either.

Even the dividends received on a complete collapse to zero can not offset the token value loss.

>epx marketing strategy is to fud more successful project
You know damn well that worst possible thing that can happen is you lose 40% of your initial investement, and if you're actually last one in contract you can sell at gain. We literally did the math with you faggots.

Lies have been pivotal to this project so far, and continue to be so - why do they rely on memes to sell?

Cause the math would not.

Uh finaly a /cozy/ thread on biz

*hugs and love for all*

Even if everybody sell, you still gain. Its about hodling and having strong hands. Its not shit you want to buy and sell often. Its 10% penalty for every buy and sell.

you put ether into contract and receive coins. you get dividends, also in coins? what happens when everybody's leaving (the classic bank run) - what happens to the price of the coins? when the contract is sold out of ether, what value has your coins?

I know shit about math. I know human psycology. I also know up from down

I put shit into this, Im up now.

You put shit into link, you are down.

I win.

Lol we'll see
People said the same about Bitconnect too btw

Completely different from Bitconnect


Just a hint user...

Do the math for yourself.

Did it even occur to you that the people running a pyramid might not be completely honest with the numbers they post versus the real numbers?

The made hundreds of thousands last time, and they'll make your money this time as well: reddit.com/r/PoWHCoin/comments/7uoo7f/why_do_i_think_that_powh_og_devs_are_full_of_shit/