Just imagine the first madman who saw one of these drop out of a bird and thought to eat it

Just imagine the first madman who saw one of these drop out of a bird and thought to eat it.

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Probably saw an animal eat them and just tried it.

We probably ate those nack in the day, when we were still idiotic troglodytes



Probably looked something like this

Your post is just ragging on eggs, I know, but you bring up an interesting point about the steps it took for early man, often living in a state of starvation to grab a fruit, plant or mushroom and eat it, not knowing whether he would live or die. And as often as not, probably died. You have to wonder if it didn't cull the adventurous DNA from the human herd and that's why we've ended up with a flock of sheeples.

just imagine the first madman who decided to squeeze these and drink what came out

you might have an intolerance to eggs

that's kind of how it starts

try not eating eggs for a few days and see if it clears up

or maybe it culled a bunch of retards who were too stupid to identify poisonous mushrooms and fruits. Don't worry though, all those "adventurers" are rotting in hell now. Let's just hope the flock of "sheeple" are up to the task.

You fuckin idiot.

Probably real brave and an asshole.

This. Animals will scavenge for & eat eggs, in the wild. It's not a huge stretch for a human to see it happening and realise they can do it, too.

Now, figure out how we arrived at collecting, separating & grinding grass seed and using the flour.

>Using the word sheeple

You're a special sort of cunt and must be a joy to be around

>too stupid to identify poisonous fruits, plants or mushrooms

How do you think humans realized that some things were poisonous? Do you think god bequeathed a field guide to wild plants and mushrooms to Adam and Eve, for christ's sake?

>sheeple describing the majority of people is stupid.

All indications are that's the best description. What's yours?

We should make deviled ostrich eggs.

Just masturbatin'.

We drink the milk from human tits, so why not from animal tits?

I also thought about this before too

>hey ugg, look that thing
>what that oog?
>bird poop funny looking butt rock, not smelly poop rock
>huh weird, what do?
>me think you know what do, eat butt rock
>i dare you and will give you five rock

>implying the animals didn't watch and copy us instead

Eggs make sense, I always wonder this about crabs though.


Imagine the dude who first saw this snotty little rock and decided to slurp that shit up

I like to think our progress has been due to idiots daring one another.

Imagine the dude who first saw this and thought to make liquid gold to enslave a nation with it

>human ancestors have been eating random shit since the dawn of time
>Veeky Forums tries to come up with convoluted reasoning and goes full retard

>copied animals foraging

Nah, that doesn't work. A herd of deer routinely pluck Amanitas mushrooms, aka deathcaps, from my yard. Copy that and you'll be gone.

That's a big egg

Just imagine the first madman who saw one of these and thought

>what are those bees doing?
>what are they hiding in there?
>I bet it's something delicious
>im gonna eat it


>Veeky Forums thinks humans just popped into existence and then frantically tried to find stuff to eat

Thats a wasp nest not a bees nest. That looks like gross bark. A bees nest looks likd delicious nectar.

>he's an evolutionist


an udder doesn't look anything like a boob

>what if we milked women instead of cows



That's why sex is for, user.

So a dude died once and then his people knew not to eat that shit.

plebs, proles, idiotes

Do wasps make honey?

Probably one cracked and started frying near a volcano then smelled good.


The dairy industry would have execs that formed the basis of their industry.

>an udder doesn't look anything like a boob

Sure it does. Udders look like single giant boobs with extra nipples hanging off.

No, but vulture bees make honey from rotting meat.

Pre-historic man saw this and thougth it might be a treat.

We already knew what came out of those


you mean pervert.

It's like the first guy to decide to fuck a llama, you can thank that guy for the existence of syphilis in human beings.

Fuck me running, now that was funny.

>Og you clumsy oaf! You dropped our raw brontosaurus ribs in the fire!
>Sorry Ug.
>Fuck it, let's eat it anyway.


They saw animals eat eggs first. Its not that weird

just imagine the first madman who ate this and figured that setting your mouth on fire would be a culinary experience

the absolute madman...


I want to know who had the idea to grind grass seeds into powder, mix it with water, and bake it on a hot stone

had me a giggle there

>rotten milk

>I'm just going to keep mixing this milk
>wow it got really hard

are you in the US? knock yourself out:


h-how hard is it.... user-kun?

c-c-can i.... touch it?

good one, Jim



Tried to make a simple butter joke, and then I walked into a den of sin.

The weak should fear the strong

You have lived your whole life in a den of sin, and yet you have only realized it now.

There still must have been the first time that one of our ancestors ate something other than easily picked fruits. I doubt Australopithecus bothered with eggs or honey.

>Org, why are you splashing sea water all over our meat?
>Just try it man, I promise

It's a very, very silly idea that humans just one day appeared on the Earth, fully formed but without any prior knowledge or skills, and had to learn even the most basic things by trial and error.

Even dumb animals usually know what to eat and what not to eat. The only reason you don't know is that it's no longer important to your survival.

Christ wasn't around back then

That was a dinosaur, dude. Egg theft goes all the way back to the Cretaceous.

Yes, He literally did. Literally, for Christ's sake.

The original text was in Akkadian, of course, but there's a Latin copy in the Vatican.

Which all illiterates obviously got a copy of.

i love that people think human beings just popped into existence one day and followed every other animals' lead in how to survive. have you ever heard of lizards who fuck up bird nests and eat their eggs? yeah, we evolved from that.

Stealing and eating bird's eggs probably predates modern humans. Many primates including at least some of the great apes do it, so I don't think this is a conscious invention by some human.

all animals need salt for numerous cellular functions. i'm sure some primitive mammal had the idea of dunking whatever food it scavenged in seawater before eating it long before humans came along. think of how raccoons "wash" their food.