There are actual December buyers browsing Veeky Forums right now

There are actual December buyers browsing Veeky Forums right now..

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nah their dead nice quads senpai

December buyer here. Happy as hell even tho the market is fucked my addiction will be fed. And I sold my alts a few days ago while they pumped. This means rebuying lower

I bought gifts in december & I imagine most others did too

Jokes on you I bought at the beginning of Jan

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Late november here, wassup

I met someone who bought Bitcoin just before NYE.

Told me he put in "money he wouldn't notice he lost", etc etc.

Awkward as fuck because I'd started talking about obvious Tether inflation etc.

Lol. Rebuying in a bear market.

October here. Still up $110... kek

Lol you got me haha

i heard Veeky Forums changed had to see for myself.

lol not one bit.

December buyer here. I was still in the green until this last alt sell-off two weeks back brought me down to half my initial investment. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

ATH buyer here, literally. Whats the matter? I hold until Im old :)

Have you considered that you might be a cuck?


Anyone else who bought btc at 19k. Please....

last time I bought BTC with fiat it was at $600

not selling = the same as buying

you thought btc was a good value at 19k so you held (or HODL)

bought in january ama

Indeed, I'm one of them
>checked by the way

Attached: Despair.png (432x653, 467K)

> be me
> allin 3k in december 17th
> was 40k in january
> now at 8.5k and falling

i'm considering cashing out before this shit goes to 0. how likely you guys think we are headed for 0?

Yikes let this be a lesson to always sell when the news is screaming buy

are you broke now?

The people that don't take out their initial investments after 10xing or w/e suprise me the most.

> i'm considering cashing out before this shit goes to 0. how likely you guys think we are headed for 0?

Let me know when you've cashed out and we can start the next bullrun.

cost average
Buy a little on the way down friend
a cuck to what? I may be indeed a cuck to crypto. Dumps on me...
>enjoys it

muh gains
You miss out on extra gains
The greed is real

lmao you are so right. at 10x i was like "the market would need to contract to 100B mcap until i'm at intial investment so why even bother taking profits". then 2 months later almost at initial investment.