Why did Drumpf steaks get such terrible reviews?

why did Drumpf steaks get such terrible reviews?

Because they were re-branded Omaha Steaks, and Omaha Steaks suck.

Because they were exclusively sold at a fucking department store

Not even a department store, more like an overpriced shitty gadget store. Which makes the decision to sell mail order-tier meat there even stranger.

Call it Ivanka steaks and I know I will eat it.
-K. Conway

There's not a huge amount you can really do to a steak to make it that much fancier than usual

When you market a bit of beef as billionaire-quality beef, you're going to be dissapointed, because there is no such thing as billionaire quality beef.

Beef just doesn't get that much better than beef. It's all just cow. Science hasn't engineered a cow more delicious than other cows enough to justify marketing it with a billionaire.

Just butthurt liberals brigading the reviews during the election.

Plus Trump steaks was a terrible idea.

Theres a reason the steaks in Japan that are domestic are twice as much as the American steaks. Theres a huge quality difference among types of steaks

Don't you mean the lands of Glorious Nippon don't lend themselves well to huge cattle farms? I think you mean that.

That contributes to it, as it means you can't increase profit by expanding your output, so you have to increase your quality instead. The only thing stopping Americans growing Wagyu cows and fattening them up enough to produce Kobe levels of marbling is that you get a better return on investment by expanding your ranch most of the time.

>There's not a huge amount you can really do to a steak to make it that much fancier than usual
flyover detected

Everything Trump touches crumbles into dust (see: current state of the U.S.)

Trump hasn't done anything yet, ironically. The fear and blind hate is what's burning schools at the moment. Not him.

US was shit before he came into office don't kid yourself.

Yeah, they had been a laughing stock as long as I remember, but we dont just tell them, right?

If this is a troll I am in awe at how perfectly you wrote that.
if you're not, you're a retard

He's not wrong, a steak is a steak. I mean sure, you can get Kobe and Wagyu, but that's not billionaire money, that's just well off money. Billionaire steaks are really that stupid, if you're spending money on a steak it's not the steak, it's everything else.

>being a coastal cuck


He's not wrong. Kobe beef taste a little better but not nearly for how much they cost. Watermelon are also $40 is Japan but they don't taste any different from cheaper watermelons from america. Sorry weeb

t. Mohamed

no, it tastes significantly better. and not necessarily kobe beef, but high grade steak tastes A LOT better than low grade grocery store steak.
likewise, cowbrain will taste very different from hip bone, cow is not just cow

Bullshit. 松阪牛 are a specially breed and raised breed of cow that tastes out of this fucking world. Pic related isn't just a "little better". It's something else entirely.
>Sorry weeb
Piss off faggot, this isn't Facebook.

Trump eats steak well-done, I read.

He probably can't tell what's good from what's shit.

Trump is a major mysophobe according.to what I've read. He'd probably never eat eggs benedict, or sushi either.

> Trump is a major mysophobe

No wonder he wants to throw the Mexicans out.

I think the point was to get bankrupt, since he gets taxes exemption from it.

Fun Fact: Trump Steaks highest volume states are: Georgia, Tennesee, and Michigan.

Coincidentally, Niggers make up a large percentage of Trump steak eaters. Hate or love Trump, Niggers know a good steak when they see it.

>Niggers know a good steak when they see it.

I have not found this to be the case. The restaurants I've been to with the highest concentration of black customers were really shitty "steakhouses" like Outback, etc, where the steak tasted spongy, the wine list was gas station tier, and even the bread tasted wrong.



This must be how republican whites felt about Obama.

>Hate or love Trump, Niggers know a good steak when they see it.

dude. black people think black angus is a "good restaurant"

It's rather silly to take classist statements about a group with many members in poverty and phrase it to refer to such individuals as the last decent president.

ps- i meant obama

just butthurt people trying to shame and tarnish his reputation in every possible way.

ayo dude are you reading any of this? He probably tasted some burnt ones and liked it, as if he didn't just buy into the scheme to con poors like he's doing now..

sage because not Veeky Forums

Wagyu steaks ftw. Beautifully marbled, full of flavour and affordable.

Many such cases!

They looks like fucking garbage, lad.

>having so much fear for a man you dont even dare to say his name

He's basically the IRL version of Voldemort so...

that means that you make him powerful by being afriad of him and daring to say his name is a sign of courage

That's literally the point I'm trying to make. Fear and white people is the only reason he was elected so...

excpet intimidation didnt work and people still voted for him

Umm you're not making sense PoC only voted for him because the KKK threatened them so...

yeah, maybe you should start getting your news from a respectable source and not the russian piss network

I'm American (hopefully Canadian soon) actually so...

that means you dont know how to read? well thats just sad

You're the sad one here racist man...

how am i racist if i dont even know your race?

I can tell by how you type honestly... And you're white so...

trump is a scumbag

im actually not white but im going to take that as a compliment thank you

You're clearly mentally white which is really awful honestly... I have depression and anxiety and you're not making it any better so...

How it is awful? You are always talking about how rich whites are, how smart hires are, how beautiful they are, etc.
You clearly want to be white mor than anything in the world

Umm no did you know the richest man on earth is actually PoC yeah look it up you're wrong and honestly you're triggering my anxiety... I can't help it when ignorant white racists like you give me panic attacks so... Goodbye and fuck you...

But I'm not white


>only A4 and not A5

japan imports a lot of beef from other countries - tasmanian wagyu is some of the best in the world. and that costs the same as jap beef. american meat is just poor quality and price as such.

because faggot liberals spread cancer about anything that makes them feel like their tiny little baby vaginas are being poked by their uncles big fat meat again. this could be anything from a word to a hairstyle to an election to a piece of meat.

They should change the name to presidential beef

I've never had it but is it true it melts in your mouth?

Shut up I already hate your kind so much don't spwe your bullshit in here.
Trump would save Africa and he would still be a [insert generic categorisation terms].
You are stupid.

"President Cheeto will appoint you to a federal position of your choosing with each $1,000,000 order you place". Sounds right on par for him.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Drumpf thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Veeky Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "stupid racist" President guy, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Veeky Forums posting about how much he disagrees with another person's political opinion. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic CTR NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "DRUMPF DRUMPF DRUMPF BTFO" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

>Fear and white people is the only reason he was elected

At least you can thank white people.


perfect, a fine addition to my collection

>He's basically the IRL version of Voldemort so...
better be ironyposting.

the united states is a shithole, and it has been for the last fifteen years. Obama didn't start that and Trump won't finish it

stay mad, redneck

Friend of mine tried it on a trip to london. He had to really pull out the dosh but he said that it literally melted in his mouth.

Sounds amazing. Theres actually a brit I watch on Youtube who said the same thing.

>mentally white
>triggering my anxiety
>white racists like you give me panic attacks
Its obviously bait

Have a look over on /qa/ and then tell me if you still think it's bait.

I'd rather not if you're telling me there are unironically people like this on Veeky Forums now

What about muh superior nipponese wagyu beer fed beef folded over a thousand times

>Trump hasn't done anything yet, ironically
*makes ok sign*
*signs executive orders*
*achieves more in 8 days than Obama in two terms*
*fulfills all campaign promises in 100 days*
*removes taco*
*destroys liberal globalist elite*

Man I'm not even racist but almost all niggers are fucking retarded and don't know what's good for them, I don't think most of them know much about good steaks

this isnt your blog

>Outback steak is bad
yep, can agree
>Wine is bad
yeah sure I can see where you're coming from
>Bread tasted wrong

>obama does nothing within first month
>gets nobel peace prize
>trump does lots of stuff
>makes a bunch of people angry

if trump is so great where's his nobel peace prize

>mfw in a few years articles about obama will be referring to him as ex-president, nobel laureate

> muh elite
> the guy is a literal billionaire that owns hotels and casinos

It's still president Obama, and will stay like that.
Grammar is weird.


When you eat steaks from a retard who likes his cooked well done, are you really surprised that they are absolute shit?

He is now Lord Dampnut.

Obviously not.
t. cattle ranch hand

He only sold them if they were well done.

God dust, maybe. #winning

Disgusting, I wouldn't feed that to a dog. Nothing but lard, what kind of moron would pay for that?

>we are now at the point where bait is worthy of a screenshot
I need this fisherman to teach me his ways because I'm clearly doing something wrong.




Top Bait.


To be fair though the cost in Japanese beef is mostly in their small herd sizes and more hands on labour needed to run the farms.

In Australia we have the largest cattlefarm in the world, the size of Belgium and it's run by about 15 people but you bet your ass they're not gunna be individually massaging, hand-feeding beer and playing classical music to their cattle daily.

yeah that immigration ban was him not doing anything you fucking braindead spastic

This. They're doing it with literally everything, it's the birth of a new era of "identity capitalism". I think the liberals will be surprised by how much more "into it" conservatives will get. I mean, they actually like capitalism and brand recognition. Get ready for REPULICAN CHIC - can't wait, desu.

>waaah waaaah I don't control the world banking system like onii-san

Hey senpai remember that time my country had an economic recession and it caused an economic recession in your country too? Good times man, good times.

>120 day ban as a warning, regularly used by governments across the world as a form of geopolitical pressure
>Liberals flip out as if King Trump has declared the castle gates lifted for the rest of eternity

You're right only in the sense that you're behaving exactly how he wants you to behave. When the situation shifts he'll have the radical left in a public opinion hole so deep they'll be unable to stop him in the future.

back to /r/the_cheeto

I can't believe I have to use this on a fucking cooking board.