Fuck it, Im done

Fuck it, Im done.

I sold my entire portfolio at a 45% loss and Im going short at 100x leverage. Take risks when there are blood in the streets.

Liquidation price at $8020, wish me luck

Attached: TheRentischeap.png (221x303, 168K)

But the top, sell and short the bottom, the biz way.

literal gambling addict

what is the sense in shorting after a 1100$ drop of BTC?

You did it...

Attached: -jg259DgOZLW15eAVV9DNWKE24pTwCeaOQ456cXDUvc.jpg (480x480, 40K)

You won't make it, it will bounce back a few times before getting below 6500 usd.

100 BTC sell well on $7900. Holy shit, im sweating and its really going down

> short low, buy high.

Biz is evolving.

>Take risks when there are blood in the streets
the quote is "buy when there's blood in the streets" my dude...

Keep going down. im up 19%, if BTC goes down to 7800 I will be up close to 45% and cover my losses.

This is my life savings right now

What happens if you get liqd?

Bull run imminent

Good luck op, im a long term holder, i hope it gets to 7800 for you.

You are a retard, retard. Even if you win. And even if you're larping. No matter what, you are a fucking potato. With chemical mush instead of brains.

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>7900 LOL

he loses everything he has

i love you OP.

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Not worried. Major resistance at $8k and we are on a downtrend.

Im taking a big risk and no reward without risk. when btc continues to go below to $7500 i will withdraw..

OP, what are the fees approx on the margin trade


OP. You did it.

We're going to 7805 in next 15 minutes.

!!!Seriously the Hero we need but don't deserve!!!

you should probably close while you're ahead

greed kills even the best of us, im speaking from experience

Word I was up 0.015 and I lost 0.04 because I got greedy and din't close.

yes this is amazing. keep going down we are almost below 7880 now

problem is, there's always bounces out of nowhere where whales fuck the market and liquidate highly leveraged shorts.
Hopefully that doesn't happen to you.
I'm comfortably shorting with 7x, no chance a bullshit bounce will eat that.

funny, im opening 10x longs atm, are you sure you're not gonna regret it?

Im going to long x100 now. $2,000 all in
Let the best retard win

I personally look at the current strength of the trend and decide what liquidation price is sufficient to keep riding that trend without going under. 25x is the max.

IMO there's one Moore jump to around 90-92 and then bottoming out around 73-68. I'm going long around 69


this OP. whales are playing a game here. You will get fucked in the ass big time. good luck with losing all your money.

You'll probably be ok but for the love of god don't hold that too long

pretty confident user.
check out dkryptlive on twitter, he's only been on there since Feb, but his calls are golden and TA on point.
I think we'll get above 8k again at some point in the next few days then dip to

as an aside to this, are there any good discord or tg groups discussing margin trading? What I've found is largely morons, pajeets, or bullfags.

Could actually careless if you sold Link your house or even your kid.

100% chance this guy will lose all his money in the next few hours

>Buys high
>Shorts low
I'll just do the opposite of what you do. Thanks, just bought 100k.

you sold at the bottom? LOL, shit bro sorry, then you shorted at the bottom??? HOLY SHIT

>shit volume
>TA entirely bearish still

this isn't the bottom bud.

a 3-5x short would suffice if you want to make up your losses. You will get rekt within 3 hours on 100%

Just do 5x shorts/longs over a few days or weeks, you'll get back your money.

Selling the bottom, shorting the bottom. You have lost it bro. Fucking gambler.


Things are looking amazin. 28% gain now, BTC at 7860 wow i cant believe it

even if you get lucky now, you will lose it all within 1 week with your attitude.

Attached: Kaijak.png (1600x900, 863K)

Worst thing to happen to gamblers is they win.

You will be liquidated by the end of the day you retarded faggot

>buying while RSI is below 30 on all time frames

user I...

Attached: vergeLOL.jpg (798x770, 195K)

and I mean selling of course

Screenshotting for later tonight at 8020

>Selling entire portfolio while the entire coin market is valued at 300 billion and it's worth at least 1 trillion in the future

lol okay

Attached: 7fa.png (662x708, 792K)

this, kek

OP can only lose.
>Win bet, dopamine flood, will do it again in future and lose life savings
>Lose bet, lose life savings
Treat the market like a casino, have the results of a casino. Anyone using margin, let alone leverage, deserve to die in the street from nigger gangrape like the worthless gypsy they are.

narrow minded.
If most TA is bearish, and you leverage 3-8k, you're largely safe. Same for bullish.
Stay poor.

Your gonna make it

kid has trump's eyes

never change user


OP still here? Did u give up?

op here. I am doing well still clear resistance forming at 7900. Some sideways around 7880, expecting a big dump to 7800 soon.

>big dump
Kek. I hope you have fun losing it all


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He's 100x right now, that's a pretty substantial price movement.

Disregard am dumb

Bro, I really hope you make it just for the epic fucking balls of yours. You still a smelly gambler tho!

OP you fuckin hellraiser I wish you the best, its at 7876 right now im thinking its gonna dump again. I made 8% gain on a 10x short with the last dump. I wanna short again so bad.



Attached: KEK.gif (500x255, 497K)

An hero OP


Whale REKT

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press rip to pay respect

Oh no OP...

Attached: ohmy.jpg (795x596, 67K)

RIP, told you, we fucking told you not to leverage so hard.



Oh no...thats sucks!



RIP in piss op

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and OP got liquidated and lost everything.

Attached: 2221241.jpg (505x500, 135K)

resume the dump

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OP im so sry, thank god I didnt short again. Pay your respects anons let this be a lesson to us all.

He died for our sins.

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you dumb fucker

Attached: 90d8ac_5397313[1].jpg (1239x795, 209K)

OP I hope you are happy now you literally lost everything you had lol.

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He fell for the "Blood on the street" meme

You're supposed to LONG when there's blood on the streets

Holy fuck lol the huge green dildo on the 5m chart

Press F to pay respects

Attached: 1516809887305.jpg (600x506, 52K)

Time to get them knee pads out faggot

And today we learned all how not to gamble all your money away.

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Ho-ly-fuck faggot the green dildo now. hope you will recover in in the next 6-12 months

I fucking love these threads. It always ends up with OP getting liquidated. Every. Fucking. Time.

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what if the OP had redeemed his leveraged bet early?
would he have made back some of his losses ?


It was his life savings, OP literally lost everything he had.

Jesus why people do this shit, why you invest your life savings into crypto?

Do you understand you fat fuck you did literally gamble away your life in this 1 hour.

Now what have learned about margin