>most crypto oldfags with 100s of BTC still have NOT cashed out
>no matter what staunch bitcoin maximalists they are, greed and temptation ALWAYS prevail
>most crypto vaporware startups with millions worth of ICO money still have NOT cashed out
>most of Mt. Gox bailout bitcoins still have NOT been cashed out
>the prolonged bear market will inevitably trigger them all
Just imagine the domino effect that's coming...
Some more sad, unpleasant, painful truth
t. retard
t. Shitcoin baghodler
>being this salty
Based honey bear
Yup more sellers than buyers i have buys set at 3k
No, that's retarded. I won't sell.
And don't forget the original hundred miners.
But I had 100s of BTC and I cashed out some with DCA at 16k
I still think its going to 100k eventually, probably not until after 2020 though.
Tbh if I had 100BTC + I would have started selling off atleast 70% above 10k in step, fuck some new internet paradigm. Financial security is where its at.
Why would crypto oldfags suddenly decide to sell at a low? These are people who held from $1000 to $200 and up to $20,000.
USD is collapsing is so why cash out? Anyone from 2011 who still has coins will hold for life. Reason why they are called smart money. It was $0.09 a share in the mid-80s for Microsoft.
>look at all these high networth people not selling.
>they will though
>it will happen
Can't possible entertain a scenario where they hold for a reason.
Any OG who didnt cashout in december is a lunatic and wont cash out until bitcoin becomes the world reserve currency (wont happen for at LEAST another month)
>still comparing magic beans to USD
Most oldfags sold at 2-3k, that's the truth.
Try $200.
THe only people buying BTC are anarchists that have always been kicking against the system but the truth is that all their problems are because they did too much drug being a teenager. So enjoy the bags!
Why would the Mt gox coins be sold now, low? Why wouldn't he wait for the next bull run to get much more money? There is no real cause for this crash other than the media over hyping it. Bitcoin is still double what it was beginning of August. There will be another bull run
20k by May
>USD is collapsing
Herrr derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr