>muh return to the meme
we haven't even left the meme how can we return to it
Daily reminder this is the first sell off
Other urls found in this thread:
Daily reminder that only deludedfags use log scales. Stop lying to yourself.
Pretty much. The trolls, paid FUD spreaders, buttcoin faggots, and everyone in between just want people to suffer and suffer more by selling low. It's classic chan, guys.
Do this world a favor and kill yourself. Thanks.
> yes mommy my Chuckie cheese tokens will rise in value exponentially forever
If you're looking at crypto since its birth. This is return to mean so we're going sideways until new money comes in.
>Katy Perry is an early adopter.
Katy Perry is richer than you will ever be, she is unironically a better business person than you and everyone on this board
I wouldn't be surprised if she was an early adopter. Stay salty faggot
LMAO op for that chart to work the black line would have to be a log scale.
Youre predicting BTC 400 gorillian EOY fucking kek
I just fixed your meme OP
I bet you don't think 50 cent was an earlier adopter.
>media attention
You're right, this definitely has not happened yet.
But seriously, who else here keeps the fact that they hold/trade crypto a secret from everyone they know so they don't get laughed at?
I believe it. Notice how at the end of stealth mode is takeoff. Idk if anyone else was here back in septermber/October but when btc first hit 8k and went straight to 10k, that felt like a proper takeoff. In fact I was locking in gains at 9 and 13k because it seemed to have gone way too high too quickly. This sounds a lot like the first sell off (for normies, who have only been in this space since end of 2017) and with the amount of FUDding that is going on, this sounds like a bear trap. These same bears will fuel the short squeeze and when the media starts shilling btc etfs to boomers, that will be the real media attention
It was bro. That hedgefund dude bought in on that weekend on the dip to 5.4k ...the bear trap was 7.5k to 5.4 ......take off and media attention were the big bang theory .....and greed took over around 18k+ when people were selling there houses, taking loans etc....
Why isnt there a volune vs time graph for bubbles?
Why does everyobe think price is the only metric?
We all can't be big tittied sluts.
Yes but btc happens in cycles. There was media attention back in 2011 as well. Not many normies bought in then though. I agree that a full mini cycle of the meme chart has nearly completed, but on a more macro scale we are where OP posted. We still have a long way to go and (((they))) will soon make btc trading easily available to the boomer normies with etfs and other vehicles. That's when the real bull run will start, when everyone you know will be investing in bitcoin. Right now it's only something like 8% of Americans. That's not enough
You should keep it a secret so you don't get robbed.
So when and how high will BTC moon within the next month?
>so you don't get robbed
You're right. I even live in Chicago. I could risk a black teenager stealing all my LINK on the subway. Never thought of how dangerous holding so much crypto is.
No one knows. Anyone who claims to know anything is a liar. It could keep falling down but I am confident that it is not done permanently. Someday there will be another bull run which will be once again fueled by greed and media shilling. We just need more normies.
The way to do that is to increase the ease of access into the space. Back in the day you could only buy bitcoin on Localbitcoins. Normies ain't gonna go for that shit, sounds super sketchy. And they didn't that's why the 2014 bull run only went to 1k. Now we have coinbase which made it easier for normie gen z and millennials to buy because it was just as easy to buy bitcoin as a product in Amazon. But like I said that's only 8%.
Once Scwab and Wells Fargo open investment vehicles that make it easy for boomers to understand, we are headed to the moon. Wouldn't be surprised if btc hits 100k
Be rational guys. The stock market had a great day, but ended terribly last week. This type of volatility is indicative of the first stages of bubble popping. Certain international banks, in Germany in particular, are exhibiting unhealthy characteristics in their equities.
I don’t mean to be a Debbie downer, but I have successfully invested in many markets and have studied economics and worked as an analyst for the past ten years. Things don’t look great, and I would think the inevitable stock market deterioration will bring down crypto with it and there will be large issues economically throughout the world.
Gold and gold stocks are probably great investments.
If anyone is interested, I can post TA charts from my prop software for any particular cryptos, but things look bad. I may CONSIDER reentry at the following levels:
BTC: $4900
LTC: $90
XMR: $140
My reentry is dependent on market health at those levels.
Are you mentally handicaped, brah?
It's the drawback to being your own bank, banks get robbed all the time. Once crypto really takes off giving nerds titty twisters until they squeal with their seeds is going to be a huge growth industry.
Multi millionaires have access to information and people you could only dream of. You think she is just a dumb bimbo, but her advisors aren't. Trust me she's doing better than you
Americans are broke right now. Don’t expect Americans to be the catalyst for a crypto bull run. Most of us in the traditional financial world are LARGELY uninterested in cryptocurrency.
>Most of us in the traditional financial world are LARGELY uninterested in cryptocurrency.
Do you think this is likely to change?
Now I wonder what her portfolio looks like
No shit it will. The person you're replying to is probably some boomer living in the past who found Veeky Forums through a crypto facebook group.
Correct, we are in before the "media attention" phase. Retard.
>Things don’t look great, and I would think the inevitable stock market deterioration will bring down crypto with it
Legit thought, but i don't think so. check out:
That's because we haven't entered proper media attention yet. Give it a few months or a couple years, the amount of bitcoin shilling by the media you've seen up until this point was just a taste.
It’s tough to say...more younger guys are getting interested, but there is a pretty strong top down mandate to have no involvement in crypto. Think from our perspective: we manage people’s money and we have a menagerie of very interesting and successful investments that allow clients to very predictably garner over 15% annual ROI. People with large sums of money aren’t interested in gambling their life savings away because crypto is still viewed as (and in many ways is) a gamble.
Crypto is a great, fun market for young people that are risk tolerant, but that is it.
That being said, there are lots of crypto hedge funds that have formed in the last 12 months, but these are almost entirely young people who have made fortunes in crypto and are trying to use the tax benefits and other investment vehicles used by hedge funds (so they’re really diversifying their crypto gains in many ways into other markets/investments).
Plz buy leeman brothas onichan
9/10 propaganda, even had me fooled there for a minute. When will greenfags ever learn?
That's kind of what I'm thinking too. It seems like the way the wind is blowing anyway from what I can see from my meager vantage point. I'm just trying to pick the brain of somebody else who might know something mate.
Mind you guys, I work for a firm that has a very bearish, conservative outlook on things as a whole right now. But I see lots of people in the crypto space constantly talking about “institutional money flowing into the space,” and I can’t help but think it is people talking out of their ass. I’ve spent the past 8 months on business trips throughout the US and Europe and so few people in my world view crypto positively (I can’t speak on the mentality in Asia or elsewhere).
Boomers/Gen X are smaller than millennials so just wait till they take the previous gens jobsm also larp.
You're a fucking idiot believing people on an anonymous board
It is possible that young people will hedge against economic turmoil in cryptos instead of gold/commodities/unique emerging markets...but let’s face it, young people have a very small fraction of the world’s money, and that smart money is going to go to tried and true places in the event of an economic crisis. They won’t take a gamble on crypto.
>negatively correlated to gold
Did you even watch your own presentation?
If stock market tanks - gold goes up and crypto tanks
Interesting. Thoughts on youtube.com
- bitcoin uncorrelated to bonds, stocks
- bitcoin reduces portfolio volatility
I strongly agree with this...I think it is VERY wishful thinking to think money will flow to the crypto space. Money is actually regularly flowing out of the space in a predictable manner. From my perspective, the market is largely governed by trader activity right now and not by long term speculators. I see a structural artifact in the chart around $4900 for BTC that may indicate a change in that activity, but I’m on the sidelines until then.
I never said I believed him. I just implied I wanted to hear what he had to say. Why so hostile user? Lose a lot of money today?
I don’t have time to watch that now, but maybe later. Regarding your bulletpoints:
There are so many unique and interesting investments that do not correlate to stocks and/or bonds...many of which aren’t even know to the general public. Most hedge funds seek out really “obscure” investments that are damn near certain in their ability to generate regular returns: think things like major land development projects that lease to residential areas, buying airplanes to be leased to airlines, etc.
I think there are way too many “sure things” out there for wealthy people to want to risk their money in a hard-to-comprehend, new, volatile, unregulated market like crypto. To me, it seems like only the really “innovative thinkers” have any interest (think Peter Thiel, Mark Cuban, etc)...but these people have backgrounds in tech and they’re CERTAINLY only putting very small portions of their wealth into crypto (5% or less)
I think you know what you're talking about. Tell me this then:
1. Should I invest in gold/silver?
2. Is there going to be a nuclear war with Russia?
3. Is crypto in terminal decline? Are we all down from here, or is it going to be a multi-trillion thing a few years down the road?
crypto is sitting at 300 BI market cap, this is dust
you can't even get a credit card to spend it without a lot of hassle, no working project, hard as fuck to use for the average joe.... this is only the beginning, so much room for growth, comfy af
>I see a structural artifact in the chart around $4900 for BTC that may indicate a change in that activity, but I’m on the sidelines until then.
Interesting. One huge green candle?
Everyday, new cryptos are rising up and developing new features for blockchain services and wallets.
IMO Wallets are the reason crypto isnt bigger. They are just so barebone. Cant wait for the future where wallets have multiple ways of being securely logged into without having to know some keys or a list of words.
Haha I can only give my opinions on these things.
I think gold and gold stocks in particular are an awesome investment right now. Gold stocks are so fucking low that in the event of a crises, they will blow up. Gold also will probably grown 400% give or take pretty quickly. As I mentioned, there are some European banks right now that are looking sick...people at my company tend to believe they are the “canary in the coal mine” indicative of a financial crises similar to 1987. I personally also have a big interest in biotech stocks...CRISPR, stem cell drugs, etc.
I don’t think we’ll have a nuclear war with Russia...but who TF knows. What I am say is that Trump is digging us into a terrible economic hole that started back in the Bush administration and continued during Obama. I think things could get pretty bad before 2020 and everyone will blame trump solely...even though it’s only partially his fault. I imagine this will exacerbate the cultural schism that is already pretty bad in this country
Haha I can only give my opinions on these things.
It’s tough to say on crypto. I strongly think BTC will retrace to $4900ish...from there it is tough to say. I have a good friend who is a blockchain developer working on a project for IBM through a smaller company. This is something I don’t think people realize: a lot of the money being spent on blockchain right now is being paid to developers using systems like hyper ledger and have absolutely nothing to do with 99% of crypto (I think they may be using Ethereum too...but I’m definitely not a programmer so I don’t know the details). To me it seems like there is a new wave of ICOs coming out (think Hashgraph, telegram, lit, machine zones coin, etc) that are only offered to accredited investors. I think these companies will suck up a lot of the money made from crypto and lots of the existing coins will die.
Honestly though, it is too early for me to develop a realistic view of how the world would work if a lot of these IoT projects and such work out...long story short though, I don’t necessarily see any large amount of money coming into the market as it is now any time soon.
Not quite. See attached image
Thoughts on LINK
Thanks, could you get a bigger resolution?
I’d have to wait until until I can get on a computer (am on my phone now).
ok, I see
So let me get this straight;
Dotcom bubble last a decade
Housing bubble last a decade
Stock market bubble last a decade(whether it's going to pop now or not we still don't know)
Crypto bubble lasts 10 days.
Yup sounds logical to me.
Seeing weird shit right now. 83 sell wall on GDAX, buys literally froze, until the sell wall got taken down. I think there's some serious fuckery going on at the exchanges to stop a plunge. It just feel off today. I've never seen GDAX slow to a complete stop like that.
Happening again right now. 73 sell wall, green frozen. Someone's trying to dump, and something is stopping it. This shit is manipulated as fuck.
All sounds pretty reasonable. All the signs I see are pointing to a major downturn in crypto. It seemed like it was moving more toward mainstream and institutional investment anyway.
Do you have Steam or Discord? We should be friends.
This is what I was saying earlier in other threads about what happened on KuCoin. I tried to dump those shit bags and I couldn't even log in until it was clear BTC wasn't going to drop any more. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Just like the way Binance often 'coincidentally' does its upgrades whenever there's a crash.
Even on Quadriga, the exchange I trade for fiat on, is full of bots. It's gotten just as dirty as the regular stock market.
I’ve put a decent chunk of change into Link ($100k). My aforementioned developer friend who got me into crypto and has helped me make a lot of money is very interested in it and has gotten me interested in it.
I regretfully admit that because of how ridiculous this board acts regarding Link.
I have a prop software that I’ve developed with the quant that I used to work with (brilliant guy). We get really interesting signals that are very effective for trading. One of our most successful trades was getting into XLM sub 2 cents and selling it around 85 cents in late 2017. Link is giving me “that look” the same way XLM did, but it is honestly pretty early. I’ll feel more comfortable in 6-8 weeks probably and I am considering trying to figure out how to make a large OTC investment if things check out.
I think it's worse than that, I think GDAX is stopping buys. It's like that sell wall never existed right now, when there should be a huge fucking red candle.
But it's unregulated, so what did I expect? They can literally do anything they want.
> 2008 recession was a bear trap.
Serious. Crypto is next in line strap in lads
Even with so many problematic aspects crypto has shot to the moon. Imagine what will happen when normies can safely buy crptyos from a trusted source without needing ID verification. Imagine what will happen when a big, trusted, player enters the market and all the normies follow suit.
Long term holds are almost guranteed to make money imo. The only question mark is when to buy the dip.
I have telegram
Isn't GDAX just basically a Bitcoin clearing house for the Bitfinex whales?
Are u agreeing with me or being sarcastic? That's another thing I wanted to mention, it comes in cycles and the waves get bigger each time. Crypto has only gotten attention from large amounts of normies since maybe last August? We're at barely a year. I think we have way more room to grow and at least 1 good bull run left.
you conspiracy fags are beyond braindead, if the exchanges wanted to fuck you they just take your bitcoin and run, or take whatever you have on the exchange and get "hacked"
I'm comfy, and ready to get rich anons. Holding LTC, BTC, and ETH
I think there is the potential for an economic crises that will make 2008 look benign. There were only bandaids put on 2008 in the form of QE by the fed, bailouts, etc.
Another big round of QE will hurt the dollar so badly.
Many people confuse gox to be the first sell off but it wasn't. Still in stealth phase then. Media coverage because "muh scam". 2017 was awareness and the stealthchads are dumping their bags on the awarenessfags. Soon the awarenesschads will dump on the manianewfaggots and we will all make it.
Anything else?
I'll stick an avocado up my anus live on periscope if this isn't the bear trap confirmed by August 2018. Screencap this, I am that sure of it.
Don’t get too comfy yet. I think we’re about to get some pretty low reentry points on those. My bias at least.
Imagine unironcially being a coiner, sad and yet pathetic at the same time
I'm sorry, but you aren't gonna make it
>litecoin just went up $2
What now fggt?
It's starting.
There is NO talk of another round of QE, you fucking retarded spastic. If you read the actual news, the Bundesbank is looking for some final last ditch QE for 7 institutions, while the overall program is going to be ending soon. QE in the US went into reverse last year in the US, and the rate hike is a result of that.
All you doom and gloomers are going to be so funny to watch as the overall economy continues to grow and strengthen, and nobody buys into bitcoin, which this is all this really is about. Bitcoin is a not a "safe harbor", and normal people aren't buying in, stupid.
I'm gonna party so fucking hard, and you are gonna stay so eternally ass blasted when whatever literal non-coin you hold diminishes into nothingness, and I'm blowing lines of pure columbian coca off of a strippers ass.
Stay rekt cuck
Lol, hey, I could be wrong. I’m more looking at reentry below $100
Pic attached
I don't use social media. Hm, well, here's my email, we can be old fashioned pen pals.
No talk yet obviously, there’s no reason to talk about QE right now...
the only way crypto can 'moon' is if it gets mainstream acceptance, it never will, even if fiat currencies tank and we go into hyper inflation no one will invest in crypto because its all built on libertarian hype of creating a 'decentralized' monetary system, so of course the only people who are buying this are buying into a pretend world
>even if fiat currencies tank and we go into hyper inflation no one will invest in crypto
You are a smart dude too, send me an email as well.
>cars will never become mainstream, horses work just fine
Doubling down on stupid, huh? Just admit you were talking out of your dumb ass, and stop posting, mong.
>hey kid, want some Jetsons flying cars money???
Calm down dude.
I believe the fed will do QE4 in the event of another financial crisis. Lots of signs point to that reality. It is pretty much the only thing in their toolbox for “solving” problems. If you’re waiting for them to talk about it, you will have already been too late in making save hedges to protect your wealth. This is my bias, I’m not claiming it to be fact since we are postulating about the future. You don’t need to stress yourself out.
I wouldn't say never, I'd say it won't replace current fiat systems in it's current form. It would have to become so regulated, it would become what fiat is already.
The world is not going to decouple from fiat. It can't function without a system that works like fiat, and the transition so disruptive, there is no case that can be made that makes sense. It needs to capture a small corner of the fiat world and make a case for itself there, which so far it's only managed to do in two places: drugs and illicit transactions, and margin trading.
There are aspects of the crypto system that are good, no doubt, as a ledger, but transitioning everything to it, in it's current form? Dream fucking on. Not only is the actual process so time consuming and hard, but you have an entrenched system, mainly the world banks, who will take you out in a heartbeat if you truly threaten them.
It's a nice thought, but the reality is so far-fetched, it's not worth more than some idle time speculation. Which is what a part of this board is about, besides the shilling and shitposting.
My belief is that the form of crypto that down the road, most likely not in our lifetime, replaces the current fiat system hasn't been invented yet.
Which is why I encourage the experiment of crypto, but I'm not a believer in it's current form being it's final form.
>The current state of core cucks
Once fiat pairings exist for all alts BTC will fall to probably triple digits, and that's being kind.