Got pic related from a friend as an apology (She felt bad because plans for edibles fell though. Not mad, but I wasn't gonna NOT take free alcohol)
I know nothing about this brand. Don't plan on opening it yet, but is it any good?
Got pic related from a friend as an apology (She felt bad because plans for edibles fell though. Not mad, but I wasn't gonna NOT take free alcohol)
I know nothing about this brand. Don't plan on opening it yet, but is it any good?
You'll get drunk eventually, so it's great.
ol erk n jerk
the brand is entry level. I would use what you got for cooking or maybe in a cocktail like a sidecar.
If you want to drink brandy neat, look for the same brand, but buy the XO version. It's a good place to start.
should have asked for a blowjob instead
E&J XO is quite possibly the most vile thing I've ever tasted that had the gall to call itself "brandy"
I'm not even sure if I'd want to drink it mixed with coca cola
>the brand is entry level.
The brand is kind of lowest cost, like just the definition of brandy. It's kind of like concentrated wine, do you like that? Variations can be oaky, caramelly, fruity, etc. A good brandy would be smooth on the tongue.
Whacha' drinkin tonight Veeky Forums?
Its a warm, windy night here where I live, and I'm enjoying some ice cream and coffee liquor.
Its p good.
E&J is pretty much the worst brandy.
Use it in cooking.
bottom shelf brandy, but its alright with some coke and lemon
Yes this. This is shit tier ok if you are looking to get drunk. If that's the case buy low tier vodka and take shots for half the price
I bought this from aldi. I don't have a lot of context here but it's definitely better than Blue Moon. A little lighter and more balanced. Not bad for 6 bucks.
I'm having a Chilean sea bass with a Mexican Zinfandel.
I know. Scandalous.
In a departure from the other opinions, I suppose I like it well enough
Gets you going fast and good with hot cheetos to wash it down
Use in cooking or mix with oj.
>that tie
Bottom shelf brandy for a bottom shelf friend. That why she ditched those dinner plans with you.
can't complain if its free, OP
it's nice for makin a big pitcher of sangria or something
Why haven't you asked her out yet?
She's married, I'm with someone else?
E&J is a shit brand. Even their top of the line is unfit to drink on its own. But for brandy based mixed drinks it's fine.
#1 choice for drunks, beggars, niggers, and underaged teens.
You will stink like black man and welfare after 2 drinks. Brandy sucks to begin with. Cheap brandy is worse. And then under the shit that cheap brandy takes, you will find E&J and Paul Masson.
>Making 1-on-1 plans with a married woman
Got extremely drunk off last night and I've never felt like such garbage in my fucking life. People become alcoholics? i never want to touch that shit ever again, I keep dry heaving over and over. Can't even fucking drink water without throwing up. Anyone got good hangover cures?
I've been blackout drunk telling people I had just met how I wanted to kill myself and I still woke up after 6 hours of sleep and went to the gym. How do I get hungover? Does not getting hungover mean I can keep drinking after i'm blackout drunk?
vodka and sprite because im too depressed to mix anything proper
Your body gets used to the pain. In the exact same way fat people run once and then say HOW DO PEOPLE DO THIS AND ENJOY IT, after you've been hungover enough times you stop acknowledging it.
Also eggs, bacon, bread. Redbull helps too.
We're college students you goofball
She wants you to slam it and give her a deep Dickerson.
I have gone too far with my drinking over these last few days. I haven't had a single good night of sleep. My hair hurts. I am getting hot/cold flashes in the evening for no reason. Today is day 1. Day 2 is usually the hardest because I start to feel so good that I see no reason to not drink. Hopefully I can get a solid month under my belt of no booze.
>Going after an already-married college student
I wanna try absinthe but I don't wanna have to buy a fountain and all the other shit with it and find out I hate it.
Anyone have any suggestions on how to MacGyver it?
>I dont want to do it the right way. Is there an easy way that is improper?
Just to try it.
Obviously its improper.
My way of handling it: next time you drink, drink a glass of water for every glass of alcohol you drink. As you sober up, drink more water. Hydration really, really keeps the hangovers away.
Never had a hangover I couldn't just sleep off, and I've been very, very drunk before.
Cut some anti-freeze with water.
Just neck it from the bottle.
You need a glass, a fork (or a absinthe spoon. Sometime it's included in the box or something), a cube of sugar, and cold water.
You can skip the spoon part by just dropping the sugar cube at the bottom, adding as much water as you like, and mixing with a spoon like coffee.
At no point do you need a fountain, just use a bottle for your water and ice.
Doing shots of straight absinthe is pure suffering. The water and sugar are there for a reason. Do it correctly or not at all.
So /alcohol/,
I`ve been without a job since the beginning of this year and normally I would expect myself to use this opportunity to drink atleast every second day. But to my surprise I EVEN DRINK LESS then when I still had a job.
What sorcery is this?
Every one of my exgirlfriends said I`m a dangerous alcoholic... were they lying?
This is what r e a l n i g g a s drink
My workaround:
>Poke hole in bottom of plastic cup
>Fill plastic cup with ice water
>Put absinthe in glass
>Suspend plastic cup above glass using skewers, chopsticks, or something similar
>Wait for ice water to drip into glass
I don't use sugar, but as said, you could probably just add it to the bottom of the glass.
fuck. off. alcohol spammers.
no u
Who else is making their own booze?
I've got some blueberry cider almost ready to take out of primary, some pyment which is finishing fermentation and starting to clear up, and another two gallons of white wine clearing up and bulk aging.
I'm planning to start some mango cider soon.
Racked this blueberry wine from a secondary to allow it to clear for several more weeks. Have a pomegranite melomel I'll be bottling in a couple days. Recently bottled 16 litres of sake. I've really gotten into brewing sake lately. Interesting procedure.
Looks awesome. I've been meaning to make a melomel recently.