My my my, cucumber sandwiches are just simply divine, don't you agree darling?
My my my, cucumber sandwiches are just simply divine, don't you agree darling?
don't be like that
Y-yeah Mom.
>wasting nature's dildo on a sandwich
don't waste my time kid
I prefer pimento cheese sandwich for hors d'oeuvres.
Eat shit, Rarity, your bullshit sunk the boat.
I want to eat pinkie's pie.
>not making a delicious cucumber sandwich to replenish your vitamins and minerals after you've cum
The cucumber gave two gifts to humankind and you're a horrible person for squandering one of them.
Ejaculating mostly depletes zinc. Is there much in cucumber sandwiches?
Rarara, let my waifu rest. She's had a long day, she just wants to sleep.
Recycle the cum. It's basically savory icing and better for you than butter.
It's funny because it's a My Little Pony reference. Season 6 Episode 22, Pony Point of View.
You mean sad
it has DHT tho. Don't need any more of that.
Christ I thought they only made their stealth reference threads on /vp/, is nowhere safe?
Kill yourself, Barneyfag
Cream cheese on good bread with said ingredient, right?. Cuz' if so, it's pretty based.
I believe in recycling waste and so does OP!
I remember this post from last month.
no the bunyip did!