Maybe the real bullrun was the friends we made along the way
Maybe the real bullrun was the friends we made along the way
you know it wasnt
>being friends with moneylet teenagers
I can't be friends with poorfags.
I got called a nigger, nice friends who I have made
lol, what ever makes u feel better
i feel like shit
Yeah money is overrated...
I consider everyone that comes here to be my friend. We laugh together we cry together, we make ridiculous and outrageous statements at times but through in through I know I can count on you. Just wanted to say thanks biz, for everything and I want to give back in the form of an advice buy skycoin, and don't think twice.
friends? no one here cares if you die and will try their level best to scam you off your money
Beat me to it, I hate you all
the only people i recognize on Veeky Forums are shills but i feel at home here more than i do in most other places. what else am i supposed to do, go on reddit? life is too short
Dunno why, but I prefer to have people constantly berate and criticize me than just agree with everything I say. That's why I prefer 4chin over leddit
This. Can't trust a community that just fans each others' balls all day long. They're disingenuous. At least here people are honest.
I wouldn't normally put in my real name on here but maybe if I start others will. Hope to see you in other threads frens
What a lovely sentimemt
I would pay double what I lost if it meant I never had to meet you vicious, evil cunts.
Fuck. You. Faggot.
I hate all of you faggots. But I do like the bantz.
I kek'd
Good thread OP
I love biz're right
i own btc/eth but i pray for the crashes just to watch the rest of you faggots suffer
You make a good and valid point. Thanks fren
fuck you