I need help. How do I deal with the wash sale disallowed rule. My accountant wants me to add up 3 columns for 54 pages worth of trades for 2017. If I own none of it any longer and they were all short quick trades... How do I avoid tallying all this shit up.
I need help. How do I deal with the wash sale disallowed rule...
Why isn't your accountant doing this for you?
Lmao this cuck is paying taxes on less than 10k in gains
Because there are hundreds of them and said it wouldn't be worth paying him to do it.
Excel can do this for you. Jesus.
It's a PDF. I can't copy the numbers
Convert the pdf. Or just make up a number.
No, You;re a fucking retard and should be on oxygen as obviously none is getting to your fucking brain.
He lost 10k you FUCKING RETARD
About. Not a big deal. But I don't want to sit here and do these numbers. How do I save myself.
Talk to your accountant, should be going through all these numbers for you.
You bought and sold low, then re bought higher which increased your loss within 30 days. I.E. you were trading and not investing and so need to pay for it.
I don't understand why this is part of doing taxes. Was my first time trading like this. Why does it matter if I haven't held any of these in the past 5 months.
Of course you can. Just select the numbers you want, right click, choose "export selection as" and select "comma separated". Save as a CVS file, then open that in your spreadsheet program.
It's always amazing to me how little you guys know about simple tools like this. Software can do all the heavy lifting for you, if you do a little reading and watch a couple videos. You don't even need Office, LibreOffice or Open Office will do this, too. I take numbers out of my reports from Ameriprise like this all the time, and have built charts and graphs for work the same way - send me a pdf, I pull the numbers, save them comma-separated, and go to work. Once it's .cvs, you can do literally anything with it.
wash sales don't apply to property (cryptos) unless you are blatantly doing them to realize losses and minimize your tax exposure. you are just a bad trader.
I am a bad trader. Buy high sell low amirite.
no. what amazes me is how you cleared so much while still losing money. you should be making like 30-40k in profit if you are grossing around 100k in trades.
jesus christ
i would honestly be embarrassed going to an accountant if i had those numbers senpai
dat nigga is laughing at you all the way to the bank, quite literally
You are quite possibly one of the dumbest mofos I have ever seen on Veeky Forums
Thank you, will do.
I'll chalk it up to learning. To be fair. I lost like 75% in my first 6months and got a good portion of it back by the end.
I too will be embarrassed getting back more in a tax return than you made this year in Need bux.
>To be fair. I lost like 75% in my first 6months and got a good portion of it back by the end.
that's not so bad then, nice work
I hope you aren't dumb enough to think that you actually have to report crypto trades to the IRS...