I have no job, I am shit at school, and I look like pic related. How fucked am I?
I have no job, I am shit at school, and I look like pic related. How fucked am I?
Lose weight and consider getting into a trade
Is that actually (You)? If so, consider to kys. I feel like vomiting just from looking at that ugly goblin.
you look like new york and california buttfucked each other until god decided to curse them for their homosexual sins and impregnate them
This but unironically
Fuck you loser, at least he had the balls to post and be more honest that your pathetic troll ass. OP don’t listen to this little bitch. You’ll be ok my dude . Lift weights grow a beard and don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks , think you’re the shit and you will be . Attitude is everything, never think of say anything negative from this day forward. Always believe in yourself , good things will come .
Wrong website faggot.
LOL this dude just fucked up that other guy. TERMINATED .
ugly kike brainlet cuck nigger kys
You ok, just a little cuck looking. Lose weight, eat less sugar, excersize. Oh, and lose that retarded hair.
>samefagging so obviously
how can you manage to stay alive and wake up everyday with that face
FUCKING ROFL. neck off asap
Go back to your moms basement, it’s your bedtime . She won’t be home until later though because I’m fucking her rawdog . She left you some quarters to get some ramen tho
You have to be 18 to post here.
OP stares up in awe at Chad the Aryan Mensch.
it sounds like your self-defeating personality is ugly but I would totally date a chubby female version of you regardless.
What's going on in this thread
u will be miserable for the rest of ur life
Just kill yourself, you're literally la creaturo with slightly better hair white Americans don't need anymore of you shitskin goblins running around
The saddest part of this pic is that he dressed up a bit to get /biz approval how sad
this is the coolest I could make you. Just keep that style.
>falling for the b8
Mow lawns for rich white people in the suburbs. It's your destiny OP.
Get the kneepads ready
Serious advice tho, just hit the weights and get a decent haircut you'll be Chad in no time
Just become the next J.J Abrams