So, i was in Japan recently and i went to this really cozy bar ran by an eldery couple. They didn't speak english at all so i just asked for their recommended dish. Among what they served was pic related. Now, this is definetly heretical but i don't really like sushi. Of course, being in Japan and all i tried it and it was fucking delicious. So my question is, what kind of sushi is this Veeky Forums? I never ate anything like it before.
So, i was in Japan recently and i went to this really cozy bar ran by an eldery couple...
It's not sushi.
Alright well i'm stupid. What is it then? It was definetly raw fish.
Sushi's not raw fish. Sushi is vinegar + rice. Raw fish served like that is sashimi.
Well ok. What kind of sashimi is it? I've had sashimi before and it tastes nothing like this did.
Looks like buri (Japanese amberjack) sashimi to me.
Oh yeah, it does look like that. Man, it's real fucking good.
>They didn't speak english at all so i just asked for their recommended dish.
You're a weeb fantasist but I will tell you the fiah in your Google image is Amberjack.
california roll
Man just smile, point at the dish and say "osusume" in a confused voice, it works literally every fucking time. The owners of this place were especially nice, me and my friends even took a picture with them.
>point at the dish
I meant "point at the menu"
>not demanding they serve you chicken nuggets
>so i just asked for their recommended dish.
Never do this.
You're just asking to be ripped off of given something off the menu they want to get rid off.
>I asked user if I could try his sushi and he just handed me some rice
I thought Japs had honor?
He isn't wrong though.
He's wrong because no self-respecting Jap would do that. They really do take customer service seriously over there. If someone asks for a recommendation they really will suggest whatever they do best.
That's rather different than what someone would expect from some gangster-owned place in NYC.
Who told you that?
The mc chicken
I walked into a little place in Kyoto where they spoke almost no English. The woman just looked at me and asked, "shicken?". I said OK. I was served three courses of chicken and cabbage in various forms.
Why would she say "shicken"?
They pronounce it chicken as well
Youre talking shit. Fucking retard
>they spoke almost no English
No fucking shit, what the fuck were you expecting stupid cunt? Jesus christ you sound detestable ,Im glad that I will never have to meet you in person.
>eating shitkin
>Not demanding chicken nugger and sweer potato
>someone mentions japan
>a bunch of self-hating weebs come out of the woodwork to autistically shriek that they're totally not weebs
Why is Veeky Forums so intimidated by people with passports?
She said shicken. I didn't care. We just wanted a meal and had gotten loose from our Japanese handlers, so whatever we got was fine by us. We joked about it for weeks calling the place Iron Chef Chicken and Cabbage.
But it was perfectly fine, and not all that expensive.
The wind blows. It is 7 in the morning, Ken-sama woke up to the cold morning. He got up, and went to the bathroom to wash his face. Ken-sama live in a traditional Japanese house, he only rent a room though. The old couple is nice enough to let him stay in their house. Ken-sama grepped his kimono and wear it like a proper nihonjin, he walk to a window and smell the fresh nihonjin morning. “Ah, konbanwa anatas. What beautiful morning desu.” Ken-sama zoned out looking at the beach from his room. Ken-sama went downstairs to greet the old couple. “Ah, ohayou ojisan and obasan”. The old couple replied him with a warm smile and proceed with their breakfast while inviting Ken-sama. Although Ken-sama can not understand them, he easily could read what the old couple is trying to say, he is born with this talent. “Arigato.” Ken-sama said, he then went upstairs to take a few things. He took a bokken and a katana, the katana is hidden in his kimono and the bokken is on his obi, this is to avoid being arrested by authorities as he was warned last time. Ken-sama will be going on his usual morning walk to sightseeing the glorious nihonjin country. “Itadakimasu obasan and ojisan”, they gave him a mixed smile and a slightly confused expression.
Is Veeky Forums where you go when you grow out of /a/ and chronic masturbation?
But I'm still masturbating,
and now I live in Japan.
Sushi is rice + condiments. whatever those happen to be, could be fish, could be vegetables, could be fish roe, could be nori.
don't be a stupid user cunt
すし いえ 刺身
ハンバーガー やりまん
Pretty sure that hamachi. OP
>ordering karaage,
>at anywhere without a bar or a yattai
what the fuck are you doing?
In most cases that would be correct. In the USA, if you ask for a wine recommendation, or if a waiter goes out of their way to tell you about a wine, they're usually dumping inventory, at the least you're suspicious.
Japan, however, this is not the standard operating procedure. We're probably just jaded.
user please
Looks like fatty tuna
>Now, this is definetly heretical but i don't really like sushi. Of course, being in Japan and all i tried it and it was fucking delicious.
The sashimi and sushi that I ate while I was in Japan was so good that it totally spoiled me for American "sushi." Now that I'm back in America, if I ever go out to a sushi restaurant with somebody, I almost always only ever order off the other half of the menu. Point is, you're not likely to be able to recreate your experience outside of Japan, regardless of the type of fish. However, if you try various different kinds of fish, even at non-specialty restaurants that have sashimi on the menu in Japan, you're likely to have numerous good experiences.
>in your Google image
A reverse image search links to this thread.
>>You're just asking to be ripped off of given something off the menu they want to get rid off.
Doesn't usually work that way in Japan.
t. blind
>no self respecting Jap would do that
>to a guy that knows no japanese and therefore would fall on deaf ears
Yeah, I'm sure they're fucking slicing up their stomachs and pinkies over that one tourist that knew no japanese disliking a dish he has no idea about with no method of complaining and no potential as a frequent customer because of the 'sushi bushido' code of honor some retard on Veeky Forums made up.
Looks like the JUST FUC MY SHIT UP hair.
Japan is not as lawsuit-happy as America.
>the 'sushi bushido' code of honor some retard on Veeky Forums made up.
It's just called "sushido", you insufferable jackass.
post pic of your bento box
>calling out weebs on a weeb image board
Why is America so intimidated by civilized countries?
It's kingfish pic related
Kill yourself.
Ask for whale
It looks like yellowtail sashimi. It's currently in season.