Is this a meme store?

Is this a meme store?

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No, you're a faggot though, if that helps.

I'm hijacking your thread

Why don't we have a sticky?

Depends on how poor you are.
Yes, they overprice everything, but they're also selling you a service.
By pricing out poor people, they keep away undesirables.

We're not reddit.


>pricing out poor people

They take EBT / welfare / whatever they call it in your neck of the woods, like every other grocery store ever, so I don't know what you're on about you sperg

expensive with a great selection. Good, but very meme

No, that's Trader Joe's

this, same with publix

are you new?

poor people cant buy the same amount of shit at whole foods so they stay away

Depends on your situation. If you have a relatively high disposable income and care about whether the food you eat is organic then it's a normal place to shop, and you will be among many of your own kind there. If not it will be a strange and expensive experience.

It isn't a "meme" store because no one other than utterly despicable pretentious assholes have a fantastical devotion to it. is right, Trader Joe's is a meme store - it has an unwarrantedly devoted fanbase well in excess of the actual quality of the food.

Went there today just for burdock root and the fuckers stopped carrying it.

>no burdock at whole foods

If you have a whole foods, then you always have a large asian market. They always have burdock root there. Stop bitching and drive a couple miles, pissant.

If you think this is stupid it's just because you can't afford it and not for any other reason.

i shop there and i live in poverty on food stamps its not that expensive just buy the 365 brand its the whole foods brand

its cheap as balls idk wtf you guys talking about

also free samples everywhere

u guys are just cucks and dont understand what organic means

nah they genuinely have a more diverse selection. I don't do my weekly shopping there though

im honestly sick of all the whole foods hate

it actually has edible non gmo shit

and other generic non red pill stores you cant find the non processed big corporate big name crap dont have what whole foods has

and a bulk section

fuckin shit cucks fuck you faggots , coming from a poor person i wish i could shop there more but right now i just target the on sale and the store brand stuff and frozen stuff
so i can manage to shop there some

you fucking cuckstains

i really like whole foods

u shit stain cuckstains

nice reddit spacing faggot

did i mention you were a cuckstain if you hate whole foods?

i bet youre a "people of walmart" just walking around with his gmos in his shopping cart

>implying non gmo matters at all

Idiot detected.

sorry i dont want genes inserted into my corn in a laboratory

i think it tasted fine before 1992

Wow you called someone Reddit. You sure look like an oldfag now!
Fuck off

You do realize that humanity's been screwing with the genetics of plants for millennia through selective breeding, right?

You're not being a very effective troll.

yes and in 1992 they started taking them into the laboratory and injecting them with dna to produce pesticides that are still being produced when you eat them inside your gut

just like a lab rat eating ur gmo

good good

keep thinking its the same as plants having sex

> nothing wrong with GMO's

I don't support having my food supply controlled by one corporation. That's what I don't get. Theoretically you guys are against monolithic government control, but you bend over to corporations that will suck you dry. Monsanto was forced to pay 750 million USD for corrupting independent farmers produce to the point where they couldn't export it. Insidious is the best description of GMO.


I work at Whole Foods, and fun fact. All stores have this system in place called "it's on us" where the associate can give you an item for free to "try it" to help promote our product. The idea is that you try it, you like it, and you come back and purchase more (not that you're obligated to, but that's just the methodology.) Obviously this takes a little bit of work, but you can even get steak for free this way if you act flaky enough toward trying it.

I look forward to seeing some fellow cu/ck/s come into my store and act as autistic as possible around the lobster tails.

>tfw nearest Asian supermarket is a 40 min drive away while the Whole Foods is a 3 min walk

How feasible would it be to bribe employees half the cost of an item to get them to give it to me through that program?

good to know bro
i might try it one time

did i mention i really like your store?
could be cheaper but im not a faggot who says HURR WHOLE PAYCHECK instead i just buy what i can afford there and realize its still a good organic
solid place to go for quality things you cant get other places

thanks for the yous

We're not able to accept cash or anything from customers, but really all you have to say is "Well I really like the steak from [insert store/butcher here] better..." most of the time they will take the hint from there. My store is super lenient about it, there's no limit to the price of the product we can give for free. I give out free shit to customers that are nice to me just because it's such a fucking rarity with the cuntbreaths that walk through those doors.

im practically homeless and i go there and i eat free samples im eating cashews and popcorn and cool chips LOL shits so fun eating all the samples

and then one time i was looking at the orange juice machine and an employee randomly gave me 5$ gift card to get some fresh OJ

then i go on thursday and get a free meal i get all the samples on the sample thursday party night

shit is cash yo

I mean with the amount of waste we go through in the prepared foods area I am surprised we don't give away more for free. We dump easily over $200 worth of food any given night. Then management bitches that waste is too high.

Because nothing some autists can say will summarize cooking well enough. Too many people here want recipes not techniques, and techniques are difficult to summarize in a paragraph. Ive considered making one, but itd be a significant time sink which as a hobby cook idk if the time investment is worth it or that im competent enough, and no professional cooks here have time
Pic related ish

Why not just stock less if so much goes to waste anyway?

Because the bars have to be "full" at all times. Doesn't matter if it doesn't get eaten. And every three hours we have to throw out what's there and fill it with fresh shit. I get food safety standards, but yeah, it would make sense to just put out less, especially during a slow Monday afternoon.

>whole foods employees can't accept tips.

Yeah, I do a lot of special orders for bulk grains and drive a good ways to get there so I call before to make sure it's there. Well one time, they said it was there, but it wasn't. This no tooth old black employee, went around and filled a partial sack to 25lbs so I could have the discount. He obviously was a pitiable individual, so I tried to tip him $10.00 and he said, "nah, I can't take it."

That's kind of fucked up because a lot of those white millenial neckbeards would have just said it didn't come in, fuck off. He deserved something extra, whereas the average millenial neckbeard shitlicker deserves nothing.

This is the south though, and older blacks tend to be pretty conscientious.

Some people are just passionate about helping others. I am honestly a lot like that which I guess says a lot about my lack of advancement at any job in the service sector I have worked. I place the customer's happiness over promoting bullshit up-sales. Obviously if people are dicks to me I am inclined to help them less, but I'll be damned if just hearing "you're a lifesaver" really puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.


no you fucking reddit newcunt


>not shopping at aldi's for dry goods
>or a lot of other things even

I live in Atlanta and Whole Foods oes serve a genuine purpose for me. I would never buy the overpriced packaged foods there. However, the seafood, meat, and cheese there is probably 20% more than Publix/Krogers/WalMart but is much better quality.

The bread they bake there is also really overpriced (like $4 a loave) but is the only true preservative and bullshit-free bread I've found in the city except from inconvenient hipster bakeries/cafes

Crime syndicate.

^--- ban this guy

Going to whole foods is like buying apple products. Same shit, just 10x times the markup. Knock yourself out.

This thread has convinced me that I need to go to Whole Foods and get my groceries there this weekend. Thank you.

Bristol Farms is a meme. Whole Foods actually has a nice array of products available and bars with happy hour.

look who's going to get banned

It's a legitimate question.
LoDs of people on the IRC have been asking for this and those guys are the real heart of Veeky Forums. It's just going to need organisation, there's plenty of guides been written they just need collating into a single document.

you are right, I should have took out a huge loan and started bottling this shit before they got ahold of it.

yes, because we don't accept that sucking another faceless corporation's dick is an actual solution to the problem of food based monopolies, and that adding psuedoscientific garbage on top of that is an even worse idea.

I greatly prefer GMO products but some of their organic stuff is alright. I really like their unpasteurized with no preservatives juices. They also have those cute 1 gallon glass jugs. I found they do sell the empty ones but they're a whole dollar more than ones filled with apple juice though. I'm not sure how they justify that but I go with the juice filled jugs.

>circlejerk fags are what really matters to this board!
Fuck off, california

It's not Wholefoods, it just depends who your manager is. You've got to be an is it not to accept tips. Unless you're waving the money in the air and laughing who would even know? And even if someone did see I'm sure they would just tell you not to accept it again if it's not allowed.

We accept tips gleefully and metaforicaly high five each other when we discuss what we got. Customers hand out cash like it's nothing, a lot of my friends have got £50s. Really makes your day.

>greatly prefer GMO products

Now that's just dumb. I can see where someone might not give a shit that a single corporation is monopolozing various staple food items and hamstringing farmers, or the unknown potential damage to the environment or health, and therefore choose to buy them, that's your perogative. But to say you "prefer" them is inherently insane.

I don't care about the corporation, I just like the superior product. Anyone could GMO some shit if they had the money and equipment. The monsanto meme is as old as anomalous legion hurdurr bullshit. Monsanto may very well be the antichrist and worst thing since jews but so fucking what? They do some pretty cool shit with food aside from the ethical and moralfag concerns.

>Is this a meme store?

No, it's an increasingly irrelevant store. With even the major chain markets carrying organic veggies, meat, eggs, and dairy, as well as "health food" alternatives like soy milk and gluten free products, Whole Foods has lost its niche. All it has now is high prices.

Agree on increasing irrelevance. Also, a lot of decent regional/national competitors are cropping up, in addition to the competition from traditional grocers.


>i don't care about the corporation

ah, so you're just an idiot. carry on

>regional competitors

Especially local small farmers at farmers markets or cooperatives. They provide far superior products due to the short shelf life and transport at competitive prices. Also, since they're smaller scale than typical grocery suppliers, the organic farmers are generally more conscientious about using broad spectrum pyrethrin insecticides in only very limited circumstances. The smaller scale allows them to implement other nontoxic control methods more effectively.

>prices like these keep the brown people away

And you're complaining? Walking into a Whole Foods is like being inside of a Hitler-borne fantasy world.


it's fine for buying things that only you can find there. I would get maybe fresh mackerel there when not sold in me local grocer, but I wouln'd tbuy most produce, nuts, dairy, etc. there

what you going to do with it?


did Trader Joe's change their name?

Traders Joe's has something like a 40% bullshit to 60% decent stuff ratio. Whole Food is more like 90% bullshit.

Wrong. I work at a Whole Foods in a downtown part of North Carolina and there's tons of black people in there, even a good amount of homeless people. I started out working as the janitor, and I tell you what, there were two instances when I had to clean up liquid shit that was sprayed all over the wall/toilet by some subhuman scum.

Thank fuck I transferred to customer service. Still shit, but at least not literally shit.