What do you absolutely despise, and wont ever eat?

What do you absolutely despise, and wont ever eat?

I have never ate anything that I hate. As long as its something that real people eat, and is properly prepared, I will eat it, and so far I have found nothing that made me throw up, or never want to try again.

I dont understand how people dont like onions, or celery, or tomatoes. The fuck is wrong with you?

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I kinda hate lamb but I think it wasn't prepared well when I ate it. A food that I used to hate but now like is liver casserole.

not that anyone's ever offered me any but i can't imagine ever trying Balut.

sour cream and cream cheese.

Raw tomato
Cottage cheese
Sour cream mixed w/ fruit
Skim milk
Goat cheese

As a kid i used to love them. But since my teens, i haven't been able to stand them.
Sometimes even the smell is enough for me to want to throw up

Brussel sprouts

i hate mushrooms unless they're baked. the texture grosses me out otherwise
dumpling soup
pea soup

I like all food but here are a few food practices I despise
>not eating pizza crust or bread crust
>thick crust pizza
>not eating the ends of a loaf of bread
>popcorn seasoning
>bbq sauce on steak
>welldone steak
>mashed potatoes without skins
>ketchup on spaghetti or mac n cheese
>peeling bananas from the stem

>People pick tomatoes out of meals
>Eat pizza just fine

Raw seaweed
It's like eating sea water flavored bubblegum

I'm pretty open to most foods but for some reason scrapple freaks me out. I have relatives who love it and I just don't see the appeal.

>ketchup on spaghetti or mac n cheese

People do that???



I hate raw celery, its simply disgusting.
Fuck anyone who puts this in a salad

But, cocked it is one of my favourite things in the world, and if im seriously hungover a bloody mary with a big ol stick of celery in it saves my day.

water chestnuts. they are pointless. the texture is a distraction and completely ruins a dish for me.

How about in tuna/chicken salad?

Cucumber. Only thing I despise.

About the only thing I won't touch is Asparagus. I find its flavor to be truly revolting.

I will happily eat organ meats/offal, stinky cheese that smells like a dead man's feet, all manner of seafood, sushi, sashimi, raw beef (tartare), fish sauce, all kinds of strange fermented asian condiments, hot chilis...but not asparagus.

I still can't into seafood. Grew up in middle America with the access to seafood being shit from lakes and ponds. I think a big part of it is the odor and the flakey texture that bothers me

raw celery is gross
but cooked proper it's fine

not the biggest fan of pig ears
something about the chewiness puts me off

i have some weird ketchup trauma from childhood so even the scent makes me gag

Bubblegum-flavored anything is fucking gross.

Oddly, I don't hate actual gum whatsoever.

>What do you absolutely despise, and wont ever eat?
Most fast food and chain pizza. Any greasy shit that only tastes good for the first bite or two, then leaves me feeling sluggish and thirsty after eating is a no-go for me.

MUSHROOMS...get that slimy shit the fuck away from me

also raw seaweed & cauliflower

lots or russians do that for some reason.

I think ketchup on pasta is generally a poor person thing (a tablespoon of ketchup is cheaper than a can of tomatoes), or a relic from ancestral poorness that becomes ingrained as a childhood comfort food.

literally the only food i won't eat is raw bananas

fucking WRETCH

man, I came here thinking people would be talking about shit like harkal, or surstroming, or lutefisk. not fucking bananas. what is wrong with you all?

Onions and pickles.
I can deal with onion if they're cooked down to nothingness and mixed in something. Whole pieces can fuck off.
Pickles bring me to the brink of vomit immediately

Salmon. I love countless other types of fish, but the smell of salmon makes me want to wretch. I thought I could sneak it in by trying salmon jerky at a high end place, and that was pig disgusting also.

>ib4 people tell me I had shit salmon

Yeah, except no, I live in the pacific northwest where we have the finest in the country. Still fucking awful.

Caviar. It's absolutely disgusting, my family tries to get me to eat it every time I visit but it's just gross to me (and horrifically overpriced to boot).

Russian here, stewed tomatoes or pickled tomatoes (ketchup if you're a kid) in mac n cheese is amazing, highly recommend trying it.

cant stand that shit, its fucking disgusting

Melons. Watermelon, cantaloupe, any kind whatsoever disgusts me. Down to my core. The taste, the texture, the scent, everything to do with them I can't stomach at all.

this deus

As a kid I hated pretty much everything that wasn't junk/fast food. I started slowly getting over it as a teen, trying new things at restaurants.
It wasn't until I was an adult, living on my own and preparing my own food for the first time, that I finally realized my parents were/are terrible cooks. For example, I thought I hated vegetables, but it turns out I just hate disgusting over-cooked mush covered in salt/butter/oil/cheese/mayo/ranch.
I'll never forget the time I was visiting, and I had spent like an hour carefully preparing and chopping up these gorgeous fresh veggies that I had picked out myself from the market (because my parents had no idea how to do it). I pilled them all on this pan with holes that my dad was going to put on the grill. I didn't think anything about it when it took them out along with the meat (ribs I think), and I was waiting patiently and looking forward to it. I expected him to just put them on for a few minutes at the end and give them a few tosses until they were nicely seared and bright. When he finally brought everything back inside, it looked like he had put the veggies on at the same time as the meat and just left them there the whole fucking time. It was just a big wadded mess of burnt grey flavorless mush. And my whole stupid family just put a big hunk of butter on it, mixed it up, and kept complimenting me and my dad on the good job we did on them.
I felt like an alien visiting a family of cavemen.

There is pretty much nothing that I hate now, as long as its prepared properly.

Do you actually spell desu out?

I don't even really have a legit reason against it, but my mom always made it and forced me to eat it and it was soggy and gross and now I associate it poorly


There isn't anything normal that a wont eat if it's prepared in a meal with other stuff.

There are two things which I don't eat alone/ incorporated into a meal; olives and mushrooms.

Because Filipinos are disgusting.

Actual SEA food.

Those people need to learn how to cook. Why the fuck are you eating chicken feet and steamed duck embryos and bugs and shit? Fucking savages

Grew up friends with a Filipino family whose mom was an ace cook, best food I've ever had and she'd invite me over to eat like once a week. Then later met another Filipino family whose mother was not so ace, and realized I didn't love Filipino food, just that one lady's.

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I can handle the smell, but i can't for the life of me bite into one and not grimace

raw tomatoes are vile. but I'll eat them cooked in sauces, salsa, etc.



Tom Dwan?


Eggplant, tastes like a damp sink sponge.

For me it's mayonnaise.

I don't know what it is about it, but I get physically sick just being near it.

I can't look at it, I can't smell it, I can't touch it and I definitely can't eat it without emptying my stomach.

>he's never had sketti, ketchup and margarine

Cream cheese

Sea insects are fucking disgusting

i hate raw tomatoe by itself i dont like to eat it but if i get served a burger with one on it im not gonna take it off and complain

im the least picky person ever i ate funnel cake out of the trash at a fair one time but fuck any kind of smoked meat that shit is gross

Cool Whip

I'm not a fan of whipped cream in general, but cool whip will make me throw up every time, even if I don't know it is in there.

My wife thought got it was psychosomatic bullshit and has snuck it into things a couple times to test.... yep, barfed.

Not amusing.

sour cream in eggs is so good tho

cheese fully repulses me on all five senses.
its fine if you like it, but its the most disgusting stuff in the universe for me and has been since i was little.
my mom used to joke that i was chinese in a past life.

If I'm hungry, I'll eat anything

That sounds almost like an allergy desu.

>I dont understand how people dont like onions

I can't eat raw onions. For some reason they kick my gag reflex on the second they enter my mouth. No idea why it happens. I love the taste of onions. I love the smell of onions. I put cooked onions in everything I make. I could sit down with a bowl of fucking caramelized onions and just eat that shit with a spoon. But I bite into one goddamn raw onion and I literally have to fight to keep from puking.

It's fucking mystifying.

Olives, Avocados and artichoke.

yellow cheese
that shit ruins good food

Cheesecake too, what the fuck is wrong with people??

poor people

I just fucking can't eat something if I don't like the texture.
I think bananas taste okay, but I don't really like the texture of them.
I hate onions. Raw, they're okay. But cooked? That half-solid half melty kind of shit when it just feels slimey in your mouth? I fucking hate it more than anything.
I also cant stand mushrooms, for largely the same reason, although I also feel like mushrooms just taste kind of bad.
Greek yogurt tastes like vomit.
I'm okay-ish (still not a big fan) of raw tomatoes but diced tomatoes are disgusting to me, again largely due to texture

I despite leek. It awful. I like vegetables but that shit is nasty

>not eating pizzacrust
>not eating ends of a loaf
>welldone steak
but who the fuck even eats spaghett&ketchup?
why not go for bolognese or something ?
mashed potatoes without skins is the only way to go when mashing potatoes

A lot of mushroom hate ITT. For me its unflavored cucumbers (texture/water makes me gag, but its fine even in salads) and anything too fatty and chewy in texture.. tripe comes to mind, and the skin/fat that covers pork cutlets, and the huge chunks of fat in my steak


I ate it raw on accident. I mean, it didn't accidentally hope in my mouth, but I didn't realize you were suppose to poach the egg first. I saw the heart beat through the membrane. 10/10 would not eat again.

literal manchildren itt

It looks strange, but just tastes like super-egg.

"I have never ate anything that I hate." How can you hate if you haven't taste or eaten at least once?

definitely cucumber

grapes and peas

Both have just ingrained themselves in my brain as instantly gag-inducing. the grapes due to the consistency and peas due to the smell. I think i might get over both eventually, but for now i still avoid them.

wait so you cook a stick of celery to put in your bloody Mary?

I refuse to eat cheese that isn't on pizza, and even then xtra cheese pizza makes me want to vomit

I think his point was poorly worded. It should read more like:

"I have never hated any of the foods which I tried"

Cherry tomatoes.

>popcorn seasoning
What are you trying to imply, i use salt butter and ground black pepper

Try a dash of mustard you pleb
>image related

>i like putting fat on fatty things

Raw tomato

Raw Tomato Slices

I'm with you OP, picky eaters need to be genocided.

some picky fags in here. failed parenting is what it comes down to

mushroom and olives

Im the type of dude who'll try anything once as long as I can be relatively certain that it won't fuck me up. I've eaten bugs and intestines and they weren't bad.

But fuck green olives. Fuck them right in their stupid olive asses. For whatever reason I can't make myself even tolerate them.

It smells disgusting to me every time someone near me slices one open and goes to town on it. I really don't understand how people can get past that smell.

I know what you mean, I work in a pub that serves salad as a side to many dishes.

The amount of times I collect someone's finished plate and it has a neat pile of red onion or cherry tomatoes is ridiculous. I just feel embarrassed for these people, they are well and truly into adulthood (30-50) yet they still eat like fucking children.

omg. scrapple is the fucking worst. my family in georgia loves it like its the second god damn coming of christ. tastes like ass crack dot com

It's pasta for me. The texture gets to me and makes me want to vomit. Where I picked this weird turn off from? Don't know


who the shit doesn't eat olives or mushrooms?

Cottage cheese.


Friend only eats mac n cheese with tuna, nothing else, I feel like he should die soon.

For me it's:

That's bout all for me.